FBI Agents Are Coming Forward To Expose “Dirty” Truth About Comey’s Career

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FBI Agents Are Coming Forward To Expose “Dirty” Truth About Comey’s Career

This week’s Comey testimony caused many Democrats and liberals to twinge with panic. Even worse, Comey himself is being exposed as someone who cares more about his Democrat masters than justice.

According to Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch, retired and active members of the FBI have told him in private that James Comey was a “dirty cop”. While speaking to Lou Dobbs on his Fox News program, Farrell also criticized Comey for breaking his oath of office by leaking material from the now-infamous “memo,” via Gateway Pundit.

Other unnamed FBI agents are reportedly willing to testify that Comey personally obstructed the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

When Comey first announced that the FBI would not pursue charges against Clinton, word began to spread of a possible revolt among the FBI rank and file, via Daily Caller.

Now, with Comey’s own testimony exposing him as a backhanded leaker of government information, more FBI agents might come forward to expose Comey’s dirty tactics.

According to Roger Stone, a longtime Washington insider, Comey has a history of working on behalf of the Clinton crime family. Specifically, Comey helped the Clintons cover-up the crimes of Sandy Berger, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor.
Specifically, Comey was the prosecutor who refused to charge Berger with any crimes — even after he stole classified documents from the National Archives in 2003, via YouTube.

Many believe that the bulk of the documents Berger stole relate to the theory that Bill Clinton could have killed Osama bin Laden before the Sept. 11 attacks, via Washington Post.

Given the past, is it any wonder that Comey refused to prosecute Hillary Clinton in October 2016?

Even Comey admitted that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch pressured him to refer to the Clinton investigation in non-criminal terms. She allegedly did so with the intent of helping Clinton avoid appearing as if she were under investigation.

Both Comey and Lynch should face further questioning for their role in obstructing a criminal investigation.

Comey’s own words provided all the proof the American public needed that President Trump was right to fire him. His selfish actions, and his deep ties to the Clinton mafia, completely undermined the FBI’s position as a (supposedly) independent arm of the American justice system.

Obama Missing After It’s Found Out Who Deranged D C Driver Is Connected To In Yesterday’s Attack

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Obama Missing After It’s Found Out Who Deranged D.C. Driver Is Connected To In Yesterday’s Attack

Anyone else wondering why the narcissist, former President Barack Hussein Obama, has been oddly quiet for the last week or so? We think we may finally have the answer.

Two D.C. police officers on bicycles and a D.C. Department of Transportation employee were seriously hurt after a man in a pickup truck rammed into them and then hit a dump truck Thursday night in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of DC. Two Virginia men, Brandon Figures-Mormon, 22, of Disputanta, Virginia, and Dwayne Nicholas Taylor, 23, of Prince George, Virginia, were arrested for this heinous act. Figures-Mormon has also been charged with assault with intent to kill a police officer and possession of an unregistered firearm.
You might be asking what this has to do with Hussein Obama.

A Facebook profile review of Brandon Figures-Mormon shows the 22-year-old Marine vet who rammed the police officers, constantly bashed President Donald Trump. He supported Obama viciously and the Obama endorsed Black Lives Matter terrorist organization. To make matters even worse for Figures-Mormon it also shows he celebrated the mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh which the US deported in 1985 after Rajneesh’s Oregon cult the Rajneeshees committed the largest bioterror attack in this nation’s history. This is what Obama’s Shadow Government is giving us.
You might be asking what this has to do with Hussein Obama.

A Facebook profile review of Brandon Figures-Mormon shows the 22-year-old Marine vet who rammed the police officers, constantly bashed President Donald Trump. He supported Obama viciously and the Obama endorsed Black Lives Matter terrorist organization. To make matters even worse for Figures-Mormon it also shows he celebrated the mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh which the US deported in 1985 after Rajneesh’s Oregon cult the Rajneeshees committed the largest bioterror attack in this nation’s history. This is what Obama’s Shadow Government is giving us.
Yes, folks, this is what 8 years of President Barack Hussein Obama has given us. A nation where all we stand for is negotiable. A nation where an ex-military man does something like this to police officers. When did we ever see these things happening before Barry Soetoro came into power? Never, because we have always been a nation of law and order. If a terrorist group such as “Black Lives Matter” would have popped up under any other president it would have been quickly squashed. It would have never been told it was “understood,” such as Obama did during the Fergusson riots when people took it upon themselves to loot businesses because a police officer killed a thug.

Look Who Just Went Live On CNN To DEBUNK Global Warming Once and For All

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Look Who Just Went Live On CNN To DEBUNK Global Warming Once and For All

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So-called “climate change” is one of the biggest scams ever to take hold of the public. Even though there’s no conclusive evidence for it, this theory continues to be shoved down our throats.

Thankfully, there are still professionals, like Weather Channel founder John Coleman, exposing the climate change hoax for what it is. On a recent TV appearance, Coleman destroyed CNN’s Brian Stelter, laying bare the politically-motivated nature of global warming.
John Coleman was on fire during his appearance! First, he attacks the oft-repeated leftist claim that there is a “consensus” on the reality of climate change. As Coleman says, there is no consensus in science. Science “isn’t a vote.”

BOOM! That’s one truth liberals try to sweep under the carpet. REAL science is about testing hypothesis, making observations, and collecting data. But liberals have politicized the scientific community, much to its detriment.
Democrats think they can make something true just by getting a bunch of activist scientists together and voting a “consensus,” even when the data doesn’t support their claims. That’s pseudo-science, not REAL science!

After making this point, CNN’s Brian Stelter tried to skirt away from the issue saying, “I don’t think we’re gonna have a conclusion about the topic right here.” Coleman’s reply: “I know we’re not because you wouldn’t allow it to happen on CNN.”

Stelter tried to strike back at the Weather Channel founder, asking how he reconciles his skepticism of climate change to the claim that 97% of climate scientists and government-sponsored organizations agree on the validity of man-made global warming.

This is where Coleman really lets Stelter have it. He responded by explaining that the government gives out billions of dollars a year for climate change research. Only the scientists who go along with global warming get a piece of the pie.

Thus, these climate organizations get filled with loony-toon believers in global warming; or scientists who secretly don’t agree but have to fake it to qualify for the funding. Anyone who doesn’t sing the praises of the climate change religion is ostracized, losing their career and hope for funding. It’s the complete opposite of how the scientific community should be.

