5G HAS BEEN MADE SAFE! It Will Now Feed 432Hz Healing Energy to our Cells!! aND mEDbEDS!


Imagine a world surrounded in 432hz. We would all vibrate with the healing energy directly to our cells. 432 Hz is able to filter and harmonise the 5G radiation coming out of the towers and make the energy beneficial to our cells!

The ventilators that Trump talks about manufacturing are actually the 432hz 5G boards that he is sending out to the world. We are seeing more and more of them being installed on the 5G towers here in Perth, Australia.

These harmonious sounds are starting to appear in the background around my house where the frequency patterns interact and become audible, instead of the high pitched ringing in the back of my ears.

This could be a physical component of the ascension process..


The flights coming into Melbourne are bringing the covfefe magnets for the 5G Tesla towers. Australia and New Zealand will be the first countries outside of America to implement them. Harmful 5G will be ended soon! intel from Charlie Freak.

USA has technologies like i have been saying that have been suppressed for years this includes Age Reversal technology. Think Med Beds. The older you are the more years are reduced. Up to 30 years. These People in the Federal Witness Protection Program have had access.I have been showing you this group with Nikola Tesla & Howard Hughes with the Time Machine. Jesse D Presley aka John G Trump. Patrick also told you and confirmed this.

in Perth WA


82 thoughts on “5G HAS BEEN MADE SAFE! It Will Now Feed 432Hz Healing Energy to our Cells!! aND mEDbEDS!”

  1. So about that medbeds can it fix genetic issues like marfan syndrome?
    And they be allowed to public use, i can get on some kind list even if am from poland to get healed?


  2. Well I live in Coffeyville Kansas and I am a T.I. (Targeted) I still have EMF MICRO WAVES hitting me hard but better then a year ago. Even at Church a place to come to GOD the FATHER through HIS SON and hit just as hard there and work as home also but my faith in JESUS keeps me,so I must say tell GOD is ready to stop this madness on HIS children and put the demons out for all to see I still thank HIM pray for me GOD bless, WWG1WGA!!!!!!!


    1. I’ve been under by deep state satilitite harrassment for years, ever since the Bush administration, Microvave zaps, my left inner ear has static noice & then there’s the mind reading. These fools have wasted a lot of time on me. Im one person.


      1. I too have been harassed 24×7
        I hope the 365 noise will stop

        I want to do the med bed

        How I would love to solve all my medical
        To be able to sleep without pain
        Dear God let it be so!!
        Too much time have I felt I’ve wasted feeling so inept through no fault of my own!
        Too many days spent wondering what will become of me
        I’ve been depended upon her nearly 20 yrs
        Too many months wondering what I’ll do if the crap that was in moderna hurt my only child at 43 yrs young?

        damned covid better end soon
        This page better be true cause I have been praying and waiting on Nesara Gesara and DJT years


  3. God said its once appointed a man / woman to die, then the judgement. HEBREWS 9:27 Keep your HEART fixed on Jesus Christ!


  4. I am wondering just how accurate this safe 5-G is. In an area near Taree NSW here in Australia there is a 5-G tower about 6 or 7 Klms South East from the city. If one ventures close to the tower one will find small dead birds, bees and many other insects. It appears to me that the radiation from the towers is killing anything that comes within range. I myself experienced strong headaches and had to leave the area immediately. What I am conveying is that the 5-G towers at least here in Australia have not been fitted with any type of Tesla device if the dead insects etc are anything to go by.


      1. Hi Andy. Yes, I do. My headaches are fairly instant and last for some hours. I try not to go outside if the trails are particularly bad.


    1. @winkley2: 5G was always designed to kill humans and wildlife. The new technology is supposed to render 5G not only harmless, but healing. Not sure how much to believe because everyone knows how greedy Australian politicians and businesses are – there’s no way they’ll allow the people to benefit from the new technology without paying a fortune and even then, for only barely enough to do any good.


    2. Not accurate at all. I have been hearing this rumour for a while now and as usual, there is no supporting evidence to go with it. I’m not even sure it’s physically possible for 5G emitters to go as low as 432/440hz. From what I’ve seen lowest that go is 410 Mhz. And why would they even do such a thing? Why would they spend billions and billions to roll out 5G for their own purposes and then somehow change all the towers in the world to emit 432hz just to make people ‘feel good’?


