PAO – Update for May 16, 2017

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

1 Batz, 14 Moan, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! Despite various worries, the movement toward distribution continues. A number of new criteria are being added that could create a slight delay. We were told by the Elders and their many associates that we are again approaching a breakout point. Those in charge of this complex process know that the first distributions are nearing a release point. Due to this procedure, it is believed that those selected to be first are anxiously awaiting this decision. Thus, we have been informed that we must be prepared for some truly exciting news!

   As you can see, there is much that is close to happening, namely, the actual start of the formal circulation of US Treasury-based notes. These are gold-backed and can easily destroy the US Federal Reserve Bank. This new reality is also designed to lead to the rapid collapse of the illegal and de facto USA, INC. It is to efficiently be replaced by the new NESARA Republic. The cornerstone in the making of this new realm is your new governance and its financial system.

   Meanwhile we are concentrating on our objectives. The main one is, of course, to insure that these re-evaluated currencies are successfully given to the people of this surface reality. We realize what all of this truly represents. It is the means whereby the dark cabal can be defeated and a new free and prosperous time can finally commence for you. It is this newly forming reality that is to finally permit our grand mission to begin in earnest. We understand some of the past delays but nevertheless deeply feel just how important it is to end your need to worry about the continuing horror of this fading old reality.

   It is the continuing complications of this old reality that require a timely vanquishing of the dark by ourselves and our allies. The Elders and other similar groups need to allow for these immense funds to be safely distributed around your surface realm. In our opinion, it has taken much too long to finish what to us is a simple process. Combined with this is a truly massive arrest and isolation of the ruling cabal and its associates. When this successfully occurs, NESARA and all that it implies can be swiftly executed. Finally, the rest of our mutual agenda can be achieved. Hosanna!! Hosanna!…

Source: PAO – Update for May 16, 2017

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