Category Archives: Brussels

Clinton’s Pay-to-Play Is The Natural Consequence Of Big Government | Zero Hedge


Tyler Durden's picture

Hillary Clinton has been taking heat for her relationship with the Clinton Foundation. Did individuals and firms making large donations to the Foundation, or paying large speaking or consulting fees to Bill Clinton, get preferred access to Ms. Clinton as Secretary of State? Is there a revolving door between the Clinton campaign and the Foundation’s fundraising staff? Are these relationships the subject of the emails she deleted from her private server?

These questions point to a more basic issue about the role of money in politics.What, exactly, do large corporations get in exchange for their payments to candidates and current and former government officials? Ms. Clinton gave 92 speeches between 2013 and 2015 that netted her $21.6 million, including $1.8 million for just 8 speeches to large banks. (CNN provides eye-opening details about her speaking requirements — the $225,000 fee is just the tip of the iceberg.) Ms. Clinton is hardly known for her business acumen; her infamous cattle-futures trades are widely recognized as a political payoff, and her views on corporate governancehave been ridiculed by experts. Her opinions on world politics are already in the public domain, so I doubt Goldman Sachs was getting $200K worth of unique insight into global affairs. Bill Clinton, with zero experience in higher-education administration, bagged $17 million to be honorary chancellor of an obscure for-profit university.Why are these companies throwing their money away?

Continue reading Clinton’s Pay-to-Play Is The Natural Consequence Of Big Government | Zero Hedge

Some State Actors behind the Munich Shooting | Veterans Today

By GPD on July 23, 2016 By Sajjad Shaukat

 The lone gunman killed 10 people and wounded more than 20 in Munich after the deadly shooting in Olympia shopping mall and outside a nearby McDonalds on Friday (July 22, 2016). Then, he killed himself.

There are conflicting reports came from the German media, authorities and police. Initial reports claimed that there were three gunmen who killed 15 people, “but officers have now said there was just one deranged terrorist responsible for the massacre…German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated the motives for this abhorrent act have not yet been completely, clarified we still have contradictory clues…police, citing eyewitness accounts had initially said they were looking for up to three suspects in the shooting attack at the Munich Olympia Shopping Centre that sent shoppers fleeing in panic and shut traffic across the city.”

Continue reading Some State Actors behind the Munich Shooting | Veterans Today