Ex-CIA Spy Calls For IRS & Federal Reserve To Be Abolished, Electoral Reform Act Passed | Stillness in the Storm

September 4th 2016 by Lance Schuttler

Robert David Steele is no stranger to telling things how they simply are. And just this past week, he has once again made several paradigm-shifting statements that is bound to get the attention of many throughout the world. In addition to calling for the end of the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the Department of Homeland Security and major reform and criminal investigations into the FDA and Center for Disease Control, he has called for Senator Rand Paul and Speaker Paul Ryan to introduce the Electoral Reform Act of 2016.

This act, if done in September of 2016, would demand that paper ballots would be used in all federal elections. Obviously then, this would be a curveball to the plans of the global elite who are backing Hillary Clinton and who many believe rigged the primaries and would like to rig the Presidential vote in November. Essentially, this would be a positive step forward for the world in that much truth would continue to leak out into public awareness.

Robert Steele, who is a former US Marine and CIA spy, trained officers in over 66 countries in open-source methods. Open source technology and information is a way to ensure transparency and truth on all levels and on any issue throughout our world. In his recent article Libertarians Now or Never, Robert Steele talked about these issues listed above, including the abolishing of the IRS, Federal Reserve and the enacting of the Electoral Reform Act of 2016:

Put most simply, a Libertarian believes that individuals, families, and communities should decide most if not all of the issues that arise from day to day and over time, not the federal government.

Libertarians have not reached the point I have, after a study of the Constitution and our history, which is this: we are the United STATES of America, therefore the federal government should be an administrative service to the STATES united, not an imperial power. If I were elected president, I would appoint a Governor-General and begin the process of terminating the illegal mandate that allows the federal government to tax individuals and organizations and to borrow money.

States should collect such revenue as they see fit from their citizens — I recommend a single Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax administered and collected by the states — and states should fund the federal government by agreed upon appropriations from each state.

In passing, I would cancel all Executive Orders and refer them to the Speaker of the House for legislative consideration. All federal regulations — including the newest forbidding the public from swimming with dolphins (I don’t make this crap up) — would be suspended.

The Center for Disease Control and the Federal Drug Administration would be suspended and investigated toward probable criminal indictments against all their “leaders” while the Department of Homeland Security, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Reserve would be closed, plain and simple, with “soft landing” transition plans for all their employees. The Departments of Education and Energy, among others, would be subject to a zero-based review and at least cut in half if not eliminated entirely, subject always to Article 1 of the Constitution — it’s time we totally recast the government, to include harmonization of Congressional committee jurisdictions with the organization of the executive branch and vice versa.

Note 1: 10th Amendment plays here. The STATES are not exercising their power under the Constitution.Nullification and if necessary secession are vital parts of the Constitutional relationship between the STATES and the federal service that has become an imperial power owned by banks.

Note 2: As I said in my appearance in the Hollywood documentary, American Drug War: Last White Hope, marijuana is the seam between a public that thinks for itself and a government that lies for the banks and corporations that thrive on fencing the commons and making private behavior illegal so they can profit — make no mistake, the drug industry is about liquidity for the banks that launder the money, the criminal gangs are merely de facto agents of the banks. Cannabis in all its forms including oil cuts tumors in half or more and addresses cancer in a manner the government and the corporations actively cover up. The criminal insanity of a government that cares more about profits for the few at the expense of the many must be ended. The immediate legalization of marijuana (and hemp, which has many substantial industrial uses) is non-negotiable.

Robert sees this being the perfect time for such a conversation because it would then be no longer possible for the masses to ignore the rigged 2-party system that disenfranchises 70% of all eligible voters. It would force several truths to emerge that would be beneficial to all.

Four immediate benefits would be:

1. It frees all incumbents from dependency on campaign contributions going forward.

2. It opens the immediate prospect of ten or more Libertarians (and some Greens and Independents) being elected to the 20-30 seats being vacated in this cycle, i.e. without a defending incumbent — THAT is the key to Libertarian power going forward, NOT a placebo presidential ticket.

3. With Instant Run-Off, it opens the real possibility of a dynamic Libertarian ticket with a transpartisan Cabinet and a balanced budget declared in advance, actually winning (as a second choice to all those that vote for Trump or Clinton, and a first choice for everyone else).

4. It ends the electronic fraud means Hillary Clinton used to steal multiple primaries from Bernie Sanders and would otherwise use against Trump.

