TRUMPAGEDDON Was Planned By Neocons All Along—POTUS Taken Captive by Fanatical Warmongers!

Donald Trump Was Chosen To Star In The Neocon-produced “Trumpocalypse”

State of the Nation

This is war!  And nothing but an all out-war between the East and the West.  However, Trump’s flagrant act of war against the sovereign nation of Syria was — ABOVE ALL — an extremely symbolic gesture.


Just as symbolic, however, was the Russian counter-initiative which effectively neutralized 37 of the 60 missiles fired at Shayrat Airbase.  Only 23 hit a target in Syria. As for the true meaning behind these momentous actions and counteractions, the following background information is absolutely essential if the truth-seeker is to correctly understand this defining moment in human history.

The whole world has been experiencing the cold phase of World War III since the false flag terror attacks staged on September 11, 2001 by the Neocon Zionist cabal that effectively owns and operates the Zio-Anglo-American Axis (See Glossary below).

That CIA-MI6-MOSSAD-GID-ISI-DGSE coordinated black operation on 9/11 was executed to accelerate the “Second Great Depression”, which actually began with the slow-motion Dot-com bubble burst that transpired from 1999 through 2001.  In this fashion, the real economic and financial battlefield of this raging world war would then be carefully cultivated by the London–New York City nexus of banking and financial power over the subsequent 16 years.

Fast forward from 2001 to the engineered real estate crash of 2007, which was immediately followed by the manufactured stock market crash of 2008.  Both of these controlled demolitions were used to significantly deepen the “Second Great Depression”.  More strategically, this global collapse was stealthily utilized as cover to perpetrate many profound and pervasive acts of financial terrorism and economic sabotage against the BRICS nations, especially Russia, China and India.[1]…

Source: TRUMPAGEDDON Was Planned By Neocons All Along—POTUS Taken Captive by Fanatical Warmongers! | War and Conflict

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