Tag Archives: Heart Health

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | As Promised Now I Am Delivering: The Healing Computer | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

While pondering things recently I realized most everything is coming into place. There remained my promise to you, my friends, to further enquire about the healing box and to help everyone who requested my assistance. I did not want to let you down.

Despite the possibility of pain in my ear being triggered, I decided to fly to meet with my friends who have developed more advanced healing technologies than the one I referred to in a post recently. Amazingly, I received more than 500 emails about the small box that I held in my hand during a video in a recent post. My friends told me that small box is now passe (old), and the new technologies are 50-100 times better!

Their diligent research and professional expertise regarding healing frequencies were astonishing for me to experience first-hand when it was applied to my own chronic ailments.

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | As Promised Now I Am Delivering: The Healing Computer | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

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