“We’re in the End Game Now” with Worldwide Economic Panic ~ Jim Willie Aug/16 | Banksters

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 16:58

For those who cannot get enough Jim Willie in their system or out of their system here are two more recent interviews by the Golden Jackass himself from August, 2016.

According to Jim Willie, a stock market crash is imminent and the United States Corporation is soon to become a Pariah Nation because of its Toxic Debt and Toxic Foreign Policy thereby leading to the Death of the United States Dollar.

“We’re in the End Game Now” ~ Jim Willie




In order for readers and viewers to understand the basic concepts covered in the talks with Jim Willie and such guests it would be good for us to review some basic concepts related to the International Finance and Banking.

Banking Explained – Money and Credit


How The Stock Exchange Works (For Dummies)


Readers and viewers may not believe what an utterly fraudulent system modern day banking actually is and how with our silence and thereby our consent this system continues to function and suck the life directly out of our blood, sweat and tears on a daily basis. Bloodsucking Vampires were not a joke, they were real.

Hence the vampiric nature of the Luciferian Elites who control this industry and as usual it is the usual suspects behind the Banking Industry. If Readers and Viewers are not sure who the usual suspects are by this stage, then please refer to the related posts below.

Khazarian Zionist Mafia’s System of Cartels


Related Posts:

Source: “We’re in the End Game Now” with Worldwide Economic Panic ~ Jim Willie Aug/16 | Banksters

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