Democrats are subverting science with their global warming myth. They’re making it harder for real science to progress, as well as wasting money on phony research when they could be funding something more useful — or simply letting taxpayers keep their hard-earned cash. But that would be too much to ask of leftists, wouldn’t it?

The reason liberals love climate change so much is that it supports their desire for big government. They scare the masses into believing in an impending doom, then tell them the only way to stop it is with a global “carbon tax” program.

Climate change also helps Democrats engage in crony capitalism, as they get to funnel public money into their pet “green” projects. The owners of these green technologies then pay the politicians back with handsome “speaking fees,” political donations, and other “gifts”.

Let’s show some support for real Americans like John Coleman for standing up to the corruption. Get the truth out there and help take our country back from the corrupt globalists!

BREAKING: Students Confess To “Hacking” Election In State Hillary Narrowly Won

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BREAKING: Students Confess To “Hacking” Election In State Hillary Narrowly Won

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In the Democrat media, “hacking” is synonymous with “shadowy Russian agents who only target good liberals, like Hillary Clinton.” The truth is that many hackers are pro-Democrat criminals.

Recently, Andrew Spieles, a student at Virginia’s James Madison University, admitted to submitting a grand total of eighteen fake voter registration forms. Spieles has been associated with Harrisonburg VOTES, a Democrat organization. Hillary Clinton won Virginia by 49.8-percent, via Polizette.
Spieles was caught after the assistant registrar in Harrisonburg, Virginia recognized one of the fraudulent voter registration forms.

Apparently, one of the names on the fake forms belonged to a dead Rockingham County judge.
So far, Spieles has confessed to knowingly perpetrating voter fraud. He will face the music on June 20th, via WHSV.

While Spieles’ case sheds light on the fact that voter fraud is much easier to commit than most think, it also highlights Virginia’s problem with Democrat machinations.

A study of voter rolls in the Old Dominion State found that 5,556 “non-citizens” were registered to vote in 133 jurisdictions. Between 2011 and 2017, 1,852 of these “non-citizens” actually cast ballots, via Washington Free Beacon.

Unsurprisingly, Virginia has increasingly become a Democrat stronghold.

This move from red to blue is based on the growth of the Washington, D.C., suburbs, which are home to an ethnically diverse population of white-collar progressives.

Also, it should be noted that Governor Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton crony, gave voting rights to over 13,000 felons. A majority of these felons are either black, or Hispanic, and are likely to be strong supporters of the Democrats, via New York Times.

From outright voter fraud to political moves designed to increase the number of Democrats in America, the Left in this country is consumed with hacking and slashing at all civil bulwarks against corruption.

When Donald Trump mentioned the explosion of illegal votes cast during the 2016 election, the media mostly laughed at him.

Now, some in the mainstream media are suggesting that it’s probable millions of illegal aliens did cast ballots last year, via Investors Business Daily.

It’s high time that President Trump establishes a task force to investigate, disrupt, and dismantle illegal immigration, and the voter fraud that results from it.

We should also clamp down on all attempts to give convicts the right to vote. Criminals lost their right to vote the moment they broke one of our laws.

JUST IN: Now We Know Who The NSA Leaker Was Working For… THIS IS TREASON

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JUST IN: Now We Know Who The NSA Leaker Was Working For… THIS IS TREASON

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It’s unbelievable how much nonsense President Trump has had to deal with since taking office. The swamp is deep!

Reality Winner is the latest thorn in Trump’s side. According to Fox News, Winner, a former government contractor, was arrested for leaking NSA information to online publications. Winner wrote that if she had her way, she would burn down the White House, go to Afghanistan, and pledge allegiance to the Taliban. DISGUSTING.
The whole case surrounding this woman is disturbing, to say the least. There are phone calls between Winner and her mother wherein Winner coaches her mother on interacting with the media. Her mom got on camera and followed her daughter’s orders. What’s going on here?

If you listen to the way Winner’s defense attorney speaks about her, it causes some serious alarm. Attorney Titus Nichols made it sound like his client was being punished for being a rambunctious millennial who “doesn’t know any better.”
Titus said that, “Because my client is a millennial and she knows how to use technology, that’s somehow proof of evil intent.” Titus is missing the point here.

Winner isn’t going to be allowed out of jail until her trial — she released TOP SECRET information to an unnamed media outlet. In and of itself, that is a felony, and a reason for us to be alarmed.

When you take into consideration Reality’s talks about burning down the White House and “joining the Taliban,” you REALLY have to worry. We’re in the midst of dealing with some of the most violent extremists the world has ever seen, and we’re supposed to let this go because of her age? NO.

Law enforcement needs to conduct a full investigation — there’s no reason she should ever be allowed to walk free. Winner’s parents are willing to put their 20-acre chunk of property, and house, on the market to bail her out.

As a country, we NEED to take people who behave like this seriously. This is the equivalent of catching a terrorist with bombs on his chest and, instead of punishing him, proclaiming: “He should be let free! He didn’t actually DO anything!” No — but he would have, given the chance. We can’t figure out what part of this isn’t clear.

We’re alarmed by the fact Winner was leaking information — not because she was worried about the state of her country, but because of the political favor she stood to gain. As Tucker Carlson pointed out, there’s a huge difference between whistleblowing to defend your country, and leaking info because to derail the new president.

Justice will be served to Reality Winner, and all of those involved with leaking documents from the government in the effort to sabotage the president. We’re not going to sit by and watch this happen any longer.

How long do you think Reality Winner should do in prison for her crimes? Share this story on Facebook and let us know because we want to hear YOUR voice!

Trump Issues JAW DROPPING Russia Announcement Media Can’t Believe Their Ears

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Trump Issues JAW-DROPPING Russia Announcement. Media Can’t Believe Their Ears

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The mainstream media’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is nothing but a witch hunt.

President Trump baffled the mainstream media yesterday when he volunteered to testify under oath that he did not ask former FBI Director James Comey to stop investigating General Michael Flynn. He’s not worried, and he has nothing to hide. (via Fox News)
President Trump made the announcement during a bilateral press conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis. It was his first public appearance since former FBI Director James Comey’s explosive testimony on Thursday.

James Comey was fired by President Trump in May for his inappropriate conduct during the 2016 presidential election. Comey ignored protocol to wade into the political fray, and took sides during the election.

Both Democrats and Republicans expressed disapproval of Comey’s actions. The former FBI director attempted to hedge his bets and appease both parties. Ultimately, he upset both.

