Chinese Warship Explodes In Flames After Shocking Research Finds Fluoridated Water Causes Coronavirus To Extinguish Oxygen

April 11, 2020

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the rapidly accelerating “Coronavirus Pandemic War” that sees President Donald Trump and his global national-populist forces pitted in an existential battle to the death against the godless forces of globalist-socialism, notes that the ordinary peoples in the Netherlands have begun torching and sabotaging 5G towers across their nation due to their fears that this Communist Chinese technology is linked to the coronavirus—and though is highly concerning, pales in significance to the massive 5-day-long border battle between nuclear armed powers Pakistan and India and the apocalyptic news that the historic locust plague decimating all of the food in Africa now has a second-wave that’s 20-times larger than the first one—but in spite of, the gravest threat to the world remains if this pandemic war is going to turn hot involving military conflict, which troubling signs are emerging showing this is going to be so—signs that include the entire government of President Trump now demanding that that all Communist Chinese telecom technology be immediately removed from the United States because of its “substantial and unacceptable national security and law enforcement risks”—a demand that was followed a few hours ago by China’s first big-deck amphibious assault ship exploding into flames at its port in Shanghai.

The “taking out” of this newly built Communist Chinese warship in a tit-for-tat move retaliation for the coronavirus “taking out” the American aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt eerily comes at the exact same moment bizarre discoveries about the coronavirus disease itself are worrying scientists and doctors the world over—fearful discoveries best exampled in a beyond stunning Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV) research paper examining the death of a 39-year-old coronavirus patient in Moscow who suffered from acute respiratory depression, as well as a plethora of visceral organs and brain edema—but whose MINZDRAV doctor-scientists said that because of all the symptoms evidenced in this patient, the most accurate cause of death should be listed as its being caused by High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)—otherwise know as “altitude sickness”, some of whose symptoms include “tingling” in the extremities, typically presents with a dry cough, with atypical findings, such as substernal chest pain or focal neurological deficits—which lead to “severe breathing problems”—and ultimately death if left untreated—with the most proven efffective treatment being to place the patient in a barometric chamber to restore their oxygen level…

via Chinese Warship Explodes In Flames After Shocking Research Finds Fluoridated Water Causes Coronavirus To Extinguish Oxygen

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