ALL European Royal Families have khazarian origin. THE HIDDEN STORY OF THE REPTILIANS IN HUMAN FORM

One thought on “ALL European Royal Families have khazarian origin. THE HIDDEN STORY OF THE REPTILIANS IN HUMAN FORM”

  1. FROM Mongolia. CCCP.CCP. imf, cfr, fedgov fedirs fedres fedcentral bank, eU, usINC, satanic ILLUMINATI, ROTSchilds, Kerry Romney Bushs Clintons Soros, The ashkeNAZI Khazarian Cabal.
    740 AD RUSS ordered them to be come GEWS, fake JEWS.
    Killed the real jews in Israel, Impersonating GODS chosen. On GODS chosen Land. Via GENOCIDE.
    WW2 known as IG FARBEN PharmaCeutical of Holocaust Auschwitz.
    built all Hitlers death and concentration camps and Gas Chambers.
    1776 known as the RED COATS, satanic ILLUMINATI RED COATS,
    Then ACT of 1871. usINC. The other AMERICA INC.
    America of 1776.


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