Category Archives: Benjamin Fulford

– worked for Forbes Magazine – Asian Head. He formed the White Dragon Society.

Benjamin Fulford 9/21/20 Report: As Zionists are purged in Israel, the next target is Switzerland

The autumn offensive begins.  The rogue nation of Israel was put under lockdown at the start of the Jewish New Year to facilitate a purge of Zionists, Pentagon sources say.   MI6 sources say their next target is a mysterious Swiss-based entity known as the Octagon Group…


Covid-19 fear porn mongers are being systematically hunted down and killed

Make no mistake about it, Satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters are trying to kill you and your family.  That is why a campaign to systematically hunt down and kill all the Covid-19, fear-mongering, fascist Western leaders has begun, multiple sources say…


World Intelligence Agencies Think We Live in a Matrix Controlled by an Artificial Intelligence

Sometimes fact-based reporting leads into very strange territory.  In my case, a forensic investigation into who controlled the financial system turned into a very deep rabbit hole indeed…


How The USA Became a Babylonian Slave State

Note to readers: The next three issues of this newsletter will be pre-written so that I may take my annual sabbatical. If something truly important happens I will inform you with an update…


Bilderberg Founder Ex-Queen Beatrix Offers Vladimir Putin Huge Bribe to Steal Global Wealth

The battle to liberate Planet Earth has reached a key juncture: the choice between freedom or techno-slavery.  The faction that wants to kill 90% of humanity, then microchip and enslave the rest, is now making a big push to steal global wealth…


Chaos Increasing in U.S. and Worldwide as Khazarian Mafia Desperately Struggles to Survive

This week we would like to inform readers that our newsletter is under unprecedented attack and that your support is needed now more than ever…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 6-22-20… “War Drums Beat Around the World as U.S. Paralyzed by Infighting”

Full weekly report from Ben. As always, suggest to follow Higher Discernment with all information such as this…


War Drums Beat Around the World as U.S. Paralyzed by Infighting

The United States of America Corporation, now four months into its bankruptcy, is becoming increasingly dysfunctional and torn by infighting.  This has left a power vacuum around the world and is raising the specter of multiple regional wars breaking out…


Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for the Age of Aquarius Activation

We Love Mass Meditation had organized an interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford in order to raise the awareness of the Age of Aquarius Activation next month on January 12th at 6:11 AM UTC…


Leaderless, Bankrupt America in Throes of Chaos and Revolution – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

The collapse of the United States of America Corporation escalated last week into what Chinese propagandists likened to the cultural revolution faced by China in the 1960s and ’70s.  The chaos is expected to escalate further during the summer months until there is a real revolution and not this elite-engineered cultural revolution.  The only U.S. institution maintaining its integrity in these grim circumstances is the military, which is standing by to make sure no mass bloodshed or suffering comes out of this political chaos.

Meanwhile, high-level negotiations between Eastern and Western secret societies last week ended in a deadlock after Asian leaders demanded Western subservience, something that will never happen, according to sources involved in the negotiations.

That means the world is going to go through a very dangerous and hot summer with no clear prognosis other than accelerating chaos, especially inside the United States.  There will also be an increasing danger of war using electromagnetic and nuclear weaponry.

Before going back to the East/West negotiations, let us take a look at what is really behind the cultural revolution inside the United States.  Here is what the Chinese communist government propaganda paper Global Times had to say:

“Neither the protesters nor Democrats have come up with practical solutions to address the long-standing racial problems, but are using the fury of the people to gain political benefit… more domestic problems and conflicts will appear in the future, and the unrest is just the beginning,”

In fact, White Dragon Society sources in Canada say much of the so-called Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests are being sub-contracted by the Chinese communists to Synagogues of Satan on the West coast of North America.  This is their revenge for the attacks being orchestrated in Hong Kong, Chinese intelligence agency sources confirm.

What the Chinese propagandists are not saying, though, is that the Chinese cultural revolution was started by factions of the Chinese communist government that wanted to deflect popular anger away from their failed economic policies and towards their political enemies.

The same can be said of the ongoing cultural revolution in the U.S. Elites are trying to deflect anger away from the Wall Street bankers and mega-corporations by stirring racial strife and trying to turn the people against the police.

