Category Archives: Instagram

President Trump to Shut Out Mainstream Media by Posting to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Directly

The official death of establishment media control

Kit Daniels
Jan. 2, 2017

Incoming President Donald Trump will go around the mainstream media by making public policy announcements directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The move, which is unprecedented for a president, is designed to limit the mainstream media’s role as an information filter by reaching the American people directly through social media.

“The fact of the matter is that when he tweets, he gets results,” incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday. “You know, with all due respect, I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45 plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation.”

“He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”

The president’s use of Twitter will curtail the media’s ability to spin his message because mainstream reporters will no longer have insider privilege at the White House, which they did under past administration thanks to press events closed to the public.

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White House Emails Reveal Largest Plot Ever Discovered To Destroy America

what does it mean

August 28, 2016 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An absolutely chilling Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report to the Security Council (SC) circulating in the Kremlin today is using secretly obtained” Obama-Clinton regime White House emails to detail what can only be described as the largest plot ever discovered to destroy democracy in America, and that rivals the 1932-1933 Business Plot where powerful elites in the United States sought to overthrow the newly elected President Franklin Roosevelt and establish a fascist state and align it with Germany’s National Socialist Party. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

With the Business Plot having failed because the elite coup leaders choose America’s most famous military figure, General Smedley Butler, to lead their 500,000 man private army against President Roosevelt, but who remained patriotic to the citizens of his nation and reported them to the US Congress, this report says, today’s Obama-Clinton regime plot against the American people “may very well succeed”.

Continue reading White House Emails Reveal Largest Plot Ever Discovered To Destroy America