Steele also writes that the two-party system must go, and that the Electoral Reform Act of 2016 would effectively prevent Hillary Clinton from winning the election:

The two-party tyranny works for Wall Street and Wall Street works for the Khazarian mafia owned and operated by the Rothchilds. Hillary Clinton is controlled by Lynn Rothschild on behalf of Evelyn Rothschild, and Hillary Clinton is owned by everyone that ever donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, particularly the royal family of Saudi Arabia, despots (and in many cases pedophiles as well) that is destroying Syria and Yemen for the sake of two pipelines — Hillary Clinton has put the full force and budget as well as blood of the USA behind the Saudi dynasty because she has been paid to do so and has no shame at all.Donald Trump is no better — he is a fraud whose advisors are indistinguishable from those aiding Hillary Clinton, and there is credible analysis to the effect that he has sold out and is taking a dive in order to make the impossible possible: the election of Hillary Clinton.

***Credible analysis to the effect that he has sold out and is taking a dive per Robert Steele.

Timing is now incredibly crucial. With congress reconvening on September 6th the world has a chance for several major issues to be openly exposed and discussed. How can you help with this process? Are you able to reach or in contact with the campaign of the party you support? Are you able to pass Robert’s original article on this subject onto your local congressman or woman? What are your thoughts about this proposition in Electoral Reform, the abolishing of the Federal Reserve and IRS and the investigation into other agencies like the FDA and CDC? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section on this facebook post or in the section below. What can we each do to create a more peaceful and abundant world for us all?

*Robert Steele has written a part 2 update for this topic titled Could Gary Johnson Actually Win?

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About The Author

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and does health coaching through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health facebook page or visit the website for more information and other inspiring articles.

This article (Ex-CIA Agent Calls For IRS, Federal Reserve To Be Abolished and An Electoral Reform Act Passed) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and themindunleashed.org

Source: Ex-CIA Spy Calls For IRS & Federal Reserve To Be Abolished, Electoral Reform Act Passed | Stillness in the Storm

One thought on “Ex-CIA Spy Calls For IRS & Federal Reserve To Be Abolished, Electoral Reform Act Passed | Stillness in the Storm”

  1. “How does the Federal Reserve steal billions daily from the U.S. government ?” you may ask. Let me make it simply. The FRBNY has exclusive control of the $8-10 trillion annually received from the auctions of Treasury securities. Ref. 31 CFR 375.3. The accounts are client accounts–not operating accounts. There are no reports or audits of the accounts given to Congress or the public. The profit of the Fed legally belongs to the government. Concealing and taking what belongs to the government is embezzling. Details below.



    The Federal Reserve system is used by the Wall Street bankers to conceal the theft of $6 billion daily using the FRBNY’s exclusive control of the accounts of auction funds of Treasury securities. They have successfully operated the scheme for 100 years.

    The FRBNY has exclusive control of disbursements of the auction accounts. Ref. 31 CFR 375.3. Ref. http://www.scribd.com/doc/48194264/rip-off-by-the-Federal-Reserve-revised.

    The evidence that the Federal Reserve is diverting the money from the government using the above accounting scam is in plain sight for those who wish to see it:

    ONE: The FRBNY will only establish a line of credit for the government (book entry money) when they receive a Treasury security in the amount of the line of credit.

    TWO: The deficit security is sold as a small percentage on the auctioned roll-over securities. The FRBNY handles all of the accounts and disbursements. Ref. 31 CFR 375.3. The accounts are client accounts (not operational accounts) and have never been audited. Audits of the FR are conducted according to guidelines established by the BOG.

    THREE: Funds from auctioning the deficit security issues (currently $2 trillion annually, $6 billion daily) cannot go to the government. If they did, they would have to buy the securities just issued since no other securities have been purchased. Under those circumstances, there would be no increase in the money in circulation (inflation) nor would there be any increase in the national debt. The money from the auction must go somewhere but it cannot go to the government.

    FOUR: The only feasible destination for the funds is to members of the Primary Dealers who are tasked with collecting called and redeemed Treasury securities. As hidden owners of the corporate Board of Governors (privately owned corporations are not required to file records with the SEC), they can receive deficit spending profit along with funds for the roll-over security work. The owners have put up no consideration for receiving $6 billion daily, even thou it is touted as a loan. (If the non-existing loan was being paid off by the hidden money, it would then result is eliminating any increase in the National Debt. In addition, who, or what,is the source of the putative loan. The Fed does not have it.) (The operation of the BOG readily lends itself to a corporate structure; the FR System does not.)

    FIVE: Profit of the Federal Reserve legally belongs to the government.

    It is assumed the same profitable scam has been set up with the Euro with each nation pledging to guarantee payment on the securities sold by the ECB. The money from the sale of the securities is theorized, based upon the Federal Reserve documented scheme, to go to the controllers/owners of the ECB. Money from the above operations are theorized to fund the New World Order scheme. Ref.

    Is any of this information of interest ?
    Jim Carter


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