Shortly after being fired, Comey decided to jump back into the limelight. He was upset with President Trump’s public comments condemning his leadership, and so he leaked a memo to The New York Times.

James Comey asked a close friend to leak information about the memo. The Times reported on the memo without confirming its contents. Only Comey has seen the suggested document.

The memo alleged that President Trump asked Comey to ease up on the investigation into his former national security advisor, General Michael Flynn. Trump also allegedly asked him to pledge loyalty to the Trump administration. President Trump denied the allegations, and said he was willing to testify under oath.

The situation has devolved into a “he said, he said” argument between President Trump and James Comey — and Comey’s credibility is wearing thin. The former FBI director’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday tripped up Comey, and revealed that he lied under oath.

Thursday’s testimony also revealed that President Trump was never under FBI investigation for having ties to Russia, despite the widespread hysteria.

James Comey says he can prove his bold allegation at any time — yet he refuses to make the contents of the memo he already leaked available to the public. President Trump has nothing to hide, and James Comey is hiding everything. His game is up.

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Look Who Ivanka Met At The White House Today – Remember The Trump Grammy Dress?

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Look Who Ivanka Met At The White House Today – Remember The Trump Grammy Dress?

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Ivanka Trump had a special visitor at the White House this week. Joy Villa, who wore a pro-Trump dress to the Grammy Awards was warmly received.

The Sarah Palin blog reports:

Ivanka Trump Just Posed For A Photo With Joy Villa At The White House

Ivanka Trump posed with a special guest at the White House on Friday—conservative singer Joy Villa!
Villa made headlines after she wore a dress to the Grammy’s that had “TRUMP” emblazoned across the back.
Villa told Breitbart back in February that she wore the dress—which also said “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” down the front—that she wanted to challenge Hollywood’s “suppressive atmosphere.”

Saying you support Trump “should not be something that is almost illegal in this society,” Villa said. “And that’s what it felt like. It felt like a suppressive atmosphere,” she said, referring to Hollywood.
See the photo in the tweet below:
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IT’S A MIRACLE! Melania Needs Every Trump Supporter To Do This 1 Thing For Trump’s Birthday

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IT’S A MIRACLE! Melania Needs Every Trump Supporter To Do This 1 Thing For Trump’s Birthday

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First lady Melania Trump has reportedly invited her husband’s supporters to join in on signing a card for his 71st birthday on Wednesday.

The first lady recently sent out an email which stated, “I need your help to make it a birthday my husband will never forget.”

“Our celebrations always include family and close friends. You have certainly proven yourself to be a loyal friend of my husband through your support of his positive vision to Make America Great Again and your unwavering commitment to the Republican Party,” the first lady’s email added.

“Friend, Donald will be glad to hear from friends like you who have meant so much to his and our Party´s success.”

Former first lady Michelle Obama also used to ask supporters to help celebrate her husband Barack’s birthday.

But the first lady’s appeal came just as ousted FBI chief James Comey was accusing her husband’s administration of lies and defamation at a hearing into Russian interference in the US elections.

Could Be Prison Time For Trump Hating Rosie After Her SICK Islamic Terrorist Secret Gets Out

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Could Be Prison Time For Trump-Hating Rosie After Her SICK Islamic Terrorist Secret Gets Out

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Loudmouth liberal actress Rosie O’Donnell’s hate for our president is no secret as she spews her despise at every chance she gets. However, she’s now taken that hatred for him even further after her private tie to a terrorist just got out. Now, it’s time for this windbag traitor to serve prison time which would be the best thing for her and America.

It’s one thing to hate the Commander-in-Chief, trash his family, including his young son, and run her slanderous mouth about Trump anytime a camera is in her face, but it’s another to be encouraging terrorism for the cause. Perhaps Rosie is so entitled after living years in the limelight to think that she’s untouchable and can do whatever she wants. However, things could and should get really bad for her, very soon now she ran her mouth a little too much and let her secret slip.

It’s become more evident to liberals that their attempts to impeach our president aren’t going to work as Comey’s testimony only vindicated Trump and proves the FBI leader to be a liar. The left is becoming desperate and even more deranged as we’re seeing this week when the truth came out about White House leaker with a strange name, Reality Winner. Turns out, Winner is a big loser and was just denied bail when another unfortunate connection she has came out and Rosie was first in line “help.”
“Reality Winner was arrested last Saturday after she was identified as the illegal source of classified information given to the left-leaning investigative website The Intercept,” Washington Feed reported. “Immediately upon her arrest, hordes of liberals jumped up to offer their support. The 25-year-old blonde beauty from Texas was assumed to be a whistleblower and a hero.”

Rosie was one who spearheaded the support for this traitor after seeing an opportunity to stick it to her presidential nemesis but took it into a treasonous territory of her own. Winner’s bail was denied on the unfortunate discovery that she has ties to the Middle East and is known to have radical beliefs. Apparently, this, along with her leaking information against the President of the United States, makes her a “brave young patriot” in Rosie’s eyes, who also put her own money where her big mouth is – inadvertently supporting terrorism since Winner does.

Rosie immediately pledged $1,000 to the cause of freeing terrorist-tied winner and has been publicly encouraging others to as well through promoting a GoFundMe charity page for the NSA leaker.
Washington Feed has more:
“However, in their zeal to support anything that is anti-Trump, liberals such as O’Donnell ended up raising tens of thousands of dollars for a pro-Islamic terrorist.”

“There is a huge difference between being a patriotic whistleblower and a traitorous leaker. People like Dennis Montgomery and Edward Snowden are on one side and Reality Winner is on the other.”

“When Dennis Montgomery discovered that the FBI was illegally spying on Americans, he brought his concerns to his supervisors and eventually the U.S. court system. He is now suing James Comey for ignoring evidence of illegal spying and has been granted court protection.”

Winner doesn’t fall into the same category as these actual patriots, considering her motive and putting the country at risk, rather than trying to save citizens with her information leak. When the judge realized her ties making her motives for destruction evident, he rightfully denied her bail, since she’s no hero despite what equally corrupt people like Rosie claim.

Rosie and her deranged liberal army who thinks that they are making a stand and doing something great in supporting a traitor like Winner, makes them all enemies in the state. Investigators unearthed the leaker’s diary which held her darkest secrets and revealed her deep-seated hate for the United States. According to Business Insider, she expressed her plans to burn down the White House before fleeing to the Middle East to fight alongside Islamic State terrorists. This is who Rosie is raising money for and referring to as a “patriot” and “hero.”

