The Insidious Thing Google Does to Alternative Media Sources! No, This Is No Joke

No doubt you’ve heard about YouTube’s advertiser exodus and the mass demonetization happening throughout the platform from content creators like Stefan Molyneux, Philip DeFranco, Pewdiepie, Paul Joseph Watson, h3h3productions…big channels small channels, news channels, gamer channels.  It seems like the problem is systemic.


And this is a serious problem. As much as they want us to believe it’s an advertising placement problem…its becoming clear that we have a censorship and favoritism problem.  As for favoritism, if you want to test this yourself, go to the bottom of your Youtube page, put your account in restricted mode…look at my channel, steven crowders channel or Paul Joseph Watson’s channel…then, in that same restricted mode take a look at The Young Turks channel, CNN or MSNBC. The former channels have very few of hundreds and hundreds of videos showing.  On the other hand, TYT have virtually every one of their videos listed as do CNN and MSNBC.  So, it appears they are censoring the channels they want to censor as they favor others.  Good job YouTube, way to follow your own guidelines.  And of course hollywood gets a pass even though virtually every one of their rated R movie trailers violates multiple community guideline rules.

For the complete story, watch and share this video.

Source: The Insidious Thing Google Does to Alternative Media Sources! No, This Is No Joke | Alternative

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