If we look beneath the surface we find the Davos World Economic forum crowd at work using their age-old “Ab Chao Ordo” (Order out of chaos) crowd control mechanism.  There can be no mistake, the so-called coronavirus crisis and the resulting economic collapse was engineered by the Davos crowd.  Now, they are offering solutions to this chaos they created (in tandem with the Chinese).  In the words of Davos WEF head and founder Klaus Schwab “A Great Reset is needed to shape the post-COVID-19 era, prioritizing the need to redefine our social contract.”  Needless to say, they want to be in charge of redefining.

Fortunately, last week the U.S. military White Hats and their Farnese family patriarchs, took firm action last week by firmly jerking the chain of…

FULL REPORT: Huge Victory for Humanity as Khazarian Mafia’s Long-planned 666 Revolution Fizzles – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

The forces of light scored a huge victory against the Khazarian Satanists as their long-planned 2020/06/06/.06 offensive was stopped dead in its tracks, multiple sources agree.  Instead of massive bloodshed involving armed demonstrators (million man occupation of the white house) and the U.S. military, there was a small, peaceful march against racism.  This was because the armed saboteurs and their financial backers were all rounded up before their planned climax of mayhem, Pentagon sources say.

Even those of us who are not religious took note that very unusual lightning struck the Washington memorial immediately before the 6/6 offensive fizzled out.

This reminded a lot of people of how lighting struck the Vatican in 2013 immediately after pope Maledict resigned

The plan that was stopped, (with or without divine intervention) aimed to use massive bloodshed to replace the Republic of the United States with a draconian totalitarian government.  As Rothschild front man George Soros, told Bild Magazine in September 2014:

“I’m going to bring down the U.S. by funding black hate groups.  We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people.  The black community is the easiest to manipulate.”

Note: attempts to label this quote as fake appear at the top of internet searches such as “Lead Stories” but NSA sources say it’s real.

The plan nearly worked as the death of African American George Floyd triggered huge, coordinated acts of looting and vandalism all over the United States.  Take a look at this video here, for example, to see the damage in New York City.

U.S. military intelligence says the rioting was stopped only after over a thousand armed looters were shot.  In addition, U.S. and Russian Special Forces teams went around hunting down and killing the financiers and Khazarian agents stoking the flames.  Also, on June 5th U.S. military White Hats found and disarmed three nuclear devices, seized countless pipe-bombs, and arrested two snipers,” according to NSA sources.

For those of you who still think that U.S. President Donald Trump is responsible for the rescue of the Republic of the United States of America, please remember that as a businessman he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt.  This is a matter of public record.  Also, his son in law is the Satanic 666 5th Avenue Jared Kushner who has been trying to mark of the beast microchip everybody.  Please check the facts for yourself.

In any case, Trump’s attempt to use the military to shoot down civilians caused a long overdue Pentagon revolt against his rule.  “The 11 retired 4-stars who criticized Trump for using the military to suppress protests,” were retaking the Trump presidency, Pentagon sources say.  “Led by Generals James Mattis and John Kelly with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairmen Mike Mullen and Marty Dempsey these onward Christian soldiers are declaring jihad against the Zionists and raising their profile at a critical time prior to the global currency reset,” the sources add.

General Kelly also uncharacteristically went public to say:

“There is a concern, I think an awful big concern, that the partisanship has gotten out of hand, the tribal thing has gotten out of hand…I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter: What is their character like? What are their ethics?”

Translation: neither Trump nor Joe Biden is fit to be the next president.  CIA sources, for their part, are saying the trigger for the recent chaos really was…

the murder of George Floyd.

“George Floyd was a hit.  [His killer] Derek Chauvin was controlled by dirty PD & organized crime involved in sex-trafficking.  Young girls/teens were being sold.  The club where Floyd & Chauvin worked was cover.  Floyd tried to get out.  He talked.  Chauvin is already dead.  This is why they burned the club and the cop shop.”

So according to these sources, his death was real and not a staged psy-op as many believe.  In any case, paid Antifa=Al Qaeda=ISIS agents used the death as the trigger for their planned insurrection, CIA sources say.  As a part of this, they began releasing hardened criminals onto the street and paying them to cause mayhem.  “Every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested was released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner,” the CIA sources note.

NSA sources add the electromagnetic wavelengths that are known to agitate people were pumped last week through TV stations, especially those with large African American audiences.

The military White Hats were able to turn this situation around by June 6th.  So that in the end “black lives matter” protests on four continents, North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia may have led to real police reform,” pentagon sources say.  “Now the city, county, state, and national policy changes are banning Israeli knee-on-neck training of local and federal law enforcement,” they say.  Furthermore, they add, the pentagon has been banned from donating surplus military equipment to police departments.

