Category Archives: CIPS

Putin, Xi to Cut US Dollar Out of Eurasian Trade; US Elites Panic

The Russia-China strategic partnership, consolidated last week in Russia, has thrown U.S. elites into Supreme Paranoia mode, which is holding the whole world hostage Something extraordinary began with a short walk in St. Petersburg last Friday…


Who Gets Top Eat During The Financial Reset?

The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects…


Looking Into The Economic Reset Abyss

SUBSCRIBE – DISCOVER NEVER STOP LEARNING PRAY WE CAN STAY ON THE AIR ========== LOOKING INTO THE ABYSS OF AN ECONOMIC RESET ========== About 10 days ago China and Russia announced they were preparing for this coming Economic Reset as the following occur: 1) Gold Backed Yuan hits on Monday 2)..


Putin Splits Russia From International Banking Cartel – Ditching Dollar For Gold

Putin to split Russia away from international banking carter -ditching the dollar for gold

Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun the process of freeing Russia from the international banking cartel completely, by ditching the dollar in favor of gold. As tensions between the west and Russia reach boiling point, […]

via Putin Splits Russia From International Banking Cartel – Ditching Dollar For Gold — Your News Wire

Long time U.S. vassal state Japan to bypass dollar and SWIFT to transact using China’s CIPS system in inter-bank settlement » The Event Chronicle

By Joseph P. Farrell The Nefarium has been busy this week, and I’ll bet you didn’t even hear about this one on the lamestream corporate globaloneyist media: Continues from The Daily Economist… Long time U.S. vassal state Japan to bypass…

Source: Long time U.S. vassal state Japan to bypass dollar and SWIFT to transact using China’s CIPS system in inter-bank settlement » The Event Chronicle

Intel SITREP Report – GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA


Received via email for publication……

Good afternoon currency community,

Ok, here’s what we know after last nights intel drop…

The final military special forces ops and ghost tactical sweeps have begun, we are hearing the mission is casually being called “Operation Catch & Release” for obvious reasons.  This sweep includes corporate bad actors of the cabal as well as military and government high profile targets, basically anyone on the “super naughty list” is now being permanently terminated–no questions asked, no arrests, no courts, no stinking badges.

nesara.jpgSadly, this is the ultra aggressive military action many have been asking for.  It’s cold blooded and comes without warning.  It also was astrologically and strategically begun after Mercury Retrograde went direct in Asia, as this is what the Chinese believed was the optimum day and time to start the final phase of execution.  Know they are very precise with everything they do and say.  So as arrogant and entitled Westerners, it’s wise we listen to what the Chinese have to say now… as they’re running the world’s finances just as Russia is now the new international supercop on military scene.  Ears open, mouths shut ’cause there’s a few new sheriffs in town.

The month of September was always the month for final implementation of all aspects of the GCR, with the RV and Paris Agreement being key components.  As October 1, 2016 marks the international legal and fiscal start of the new CIPS/Promise/Quantum Satellite delivery platform.  All monies have long been settled in necessary domiciles and accounts, and it sits waiting for mass release.  Smaller releases have occurred, and continue to occur, with the larger release still awaiting “go authorization” from the military generals now in charge.

Continue reading Intel SITREP Report – GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA