Bigger Than Watergate Shock To The Conscience Collides With Military Operation To Overthrow Trump

May 2, 2020


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with grave concern that after President Donald Trump yesterday signaled his intention to slam Communist China with tariffs to punish them for the spread of the coronavirus, he ordered the immediate deployment of four B-1 nuclear-armed heavy bombers to their forward base in Guam as a “show of force” against the Communist Chinese military—a needed defensive measure coming at the same time the United States is down to its last nuclear-armed aircraft carrier battle group, with all their other ones being crippled by the coronavirus—which joins this battlefront to the even more critical one exploding in America that’s being called “Bigger Than Watergate”.

A reference to what is now known as the Watergate Scandal, that began on 27 January 1972 when former and current CIA operatives broke into and attempted to bug the Democrat National Committee offices on believed to be, but never proven orders issued directly by President Richard Nixon—a scandal ignored by the American people to such an extent that 10-months later, on 7 November 1972, the handed President Nixon one of the most crushing election victories in US history—which was followed nearly two years later, on 9 August 1974, by President Nixon becoming the only American leader in history to resign from office.

A stunning turn of events entirely due to the American people awakening to the shocking level of corruption existing within their Deep State government and its subservient intelligence agencies and the lies they were told about it—and whose mirror counterpart today being exposed involves the attempted coup against President Trump by these same malign forces—an attempted overthrow of President Trump supported by a leftist mainstream propaganda media hammering into the American minds the now conclusively proven lies that Trump colluded with Russia to win his election—proven lies a new poll shows 53% of the American people still believe are true—but as exactly as happened during the Watergate Scandal, are lies now being forced into the light of truth in full view of the American people—with the first of these monstrous lies to be exposed being the “shock to the conscience treatment” of General Michael Flynn.

A Watergate Scandal redux (brought back) revealing of truth to the American people so they can awaken to the horrors of what’s really happened, however, that’s now colliding with furious efforts to keep it from occurring—as the forces arrayed against President Trump know full well the wrath ready to descend upon them by the American people once they know the truth—and is why top Democrat Party socialist leader US Congressman Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff is demanding that leftist US tech giants step up their authoritative censorship and silencing—and even more dangerously, is why disgraced former top US Army General Stanley McChrystal—forced to resign after he mocked and showed contempt for the civilian leaders of America—has created and deployed, using socialist Democrat Party monies, an actual military psychological warfare operation to keep the truth hidden and destroy President Trump…

via Bigger Than Watergate Shock To The Conscience Collides With Military Operation To Overthrow Trump

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