Category Archives: 432Hz

5 things we know about 432 Hz VS 440 Hz #432Hertz #MKUltra [VIDEO] | Galactic Connection

TheOuterDark5 things we know about 432 Hz VS 440 Hz #432Hertz #MKUltra

Published on Mar 21, 2017

Why did they change the tuning frequency from 432 Hertz to 440 hertz? was there a conspiracy behind the change? Music that plays at 432 hertz, seems to make people feel good, and reduce stress  #432Hertz#healingmusic

Source: 5 things we know about 432 Hz VS 440 Hz #432Hertz #MKUltra [VIDEO] | Galactic Connection

Building a Vibration Bubble in Your Home – Frequency Penetration of the Building Materials (8Hz, 417Hz, 432Hz, 528Hz, 852Hz, De-Stress and Harp Music)

16Jan17 By Brian Hyland

I had a thought that if I piped the right frequency/vibration throughout my home with the speakers that I already have installed throughout my house, I could permeate it with a harmonious frequency and maybe transform all of the negative energy in and around the house. And maybe make it vibrate like that all night and gives us great sleep.

I have been experimenting with playing the frequencies softly through my house during the day. My goal is to build a vibration bubble of peace and tranquility around my house. The bricks and mortar, concrete and glass, all basically make a crystalline speaker box. I am hoping to make the bricks, the glass, the concrete pad under the floor, all vibrate at that frequency by the end of the day.

I am going to try leaving it on at night at low volume too. And then there is the Harp Music application at the bottom.



Here are some of the frequencies that I am trying.



Continue reading Building a Vibration Bubble in Your Home – Frequency Penetration of the Building Materials (8Hz, 417Hz, 432Hz, 528Hz, 852Hz, De-Stress and Harp Music)

Cobra interview 05 January 2017 MUST WATCH – YouTube

This is Incredible! Lots and lots of data points cleared up. My categories are my notes.

Sound travels through the ether.

a part of the movement to Truth!