What did you notice about how CNN “acted” tonight?

They actually cut off Fake Biden more than Trump.

Noe once did they “correct” or “fact check” Trump, as they always have in the past.

The questions were equally balanced between both “candidates”

Neither moderator demonstrated any bias towards Trump.

Ga back and watch past debates and how Trump was treated.

These facts alone should further confirm that what you watched was a staged event by a Military-controlled CNN Network.

I do believe that this was mostly a distraction to occupy our time while something else happens or future events are coordinated.

I also believe that this “debate” was designed to target the low-IQ voters, which unfortunately makes up a large percentage of the populace.

Low IQ voters know little about the topics, don’t know who is lying or not, but CAN tell when o e candidate is strong and steady and the other can’t formulate a sentence.

THIS will be the water cooler topic tomorrow for the low IQ voters. All they’ll remember is how Biden couldn’t talk.

By design.

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