Tag Archives: Centredness

Message from St. Germain to Lady Rose – 1.22.17 – Gary Larrabee

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Published on 22 Jan 2017


January 22, 2017

We tell you that now we are moving into a new time of change and transformation. Indeed you see uprisings all around you as people, the voice of the people, seek to be heard. And yet, you see, dear one how the man who is President of the mighty USA is reflecting and echoing the voice of the people in his very statements, and yet many are unawake and they cannot hear.

It is true that you have sat in my mystery school in the past and you are ready, willing and able to bring through that awareness, bring through that insight into the here and now. Do you understand this?



There are rules or laws that I am going to lay out here for you which will help you in your daily life for your life is about to change (transform) out of all recognition as you jump into the new.

1. Focus. (Alignment). Thy eye, meaning the lens from which you see must be focused in alignment much like the lens of a camera if slightly off the mark or out of focus will not produce the clarity (results) you seek. Emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually aligned. Understood? Yes.

2. Will and willingness. This is the engine which drives the creation into manifestation. If a part of you is not willing, is resistant or recalcitrant the speed and ease in which you manifest in the physical will be lost. You know beloved, I have spoken often of the tragedy of ‘loss of will’.

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