Tag Archives: Project Dragnet

Obama Flees USA, Hides Overseas! 


Obama flees the USA to evade “Project Dragnet” lawsuit!

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Larry Klayman tries to serve Obama with court papers at Obama’s DC mansion – but Obama is hiding in French Polynesia!

Busted as America’s STASI Chief running “Project Dragnet” espionage against Trump and millions of citizens, Obama cannot remain in the USA for fear of getting dragged into court.

So instead of facing justice for treason, Obama grabs his Fake ID and flees halfway around the world to the remote island of Tahiti.

Like a Nazi hiding in Argentina, Obama won’t return until it’s safe….

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Obama – The Ultimate Temp

Obama’s illegal mass surveillance skipped warrants and ignored the Constitution to collect bank and phone records of millions of Americans. Spying on Trump by wiretapping Trump Tower was just the beginning.

Obama’s Body Double

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Source: Obama Flees USA, Hides Overseas! (Video) | Alternative

“Miracle Of Russia” Throws American And European Elites Into Total Panic

March 22, 2017 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very interesting Ministry of Finance (MoF) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning the Security Council (SC) to expect “swift retribution” from the West after the latest “Miracle of Russia” accomplishment of paying off the entire debt owed by the former Soviet Union is due to occur within 45 days—and that has thrown the entire elite structure of both the American’s and Western Europeans into “total panic” should their citizens discover what the Federations nationalistic monetary polices have been able to achieve.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this report, “Miracle of Russia” is a term used to describe the Christian-based nationalistic monetary policies enacted in the Federation after the cruel yoke of “anti-Christ and demonic globalization” was thrown off the Russian people following the catastrophic collapse of the economy in 2008-2009—and that many in the West predicted would lead to the complete destruction of the Russian economy.



As “Western laws now clash with the moral nature of man”, this report continues, President Putin in his actions to exterminate the heresy of the new globalization religion from the Federation struck out against the West and declared that “policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan…this is the path to degradation”—while at nearly the same time, President Barack Obama declared about America: “We are no longer a Christian nation”…

Source: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2266.htm