Category Archives: Syrian YPG

Syrian War Report – July 26, 2016: Militants’ Defenses Collapse in Aleppo City | Veterans Today…from SouthFront

On July 25, the Syrian army successfully advanced in the Layramoun industrial area of Aleppo city, liberating over dozen buildings there. After liberation of the brick factory, sugar factory, Sabbagh factories, Bana factory, Shabareq factory and “Marketna Mall” area, the Syrian army reached Al Barrad crossroad. Heavy clashes were reported there. If Al Barrad crossroad is secured by pro-government forces, the logistical capabilities of militant groups operating in Aleppo will deteriorate significantly.

Early on July 26, the Syrian army further advanced south from the Mallah Farms, securing Castello Complex and expanding the zone of control along the strategic Castello Highway.

Continue reading Syrian War Report – July 26, 2016: Militants’ Defenses Collapse in Aleppo City | Veterans Today

Turkish government announced cooperation with ISIS in Parliament | Veterans Today

Following Istanbul Ataturk airport terrorist suicide-bombing on Sunday that killed more than 200 people, Turkish and foreign nationals, Kalcidar Oglu within the parliamentary session said that ” Erdogan and AKP government are responsible for problems and killings taking place in Turkey”.  In his various questions, head of GHP party exposed Turkish-ISIS joint cooperation and based on irrational and insane statements of Erdogan cooperating with terrorist groups such as ISIS and Nusra Front.

– Mr. Erdogan ! Can any country shun describing ISIS as a terrorist group after their occupation of the Turkish Embassy in Mosul ?

Continue reading Turkish government announced cooperation with ISIS in Parliament | Veterans Today