Also, Palestinian lives matter protests in Israel and the U.S. are setting the ground for economic sanctions and war crimes prosecutions against Israeli criminals like Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the sources say.  Israel will be forced “not just to cancel annexation [of the West Bank] but to end the occupation and apartheid,” the pentagon sources promise.

As his Zionist controllers implode, Trump seems to be increasingly losing touch with reality.  Last week he tweeted “I built the greatest economy in the World, the best the U.S. has ever had.  I am doing it again! Wow!  96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party (and I believe this was before the “GREAT” Jobs Numbers yesterday).  Thank you!”

Somebody should tell Trump that resorting to fake economic news is not going to change reality.  It turns out the “GREAT” May jobs numbers were fake.

And, in this “greatest economy in the world” one in four Americans (26%) say they or someone in their household have skipped meals or relied on charity or government food programs since February.  Also, three in ten adults (31%) say they have fallen behind in paying bills or had problems affording household expenses like food or health insurance coverage.  A second American revolution is needed.

The reality Mr. Trump is the situation has degenerated to the point that 80% of Americans feel the country is spinning out of control, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

Speaking about reality, doctors are finally starting to tell the truth about the so-called coronavirus.  It is now clear nobody is dying from this so-called virus.

Even experts like the UK Statistics Authority chairman Sir David Norgrove say the government’s daily coronavirus testing figures are “far from complete and comprehensible.” Translation: They are BS and gobbledygook.

It has been brought to my attention that Google has been taking down u-tube posts (including some by this writer) presenting evidence the entire coronavirus scam is a psy-op.  Google says it will only allow information about the coronavirus that is approved by the Center for Disease Control.  The CDC is a criminal organization.  We will not deep dive into that here but if you search the term “CDC scandal” you will find over 5 million links that detail the long, criminal history of the CDC.  The fact that Google is censoring on their behalf makes them criminally liable as well.  Remember, President Trump signed an executive order on May 28th that makes Google legally liable for censorship and misinformation.

Google has also for years enabled rampant, systematic piracy of this website.  They have further systematically and deliberately distorted web searches related to independent journalists, including this writer.  We know that 50 state attorney generals and the Department of Justice are investigating Google.

The EU is also taking action.  EU anti-monopolies chief Margrethe Vestager says:

“The need in Europe for tighter rules on U.S. internet giants has become ‘urgent,’… We want competition, but we want democracy, and we reject the negative consequences of unregulated capitalism.”

If the authorities fail to bring them to justice, the White Dragon Society will hunt down and kill the top ten shareholders and executives of Google and other disinformation monopolies.

Speaking about disinformation, let us talk about Elon Musk and his so-called space exploration.  The video below, taken from a SpaceX official release, shows there is a MOUSE (as in the animal) visible in space during the NASA SpaceX Dragon Launch.  It looks like Musk is going to go to jail for fraud soon.  It reminds me of what Paul Laine from the Defense Intelligence Agency once told me: “NASA stands for Not A Space Agency.”

It is important to get to the bottom of what NASA is really up to because there are signs they are planning to use “asteroids,” to trigger Electromagnetic Pulse incidents next.  This could wreak havoc with the internet and telecommunications worldwide.

In any case, all this turmoil surrounding the West is distracting world attention away from important news happening elsewhere.  For example, WDS sources in South East Asia report:

“There is no food in Cambodia.  The border is closed between Thailand in Cambodia therefore no food is allowed to cross the border to Cambodia.  The Cambodian side (Hun Sen) stopped border crossing to starve and kill people.  We have to stop the law on Covid-19.  This is very serious.  It is genocide again against the Cambodian people.”

Also, the Amazon is also being destroyed at an accelerating pace while its native inhabitants are being persecuted, multiple media reports note.  The Khoi San people in South Africa are also under attack, Khoi San representatives say.  All of this needs to be dealt with.

Enough of the bad news, now let us look at a couple of good news items.  One is that solar power is now by far the cheapest source of energy on the planet as prices have fallen by 82% since 2010.

Another is that China has suspended debt repayments for 77 countries

Finally, there is a meeting scheduled this week between representatives of Eastern and Western secret societies aimed at finalizing the global currency reset.  If the meeting goes well, virtually unlimited funding will be made available for ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and promoting human colonization of the universe.  However, there is unlikely to be any immediate announcement even if an agreement is reached.  That is because a lot of technical work will be needed to turn an agreement in principle into reality on the ground.  Remember, the real goal is not to “get” the bad guys but to save the planet and start a new age.