  5. There is no time
    He left Trump all his notes and things they’d worked on together.
    Then he taught DONALD TRUMP everything


    1. Prove it. Trumps uncle was called in by the FBI to evaluate Telsa’s papers a week after his death. If Trump’s uncle was trusted by the cabal he would not have asked to do so. There is ZERO evidence that worked together with Tesla and even less evidence that he taught Trump anything. If he did then Trump would have invented all kinds of cool stuff by now. The fact that he is just another player in NWO is testament in itself that such rumours are simply that…rumours.


  6. All this stuff about 5G, JFK JR., a new currency, a new internet, the entire Deep State being exposed, and all pedophiles and all those who have committed treason being executed is the biggest bunch of bullshit I’ve heard. I’ve been waiting for things to happen and saw dates of when things were supposed to happen and nothing does. Let’s face it!! America and the rest of the world are screwed!!!


    1. YOU ARE NOT A PATRIOT. Nobody has the time or patience for your bullshit. Go back to FAKEBOOK or TWATTER. If you were a “REAL” PATRIOT or ANON YOU WOULD NOT BE TRYING TO INSTILL FEAR OR TERROR. STOP COMING HERE


      1. Ditto we don’t need negatively that’s what got us here in the first place WINKELY AS……S


    2. Try researching the arrests of all pedophiles crimes against humanity kidnapping court records massice arrest and executed gitmo military tribune, media is not allowed to them. They show you what there charges are for many are treason.





  7. thought you were ‘CONSERVATIVE’. Reckon not!
    but if you truly think they can convert 5G to 432hz — well, i’ve got this parcel of 500 acres, sets right on the indian ocean, with 5 miles of scenic ocean front and it is just an hours drive north of phoenix


    1. I am certain Trump hopped on a ‘Med Bed’ and was made better in hours. That said why not erase 30 years off his life and have him as fit as though he were in his 40s? Why? Because it doesn’t exist for anyone. If it existed those in power would use it themselves. George Soros would be healthy and fit and not look like an old catcher’s mitt or is he wearing a costume so as to not shock us that he is actually young and fit? I’m not saying the technology isn’t there. I am just saying there are too many billion dollar industries that are currently served by the current method in which mankind functions, from fossil fuels to pharmaceuticals. It all boils down to money. Even ‘NESARA/GESARA’ is supposed to be about ‘enlightenment’ and what is everyone talking about? ‘What do I get?’ Here’s what I want. Free us of the government’s tyranny and let me truly be free and all the past indiscretions I’ll let them slide. Just leave me and my kids alone. Let’s live in a world not predicated by what we have and live in a world that is based on who we are, the strength of our character, and the goodness in our hearts. Peace.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You need to explain to me, if 5-G is safe why are insects, bees in particular and small birds continue to be found found dead near a 5-G tower just south of Taree, NSW Australia. The making of 5-G safe in my opinion is BS, considering damage being done to our bees and small birds.


      2. Tell me how 432hz can be employed into 5-G when 432hz is an audible sound wave. So in that reckoning the whole planet would be ringing with 432hz, very strange!


  8. This is such a load of crap! The parasites are not going to help us! They’re running their tech to create an AI driven population. Tesla was one of them. Watch Jon Levi to see how much our history has been distorted, then blow your mind at godgelamste utube channel. It will all make more sense by watching his entire playlist. Space is fake, the “secret” of the Masons, etc is way more than you think.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. tesla was serb, like novak djokovic.. serbs suffered a lot from these nwo bastards.. never ever part of them. he destroyed some patents so no one can harm humanity.. tesla was orthodox christian.. but in essence scientist more than anything. inventor


  9. I did a podcast about 5G and nano and AI a few weeks ago, these things can help us the only way it can harm us is if in the hands of the wrong people


  10. Hi, aren´t the peace symbols placed wrongly?
    The Y downwards means death, upwards life.
    Or does this mean the death of the dangerous 5G?
    Thanks for getting back.


  11. What a nonsense. 432 Hz as sound waves or as EM waves? If sound waves, have ‘they’ placed the loudspeakers everywhere? Then we should all be hearing a loud tone near A3. If EM waves, this is in the Ultra Low Frequency band, used for communication with submarines and mines!