Perhaps the best punishment for this traitor and her obnoxious celebrity supporter is to prove just how “heroic” they are and force them to go to the Middle East to fulfil that end of Winner’s plan. The next best thing is to incarcerate Rosie with Winner since they both seem to support the same destructive thing.

BREAKING: Top CNN Host FIRED for Slandering Trump

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BREAKING: Top CNN Host FIRED for Slandering Trump

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CNN fired host Reza Aslan on Friday afternoon days after he called President Donald Trump a “piece of sh*t” on Twitter.

“CNN has decided to not move forward with production on the acquired series ‘Believer with Reza Aslan,’” the network said in a statement, according to Daily Mail. “We wish Reza and his production team all the best.”

Aslan apologized last Sunday after he made the offensive comment to slam Trump over his reaction to the London Bridge terrorist attack.
“When in the first few minutes of the terror attack in London, the President of the United States tweeted about his travel ban, I lost my cool and responded to him in a derogatory fashion,” Aslan added in a lengthier statement. “That’s not like me. I should have used better language to express my shock and frustration at the president’s lack of decorum and sympathy for the victims of London. I apologize for my choice of words.”

For a purportedly scholar of religion, Aslan’s profanity-laced rant against President Trump shows how deeply unhinged liberals have become in their collective dogma.

SHARE this story if you think Aslan DESERVED to be fired!

BREAKING: Law Prof Makes Impeachment Announcement About President Trump, Please Pray!

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BREAKING: Law Prof Makes Impeachment Announcement About President Trump, Please Pray!

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A liberal law professor wrote a lengthy op-ed claiming President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord is a “crime against humanity” that is an “impeachable offense.”

“Trump’s withdrawal from the climate agreement constitutes an impeachable offense,” Marjorie Cohn, a professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, wrote in an oped for Truthout published Thursday.

Trump announced he would make good on his campaign pledge to withdraw from the Paris accord last week, a decision which Cohn argues violates the public trust and constitutes a high crime.

Democrats and environmentalists argued Trump’s decision to withdraw from Paris ceded U.S. leadership on global warming to China and other countries. Cohn went further, saying Trump violated the public trust by condemning them to apocalyptic warming.

“The voters trust the president to act in their best interests and protect them from harm,” she wrote. “By withdrawing from the climate agreement, Trump is violating the trust that ‘We the People’ have placed in him.

“If the climate continues to change at a rapid rate, society itself will be injured. As the glaciers melt and the oceans swell, the land will recede. Crops will die,” she wrote.

“Mosquitos will increasingly carry diseases. The Earth will be hit with massive floods, devastating heat waves and drought. Polar bears will become extinct. People will lose their lands, their homes and their lives. Indeed, life as we know it will come to an end,” Cohn wrote.

That’s not all, Cohn also argues Trump’s Paris decision constituted a “high crime,” which the U.S. constitution lays out as a standard for impeachment. Cohn also says the 22 Republican Senators who signed a letter to Trump urging a Paris withdrawal had “aided and abetted” his “crime against humanity.”
“By withdrawing from the climate agreement and refusing to shoulder the United States’ share of responsibility for slowing climate change, Trump has intentionally committed an inhumane act that will ultimately cause great suffering to the people of the world,” Cohn wrote.

Cohn said Trump’s Paris agreement withdrawal could be tried before the International Criminal Court for “destruction of the environment.” She cites a report from the non-profit group Center for Climate Crime Analysis that “[c]limate crimes are often intertwined with other serious international crimes.”

“As a result of this link, as well through their impact on climate change, climate crimes may represent a threat to international peace and security and potentially affect all of humankind and the very foundations of civilization,” Cohn quoted from the group’s report.

Republicans largely supported Trumps’ withdrawal from the Paris accord, which the Obama administration joined in 2016. So, it’s unlikely they would impeach Trump for exiting an international agreement they didn’t support.

Trump had stayed in the Paris accord and implemented all the policies necessary to meet the Obama administration’s goal, it would have made no measurable difference to future global warming.

The Obama administration’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025 was only estimated to avert 0.03 degrees Celsius of projected global warming by 2100.

And that’s assuming the climate models are right. Most climate models have warmed twice as fast as actual observed temperatures.

Pelosi Visibly Disoriented After Questioning Trump Mental Health

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Pelosi Visibly Disoriented After Questioning Trump Mental Health

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It often seems as though House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi could be losing her grasp of reality and exhibiting signs of senility. Statements from the 77-year-old California congresswoman Friday only fueled those suspicions.

Pelosi began her day on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” where she repeatedly called into question President Donald Trump’s mental health and well-being. Funnily enough, she proceeded to have her own share of verbal misuses and appeared rather disoriented. She also seemed confused during her weekly media address later that morning, where she (again) confused Trump with former President George W. Bush.

After the “Morning Joe” crew asked Pelosi if she had advice for Trump, she suggested he get more sleep, The Wrap reported. She then suggested Trump’s family should be concerned about his mental health and questioned his fitness to hold office, among other disjointed attacks.
You can watch the painfully annoying segment below, with Pelosi’s incoherent attacks and contradictory statements all delivered with a look of perpetual surprise.

However, for all of her stated concern about the mental health of the president — it seems she may need to look in the mirror.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that during her weekly address to the media, Pelosi twice accidentally named Bush as the subject of a snarky attack, and ultimately needed to be corrected by an aide who quietly dropped a note on her podium.

“First, he tries to charm you,” stated Pelosi, regarding Trump. “President Bush tries to charm you. If that doesn’t work, he tries to bully you. If that doesn’t work, he walks away.”

A reporter interrupted to try and correct Pelosi by saying “Trump” after she mentioned Bush, but the former Speaker seemingly didn’t notice, continuing to prattle on.

That was when an aide stepped up and placed a note on the podium before drifting back off to the side again, leaving Pelosi to read it and realize her mistake.

BREAKING: Levin Turns The Tables On Comey, Shreds Him In On-Air Rant

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BREAKING: Levin Turns The Tables On Comey, Shreds Him In On-Air Rant

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Former FBI Director James Comey has really revealed himself to be of despicable character. The man went on a personal vendetta against the president of the United States. Now it’s cost him his career — but he keeps trying to slander Trump.