    1. I’m assuming they mean EM waves. I’m no engineer, but couldn’t the 5G (gigahertz frequency) carrier wave be Amplitude Modulated to add a 432 Hz component to its spectrum? Now whether this has any beneficial effects at all, or mitigates the alleged harmful effects of the 5G component, still needs to be proven.


  12. This is ridiculous.

    Deep State #1: “Hey, lets say that 5G was made safe and puts out 432Hz frequency.”


  13. This is ridiculous.

    Deep State #1: “Hey, lets say that 5G was made safe and puts out 432Hz frequency.”


  14. I would like to see proof that 5G is safe and not just by saying it. I want scientific proof. Just because maybe Trump said it was means nothing.




      1. It’s not Trump. View him in the exact opposite light and you will see he has been in a fight to save humanity from some very evil people.


  15. You don’t actually provide any evidence of how 432hz will perform as 3.6Ghz. If 432hz is being employed why the continued expenditure of arrays that enable 3.6Ghz? 5g is an abomination being forced upon us yet trusting that 5g arrays are emitting 432hz in absence of open, scientific proof is rather foolish.

    Liked by 2 people

      CoVFeFe are chemical symbols for Cobalt, Vanadiam, Iron Iron. Looking it up I found…

      About Iron Cobalt Vanadium Alloy Iron-Cobalt-Vanadium is a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density of any strip core alloy, making it ideal for use in tape cores and magnetic cores in electrical equipment.

      What is power flux density. It means it can handle power-throughput… that is was flux means– passage. So power PASSAGE density ability is very high. It won’t melt or heat up easy under high power measured in watts. According to a source here… https://johnbwellsnews.com/iron-cobalt-vanadium-alloy/ … it stops the 5G 60Hz signal from affecting oxygen… but I can’t imagine how yet.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Iron cobalt vanadium alloy would be CoVFe₂, except theres only 1 iron so not even that, and it would technically be spelled in a different order but whatever. My bigger problem here is: “5g 60hz signal”??? 5g runs in a freuency band of 2.1 to 2.6ghz in the low frequency band and up to 28ghz for high frequency bands.

        Also thats not what a power flux density actually is, its quite a bit more complicated than that actually, and also largely unrelated to what you claim it is. And flux means change, like when you say something is “in flux” or “fluctuating”

        And also CoVFe has a resistivity 20 times higher than copper, so i wouldnt exactly say it lets power pass easily, but it does have a faily high melting point of 1500C, so youre right, it wont melt easily by at least some standarts, for whatever that matters


    2. Right 432 Hz is an audio signal, so have they placed the speakers already? If it is a EM signal, the antenna’s should be made much bigger, in the order of kilometres…