Mark Levin, one of the most respected voices on the Right, had some grueling words for Comey. The Senators that quizzed Comey were clueless, but Levin made clear that Comey’s now infamous “notes” of his conversations with Trump DESERVE investigation and could prove illegal activity.

First, Levin questioned the supposed innocence of the notes. Comey brought up the note-taking to defame President Trump. He wanted us to think Trump was such a shady character that poor little Comey had to protect himself by detailing every word he had with the president.

Levin didn’t buy it. He asked if Comey kept notes of his conversations with Obama; with members of the previous administration; with any members of Congress? For Levin, Comey wasn’t keeping notes for his own memory’s sake. He was doing it to gather information to THREATEN President Trump and others.

This goes along with another line of questioning Levin had for Comey: why did you agree to a conversation and meeting with Trump that you say made you uneasy? Comey said he felt it improper to meet one-on-one with Trump. Then why did he go to those meetings?

Comey tried to pass himself off as a naive little boy being bullied by big, bad, Donald Trump. It’s ridiculous! Comey knew exactly what he was doing. He met with Trump gladly — because he wanted to gather material to use against the president.
For this reason, Levin had some more questions he wished the Senators had asked. Was Comey ever in communication with the Hillary Clinton campaign? If he was, that would be indicative of a conflict of interest. It would be a major piece of evidence that Comey is an agent of the Democrats; an agent tasked with discrediting Trump.

And then there’s the question of whether Comey is breaking the law with his note-taking. No one on Capitol Hill is asking this, but it’s the nature of Comey’s notes that’s the real scandal lying under the surface.

Levin asks, “Did you tamper with, alter or destroy any of your notes, Mr. Comey, at any time? With whom did you share these notes, if anybody, Mr. Comey? Where are the original copies of these notes, Mr. Comey? Are they in your possession or the FBI’s possession?

“You understand, Mr. Comey, that if they contain classified or investigative information, and you shared them with anybody, that’s a felony? You also understand that if there’s any evidence in your notes stating or implying obstruction of justice — and you failed to report that to the attorney general of the United States — that you’ve committed a felony, Mr. Comey?” (via Any Politics).

Levin goes on to question whether Comey has shared his notes with anybody or leaked them to the press. If he has, and they contained classified information, that would also be criminal. Comey is truly digging his own grave with his note-taking gambit!

It’s a shame Comey has betrayed his country to get cozy with the Democrats. We don’t yet know how he was bought and paid for, but the truth will be out soon. Then, it should be off to prison with this rat!

Gene Simmons Defies Hollywood To Take MAJOR Stand For Trump!

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Gene Simmons Defies Hollywood To Take MAJOR Stand For Trump!

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In the liberal world of Hollywood, it’s rare to find any entertainer that is brave enough to risk their career by defending President Trump in any way. KISS rocker legend, Gene Simmons spoke out to say that he is a proud Trump supporter and for those celebrities who continually attack the president using their public forum, Simmons tells them to stop their childish tantrums.

Fox Business reported that Simmons went on live television to tell Trump-hating celebrities that they should keep their mouths shut about politics.
“I think celebrities should basically shut their pie holes and do what they do best—act, sing, tap dance… all that kind of stuff,” Simmons said, adding that, “Trump is the president. You can like it, you cannot like it. He’s the new president, that’s the end of the story.”
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Tucker Carlson SCORCHES Comey In Powerful New Video It’s MEGA Viral

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Tucker Carlson SCORCHES Comey In Powerful New Video. It’s MEGA Viral

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Tucker Carlson is without a doubt one of the most honest, straight-shooting people on TV. Carlson’s opening on his show last night left Democrats trying to pick their jaw off the floor.

Carlson spoke at length about former FBI Director James Comey’s first day speaking to the Senate Intelligence Committee (via Fox News). At this point, Comey has been exposed as a tool used by the Democrats for personal gain. Why was the former FBI Director so willing to listen to Loretta Lynch but leaked information on Trump?
Tucker asked some fantastic questions and made points that caused every patriot to nod their head in agreement. Comey admitted during the hearing that he had written out a memo about a meeting that he had with President Trump, gave it to his friend, and told his friend to leak the memo to the press. On the same exact note, Loretta Lynch told Comey that he needs to downplay the Clinton scandal — to call it a “matter” instead of an “investigation,” and he complied.
Carlson asked why he would be SO upset by President Trump that he would leak a memo, but not say anything about Loretta Lynch until now. It sure seems to us like the Dems have him in their back pocket, otherwise, he would have released that information before it got to this point.

No one seems to be talking about the fact that Trump made an EXCELLENT decision by firing Comey, now that the dust is starting to settle. Certainly, he was taking favors from the Democrats, which is NOT acceptable for anyone at the FBI. He should not have been in that position at all.

Once again, President Trump was proven right and removed ANOTHER rat from the government. Comey had no interest in helping our country; he was just following the orders of his Democrat overlords.

If Trump hadn’t removed Comey from his office, it is hard to tell just how far this would have gone. Luckily, we do not have to worry about finding out because it is OVER.

Carlson brought another interesting point about the president to light. Comey ADMITTED that President Trump was never under any investigation regarding Russia or the election. In other words, all of the nonsense we have heard on the mainstream media networks over the past couple months is all propaganda and an attempt to discredit the president.

It has been a witch hunt the entire time. There was no investigation, and the case alleging a Trump-Russia “collusion” is looking more absurd every day. You would think that if there were ONE BIT of evidence Comey, would have announced it when he was asked whether or not an investigation was currently underway.

We cannot allow the media to keep lying to us like this — it is DISGUSTING. Luckily, there are people like Tucker Carlson out there who report the FACTS and nothing more. Our country deserves to hear the truth. THANK YOU, Tucker.

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CNN’s Anderson Cooper LOSES IT After Alan Dershowitz Issues Bulletproof Defense of Trump

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CNN’s Anderson Cooper LOSES IT After Alan Dershowitz Issues Bulletproof Defense of Trump

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Democratic Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz silenced CNN host Anderson Cooper yesterday by saying that James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee showed no evidence that Donald Trump obstructed justice.

The Daily Caller reported that Dershowitz explained that the constitution allows for the president to direct an intelligence agent to stop or start an investigation at any time. As proof of this, he cited the fact that Trump could have easily pardoned former national security advisor Michael Flynn and the entire investigation would have been over anyway.

“Trump could have told Comey, ‘You are commanded, you are directed, to drop the prosecution against Flynn.’ The president has the right to do that,” he explained. “Remember also what the president could’ve done. He could’ve said to Comey, ‘Stop this investigation, I am now pardoning Flynn. That’s what President Bush did.”
Dershowitz then cited the case of Caspar Weinberger, who was pardoned by George H.W. Bush before he could be tried in connection to the Iran-Contra scandal.
“You cannot have obstruction of justice when the President exercises his constitutional authority to pardon, his constitutional authority to fire the director of the FBI, his constitutional authority to tell the director of the FBI who to prosecute, who not to prosecute,” the law professor said.
“You don’t believe he was trying to influence of impede any possible or further investigation into Flynn?” Cooper asked.

“What I’m telling you is that even if he did want it to impede it, and even if he did impede it, that is his constitutional power. He has the right to say, ‘You will not investigate Flynn,’” Dershowitz concluded.



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We as a whole realized that President Trump settled on the correct decision in picking Nikki Haley as his Ambassador to the United Nations!

From the earliest starting point of her appointment, she has made it superbly clear to the U.N., as well as to the world, that the United States will at no time in the future endure their hostile to Israel inclination. In any case, now, she has given them the final ultimatum that should make them squirm.

On the off chance that the U.N. Human Rights Council proceeds with their outlandish predisposition against the country of Israel, at that point Nikki Haley has recommended that, with the president’s consent, the United States would soon be leaving and pulling back from this chamber. What a rude awakening for this liberal group!

From The Telegraph:

The Trump administration is considering withdrawing from the United Nations Human Rights Council over what the US ambassador described as its biased stance against Israel.

Campaign groups condemned the threat, saying America should get its own house in order before undermining the global effort to protect against human rights abuses.

But the council’s critical view of Israel has long been a source of contention in the US, Israel’s closest ally.

Nikki Haley, US permanent representative to the UN, on Tuesday told the 47-member forum it was undermining its own credibility by turning a blind eye to abuses committed by other countries.
The United States is looking carefully at this council and our participation in it. We see some areas for significant strengthening, “she said before the council at its Geneva headquarters.

She compared the case of Israel with that of Venezuela, where dozens of protesters have been killed during months of political turmoil yet which currently has a seat on the council.

“It’s hard to accept that this council has never considered a resolution on Venezuela and yet it adopted five biased resolutions, in March, against a single country, Israel,” she added. “It is essential that this council address its chronic anti-Israel bias if it is to have any credibility.”

What Ambassador Nikki Haley has said is the reality that this stuffy, no-great chamber expected to listen. In what capacity can this gathering call themselves the Human Rights Council in the event that they invest the greater part of their energy assaulting Israel and not denouncing different nations that are really harming their subjects. The lip service is psyche boggling.

Maybe if the United States really left this board, as well as the United Nations altogether, the loss of wage would be a sufficient hit to constrain an entire shutdown! We trust both President Trump and Nikki Haley to settle on the correct choice on if/when/how to pull back. Ideally within the near future!

What do you think about this? Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

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The story of previous FBI Director James Comey is a wound one. Is it safe to say that he was subtly utilizing FBI resources for bolster either of the two candidates for president? What did he think about the charged impedance by Russia in our decision? Why was he let go by President Trump? What revelations would we be able to hope to get notification from him?

As his testimony before the Senate has started, there is an expectation that we may find solutions to no less than a couple of those inquiries. This depends, obviously, on the Congresspersons asking the correct inquiries, and also Mr. Comey being blunt in his answers. We’ve absolutely observed a lot of the inverse when people, for example, Hillary Clinton seemed to give testimony.

A standout amongst the most vital inquiries that requests to be addressed are from where have the holes started. It turns out from his declaration that Comey, himself was the source. He is the person who gave the requests to discharge certain subtle elements to the press.

“Fired FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Intel Committee on Thursday that he asked a friend of his to leak to a memo he kept regarding his conversation with President Trump to the press.”

That and the data that takes after ought to give you a smart thought why he ought to have been rejected.

“Comey admitted this after Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), asked him why he kept the memos. She then asked if he ever shared any of them outside the DOJ.

“Of course this was leaked to the New York Times. They ran with the story that Trump was pushing Comey to drop the Flynn investigation.

“Daniel C. Richman confirmed to the Washington Examiner that he was Comey’s friend at Columbia. He has been referred to in the New York Times as a “longtime confidant and friend of Mr. Comey’s, “and his bio at Columbia’s website lists him as an” adviser to FBI Director James B. Comey. “
This entire investigation on which the Democrats have put so much expectation would genuinely harm President Trump may end up having the inverse impact as the fact of the matter is uncovered.

What the Democrats have implied for mischief might just vindicate the president and closed down the insane calls for prosecution by the similarly insane Congresspersons like Maxine Waters. That is whether she makes sense of what is happening.

What do you think about this? Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

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HUD Secretary Ben Carson is cautioning America what is in our future on the off chance that we proceed down the same ruinous way that such a large number of other past world realms like Spain, France, Great Britain, and Rome have taken after. He asked: “Are we going to face the same thing or are we going to be smart enough to learn from their examples?”

From The Washington Examiner:

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson said Thursday that the United States could face the same fate as ancient Egypt and Rome unless it finds a way to shrink the national debt.

“You go back to 17th century Spain, 18th century France, 19th century Great Britain, ancient Egypt, ancient Rome – every one of them knew that there was a problem, they did nothing about it and they collapsed,” Carson said. “Are we going to face the same thing or are we going to be smart enough to learn from their examples?”

Carson was asked by Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, during his testimony on the proposed HUD budget to talk about “the need for members of Congress to be honest with our constituents and tell them how urgent it is that we rescue Medicare and Social Security from insolvency.”

Carson responded by discussing the size the U.S. debt. “Twenty trillion dollars, the national debt, just back it back up to $ 18 trillion. If you tried to pay that off at a rate of 10 million dollars a day, 365 days a year, it would take over 5,000 years, “Carson said.

“This is what we are putting on the back of our citizens,” he said. “Every of those thousands of babies born today will come with a debt of $ 60,000 on their head. This does not go away, this is there. So we have to work within that reality. Almost every society had an opportunity to do this. “

The Treasury Department has warned that Congress will have to act before August to raise the debt ceiling, or the U.S. will not be able to borrow any more money. The national debt is just short of $ 20 trillion.