  16. I have spent the last 45 years of my life studying God’s “Universal Genetic Code” (His “Genetic, Cosmic Secret of Life!” – of Immortality! – of His Divine & Immortal Soul! – of All Infinity! – of His Holy & Infinite Universe!) Now, although I understand, of course, that no-one else out there has ANY IDEA what I am talking about! – the nearest thing I can relate all of this to is God’s Great “Bible Code,” which was revealed to the world in 1997 by American reporter Michael Drosnin. For, just as God’s Great “Bible Code” revealed that All Mankind’s History was “Coded” by our Creator, His “Universal Genetic Code” reveals that All Our Universe’s History was also “Coded” by God’s Own Personal Genetic Code! Because the Universe is God’s Great BODY of EVIDENCE! – His Genetic, Cosmic PROOF! or BLUE-PRINT!… But please! do not even TRY to figure this all out! – as, unless you have a good 5 years at your disposal, you simply won’t be able to! The only reason I am speaking of it all at this time, is, simply, to give some background about myself, because I believe that if Trump manages to “pull off this “Q” Miracle” to stop the utterly EVIL “Illuminati” or “Deep State” agenda “in it’s tracks,” – that, since our very outset, has always plagued us! – & held us all back! – the “Great Enlightenment” that will all follow this “Great Awakening” will be SO, UTTERLY, GLORIOUS! – when ALL MANKIND IS, – FINALLY! – AT LAST! – FREE! – FROM THE CENTURIES OLD SHACKLES OF IT’S ANCIENT OPPRESSOR! – to, SPIRITUALLY, EVOLVE! – &, E-X-P-A-N-D! – &, G-R-O-W! – INTO THE GLORIOUS! REALIZED! BEING! – THAT GOD, ORIGINALLY, INTENDED! – & CREATED! – HIM TO BECOME! – IN GOD’S OWN! GLORIOUS! IMAGE!… The very last thought I’d like to leave you with before I send my finest wishes for you to continue on your “perilous” journey through such troubled times as we all now find ourselves living in, is that I, personally, believe that the “CORONA VIRUS” is, more than anything else, a “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION” or “HOAX,” in that it is little more “virulent” than a normal flu, but is being “demonised” – & USED, by the Dark forces that rule this world, as “BAIT” to force us all into accepting their “GENETICALLY MANIPULATED” “Corona Virus” “VACCINE” – that, FAR from “immunising” us against a, virtually, harmless Virus, will, PERMANENTLY, ALTER our DNA, with their “MARK OF THE BEAST” or “A.I.” (“ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,”) that has been GENETICALLY ENGINEERED to make us all BECOME JUST LIKE THEM! – HALF DEMON – HALF HUMAN MACHINE! – a “DEMON-HUMAN-MACHINE!” or “BEAST!” – in order to TOTALLY CONTROL & ENSLAVE US ALL TO “SERVE” THEM IN THEIR NEW WORLD! / NEW WORLD ORDER! However, of course, NONE OF US WANT THIS! – & since I imagine that MOST OF US would consider this UTTERLY HORRIFIC state of affairs to be just about the MOST CATASTROPHIC EVENT THAT COULD EVER COME TO PASS???!!!… Thus, for this Great & Godly Purpose, I finally say my goodbye with God’s Own Words from His Great “Bible Code…” Whenever something utterly catastrophic is coded, to warn us of it’s impending disaster, the words “WILL YOU CHANGE IT?” is always encoded along with it in the prophetic text,… – ASKING us? – CHALLENGING us? – INSPIRING us?! – LETTING US ALL KNOW THAT WE CAN! – INDEED! CHANGE IT! – FOR WE ARE ALL! GOD’S GREAT! – &, GLORIOUS! “BIG B-A-N-G!” – E-X-P-L-O-D-I-N-G INTO LIFE! – &, – JOYOUSLY! – GLORIOUSLY! LIVING! – “BIG CRUNch!” – IMPLODING! – &, LABORIOUSLY! DYING! – “BIG B-A-N-G!” – E-X-P-L-O-D-I-N-G! – RIGHT BACK! – INTO NEW LIFE! – &, JOYOUSLY! – GLORIOUSLY! – VICTORIOUSLY! – EUPHORIOUSLY! RESURRECTING! SUPER-S+AR-SEED SONS! / SUNS! – ALL! – FEARFULLY! – &, GLORIOUSLY! MADE! – IN HIS OWN! – GREAT! – &, GLORIOUS IMAGE! – OR IMAGE OF CHRIST! – &, ALL! – FEARFULLY! – &, GLORIOUSLY! INFUSED! – WITH HIS OWN! – GREAT! – &, GLORIOUS! HOLY SPIRIT! – OR BREATH OF LIFE!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I hope you are right. I do believe we are so close to Christs second coming which says the earth will be wiped clean from all wickedness.


    2. Would have been more understandable/appreciated/received to the lay person if you’d left out all the non essential verbs. Well and words. Too many words too many run ons. Way too many. Your message is just lost all up in all these words.
      u lost the majority of ur much needed audience at the third glorious.
      How about are rewrite… Or someone abridge this so it can be read and understood by all. Not everyone understands we all have freedom of choice that is God given (every second of) Every minute is changeable
      By us.


    3. Same thoughts and feelings I have. We are going to be in a world where there is no evil trying to surpress us any more. We are going to have so many powers. We are going to learn so much new technology…. Well not new but we will remember how to use them. ✌️💖☀️🙏…. Wanted to ask if you would mind I shared your comment? Thanks for the good read.✌️💖☀️🙏


      1. Tell me why there are dead birds small insects and sadly bees being found dead at the base of 5-G towers here in Australia, at least near Taree NSW Australia. If you think Australia is compliant with the President Trump’s ruling you are sadly mistaken. Australia is run by the Cabal, the evidence is everywhere.


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