We would do well to regard Carson’s words and, most likely, President Trump is completely mindful of the risk of fall in the event that we don’t get our national obligation under control. That is the reason he is scaling back some government organizations and disposing of others. How about we simply trust he can complete before the Democrats do any more harm!

What do you think about this? Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading.

The Queen of England Is Still Inviting Trump

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The Queen of England Is Still Inviting Trump

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Shortly after he took office in January, President Donald Trump hosted U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, who offered an invitation in kind for Trump to visit Britain and meet with Queen Elizabeth sometime around October.

However, following a heated feud between Trump and London Mayor Sadiq Khan regarding recent terror attacks in London, some were calling on May to cancel the president’s visit with the queen. Unfortunately for these Trump-haters, the British government has reiterated the invitation to Trump, AFP reported.

Although May was slightly critical of the tweets Trump aimed at Khan for his response to the terror attacks, she nevertheless replied affirmatively when asked if the official state visit was still on.
The U.K. Guardian reported that Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, during an appearance on the BBC, addressed the push by Khan and others to rescind the invitation to Trump.

“The invitation has been issued and accepted and I see no reason to change that,” Johnson stated.

On Tuesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer was asked to weigh in on the back-and-forth in Britain regarding Trump’s upcoming visit and Khan’s demand that it be canceled, but he kept his answer short and sweet, Breitbart reported.
“(The president) appreciates Her Majesty’s gracious invitation,” Spicer said.

It is indisputable that the U.S. and U.K. have a close friendship supported by long-standing bonds, though some would argue the relationship has been weakened somewhat by the British left’s reaction to Trump’s election.

While Trump and Khan have been at odds since during the 2016 campaign, the feud was reignited following the London Bridge terror attack, which had Khan reassuring Londoners that there was “no reason to be alarmed” at the increased presence of armed police officers in the city streets.

Trump seized on that remark, criticizing Khan for allegedly attempting to downplay the seriousness and alarming prevalence of Islamist terror attacks throughout the U.K.
Regardless of Trump and Khan’s squabble, the Queen appears to be good and ready to welcome Trump to the British nation. If Trump’s past interactions with world leaders are any indication, the meeting should go very well indeed.

Like and share on Facebook and Twitter to let everyone know that Trump’s planned visit to meet Queen Elizabeth is still on.

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Evidence Suggests James Comey May Have Perjured Himself Over Trump Wiretap Claims

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Evidence Suggests James Comey May Have Perjured Himself Over Trump Wiretap Claims

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James Comey and Reality Winner Have This Sickening Connection Lock HIM UP

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James Comey and Reality Winner Have This Sickening Connection. Lock HIM UP.

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James Comey and Reality Winner are two of the biggest names in the media right now. Considering the circumstances surrounding both of them, it is no wonder!

According to FOX News, Comey, the former FBI Director, came forward and admitted that he was leaking classified memos to his friends. Reality Winner, an NSA Contractor, was leaking NSA documents — more than once. The two essentially committed the same exact crime!

The news about Comey came through yesterday when he testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey stated that he woke up in the middle of the night and felt the urge to share the memos. He then proceeded to contact his friend and gave him information to pass on to the mainstream media.

We are disgusted that Comey would put our national security at risk because he had a midnight urge to share classified information. The claim is that it was labeled “unclassified” by Comey. Realistically, if Trump cited his executive privilege, the information was meant to be classified REGARDLESS.

Reality Winner was caught stealing TOP SECRET information from the NSA while she was working as a contractor, per the New York Times. Winner admitted to stealing the documents and now is sitting in jail.

Why does Comey get to walk if Winner has to do time for her crime? It seems we have a distorted sense of justice at times. If Comey had been just “some guy,” he would have been put in jail IMMEDIATELY.

Instead, he is free to come and go as he pleases, just as long as he comes in and continues to talk to the Senate Intelligence Committee. We are witnessing favoritism at its finest.
Oddly enough, the media is not reporting on Comey needing to be arrested. The MSM is too busy cherry-picking and manipulating things that Comey said, spinning them, and parading them as truth. We have heard all types of crazy stories from the liberal MSM the past two days.

Many of the networks are saying that Trump pointed his finger at Comey and said that he asked him to do favors. We watched the tape, and if you watch it, you will see that this is not the case. We are in the midst of the next batch of lies coming out to keep you occupied from BIG stories; from REAL stories, like why Comey isn’t on his way to prison!

He can “explain” what happened ALL he wants, and to as many people as he wants. The simple fact of the matter is this. He broke the law, he KNOWS he broke the law, and he ADMITTED to breaking the law. So what is the problem? We have people like Winner who are going to do some hard time in jail due to leaking and then there is Comey who is likely going to walk away.

We need to let the media know that we SEE their cover-up in the works. It might work for other people, but it will never work for us.

BREAKING: Loretta Lynch Now In DEEP Trouble…

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BREAKING: Loretta Lynch Now In DEEP Trouble…

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What’s one thing a deep-state, anti-American official does not want happening to them?

Getting exposed in the public — and that’s what just happened to former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

On Friday, after former FBI Director James Comey revealed that Lynch pressured him to refer to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server as a mere “matter,” former President George W. Bush’s attorney general absolutely grilled her.

Former AG Michael Mukasey had harsh words for Lynch in an interview with Newsmax:
“What makes it egregious is the fact — and I think it’s obvious that it is a fact — that the attorney general of the United States was adjusting the way the department talked about its business so as to coincide with the way the Clinton campaign talked about that business.

“In other words, it made the Department of Justice essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign. That is a betrayal of the department and of its independence to illustrate that clearly that the attorney general was essentially in the tank for Secretary Clinton,” Mukasey said.

Liberal Hipster’s Trump Impeachment Party Comes To Abrupt End As It Devolves Into Crying Chaos

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Liberal Hipster’s Trump Impeachment Party Comes To Abrupt End As It Devolves Into Crying Chaos

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Liberals across America were abuzz with excitement in the hours leading up to James Comey’s testimony, so certain that the former FBI director would finally reveal the “Trump-Russia collusion” that would lead to President Trump’s impeachment. Baristas and bars across D.C. were packed with hipsters, who were eagerly sipping their lattes and early morning shots as they stared up at television screens, anxious to see what would become of Comey’s Senate Intelligence Committee’s hearing. But shortly into the hearing, what was being dubbed as the “Superbowl of politics” was quickly transformed into a funeral, as liberal snowflakes soon realized that their dreams of getting President Trump impeached was rapidly going down in flames, as no Trump-Russia collusion would ever be revealed.
We all remember scenes from election night when liberals across America began to realize that Hillary Clinton was going to lose to Trump. This would be the night they earned the nickname “snoflakes,” as hilarious images of liberals curled up and fetal positions and videos their hysterical crying fits went viral across the internet, as this was the first time this participation trophy had ever dealt with losing in their entire lives.
But unfortunately for these snowflakes, they were forced to live their election night trauma all over again yesterday, as their hopes to have President Trump impeached would be ripped to shreds shortly after Comey’s testimony began. Here they are in full celebration mode as the testimony kicked off, cheering and making their little hipster toasts:
But shortly into their little celebration, things began to rapidly deteriorate. The hearing revealed according to IJ Review that: #1 Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, under investigation by the FBI; #2 President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, told Comey not to call the probe into Hillary Clinton’s endless scandals an “investigation,” but rather a “matter”; and #3 Comey himself leaked his own “diary” memo about meetings with Trump, giving them to a friend to pass to the media.

Realization that Trump did absolutely nothing wrong soon put a turd in liberals’ early morning ales, and their smiles were quickly transformed into scowls. Check out this little snowflake hipster. He’s is just SO SAD!
WHAT?! No Trump-Russia collusion like CNN promised?! Oh the horror!
This devastated Trump hater couldn’t mask her bitter disappointment. Wonder if she took off from work today so she could cope with her dreams of a Trump impeachment being shot to hell?
Awww…look at all the melting snowflakes! They are just SO DEVASTATED!
Look at the bitter disappointment in those little snowflake eyes! Wonder how long after this picture was taken before he took to Twitter to post a status about his sad feelings?
People on social media immediately began to mock the snowflakes, with many memes and articles beginning to pop up overnight. “Like a baseball game when the visiting team jacks up an 8-run lead, we’re guessing the bars started to empty out early, even with much more to go in the Comey show,” a Daily Wire article read. “Our guess is that there were a lot of snowflakes balled up in the fetal position on their futons by noon.”

The liberal media continues to push this nonsense about a Trump-Russia collusion, even though they have zero evidence to support their claims. Just like during the election where liberals were constantly told by CNN and MSNBC that Hillary would win the election by a landslide, liberals have been promised the “smoking gun” that would come out of the Comey testimony which would finally end Trump’s presidency forever. Thanks to the lies that the liberal media continues to feed their snowflakes, bitter disappointment will continue to rage on throughout the Democratic Party, as the reality of Trump being in power for the next 4 years is now beginning to settle in.

Queen of England Goes Behind Muslim Mayor’s Back With Shocking Announcement He Didn’t See Coming

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Queen of England Goes Behind Muslim Mayor’s Back With Shocking Announcement He Didn’t See Coming

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Although the system of government in England is much different than ours here in the U.S., a gradual shift in power has made it a little more like America’s with a mayor making decisions, but the Queen of England is still very much in charge. The tradition of that royal structure is still very much important to the people and she just proved her power with what she did behind the Muslim mayor’s back who she’s recently been in disagreement with.

The Queen is certainly not happy with what she sees happening in her beloved city of London, which has recently become unrecognizable under the Muslim mayor’s leadership. Refugees from terrorist-tied countries seem to control what’s going on there and attack at will without being stopped by Mayor Sadiq Khan who would rather make excuses for their actions than ensuring the safety of the citizens.

“London’s mayor, Sadiq Kahn has come under scrutiny lately, not just because of his policies, but because of the possible conflict of interest that is his belief in the violent religion that is Islam,” Freedom Daily recently reported about the qualms people are having with Kahn. “Many have doubted that he’s qualified to lead a major city now that he’s not willing to take action against his Muslim brothers who are acting on their violent religion and harming the citizens of London. He’s also having problems with his feud with our President. The two have been in a bit of Twitter battle that has resulted in Kahn not wanting to have anything to do with the President’s visit, despite the Queen’s personal invitation.”
The Queen has quietly sat back and given Khan the chance to do his duty as a show of respect, but now she’s had enough and is showing that she’s the ruler over the entire country and he’s she the leader of London.

“Shortly after he took office in January, President Donald Trump hosted U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, who offered an invitation in kind for Trump to visit Britain and meet with Queen Elizabeth sometime around October,” Conservative Tribune reported. Since Khan thinks he calls the shots he thought that this invitation would be called off, considering the lack of love between him and America’s unapologetic president.

Khan couldn’t be more wrong and just got put firmly back in his place by the Queen who announced that despite how he feels about Trump, the President of the United States is still very much welcome in England, and will keep the previously set plans.
The Truth Division reports:

“Queen Elizabeth is not putting up with Sadiq Khan’s rhetoric — and the media isn’t saying a word about it.

While the far-left London mayor petitioned to have President Donald Trump’s UK visit cancelled, the Queen put his trivial outrage aside and invited the U.S. commander-in-chief anyway.”

With someone as assertive as Trump in the White House, he appreciates the Queen’s candor and also that she realizes her power as much as he does his own. He’s not taking any direction from London’s mayor when he doesn’t have to and as the royal heiness herself on his side.

Equally as blunt as the Queen and Trump is the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer who was asked for his opinion on the tit-for-tat spat between London’s mayor and the president. True to Spicer’s typical blunt style, he didn’t pull any punches.

According to Breitbart:

“Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked at the daily White House press briefing on Tuesday about London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s saying that President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK should be cancelled after the president criticized the mayor’s remarks about the terror threat there.

Khan said there was “no reason to be alarmed” by an increased police presence in London following yet another terror attack on Saturday on the London Bridge.

‘[The president] appreciates Her Majesty’s gracious invitation,’ Spicer responded, referring to the invitation extended to Trump by Queen Elizabeth.

Trump tweeted about the mayor’s seemingly incongruous remark about the police presence in London following the attack.

‘Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his ‘no reason to be alarmed’ statement,’ Trump tweeted on Monday. ‘MSM is working hard to sell it!’

While it shouldn’t be surprising that a city which has opened its doors to every terrorist who wishes to enter would put a Muslim in as the Mayor, it should also come as no coincidence that there have been more terrorist attacks there recently. The people of this once great city should be mad as hell that their mayor is still making excuses for these killers, and lying to the scared citizens by saying they shouldn’t be alarmed. How much more blood needs to spill into London’s streets before this agitator admits that this is a problem? Perhaps, he’s part of it.