Huge Victory for Humanity as Khazarian Mafia’s Long-planned 666 Revolution Fizzles – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

FULL REORT: Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blows Up In Their Faces – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

The long-term plan concocted by the Satanic Zionists to kill billions is blowing up in their faces following the failure of their riots and fake pandemic.  Now, the world’s military and intelligence forces are actively hunting them down, according to multiple sources, including official government statements.

“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” says U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

“That includes using the unlimited power of our Military and many arrests,” U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted.

Forensic investigations show the riots in Hong Kong, as well as the riots in the U.S., are financed by the same Satanists who are desperately trying to start a World War III between the U.S. and China.  Taiwan based gangsters have subcontracted the work from the Zionists and financed these riots via a synagogue of Satan in Vancouver, Canada, and heroin dealing gangsters in Hong Kong, according to Asian secret society sources.

Sensing defeat, high-level insiders in the Cabal (Ka (spirit) ballah (of the god Ba’al)=Set=Satan), are now bailing out as can be seen from the following missive sent to us by a dissident member of the Rockefeller family:

“A shocking meeting was organized by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller at the New York home of the president of the Rockefeller University in 2009.   Other guests of this meeting of billionaires were:  Warren Buffet, George Soros, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey.   None of them expressed opposition to the stated purposes of this meeting, which were:  to perform massive abortions in the third world, and massive eugenics methods (electronic warfare, chemical warfare, and biological warfare) in the first world, in order to reduce the world population from 7 billion to 1 billion, in an effort whose consequences would far exceed the lifetimes of the participants, and meant to be their “legacy” to the world.   Whoever may have to die in the process was (and is) not their concern.”

In any case, just as arsonists sometimes accidentally set themselves on fire, this time the riots being instigated are backfiring on the cabal.  Pentagon sources note that:

“Rioters in LA target Jewish neighborhoods, loot Jewish stores and spray synagogues with ‘fuck Israel’ and ‘free Palestine’ as AIPAC is forced to cancel its March 2021 conference 9 months early.”

What these rioters need to understand is that the synagogues of Satan do not represent Jews but rather use the Jews as a distraction; much like the matador’s cape in a bullfight.  Remember the Jews have been the main victims of the Satanic Zionist plot that is now blowing up.

With that in mind, we note the Pentagon sources report the Israeli colony of brainwashed Europeans is in severe trouble as:

“The EU is poised to impose anti-Israel sanctions as [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel led a boycott of the G7 summit and Zionist traitors Hungary and Austria may have been jawboned to put Europe first to Make Europe Great Again (MEGA).

The sources also say:

“Trump may lead from behind as EU sanctions may lead to sanctions from G20 and even UN sanctions.  Like the grounding of the 737 max, Trump only did it after EU so…the days of Israel being above the law are over.”

Remember the puppet communist governments of Eastern Europe fell shortly after people realized the USSR was not going to back them up.  For this reason, without U.S. backing, Israel will have no choice but to stop its genocidal, superstitious, messianic behavior.

British MI6 intelligence reports the situation is leading “very high-end, wartime diplomacy and…

extremely delicate stuff.  It comes at a time in the history of civilization when the axis between the east and the west is at its most fractured state, and our analysis suggests a further continued deterioration would result in thermo-nuclear warfare.  It is, for this reason, why we are so committed to the efforts of the White Hats and the Golden Dragon family.  We will match their offer [of unlimited funding] with our [quantum financial system] technology.”

MI6 is referring to high-level contact going on between the Golden Dragon Family, the European bloodlines and the Gnostic Illuminati to arrange for the release of virtually unlimited funding for the planet.  “We are finding the intelligence sharing and secret diplomatic co-operation very encouraging.  This is history changing stuff as you know,” the MI6 sources say.

A senior MI6 source also provided some information about what is going on with the Queen:

“There is a fake news story afloat and some proponents have even surfaced on your own dispatch site…that stoke the fires of suspicion and mistrust.  There was an incident of vandalism at the front gates of Buckingham Palace.  One of the coats of arms (seal) was damaged and removed for restoration.  End of story.

The Queen remains at Windsor Castle with her consort the Duke of Edinburgh.  The location allows them both peace and quiet and space whilst also maintaining distance while the sickness remains at large in the absence of an agreed treatment.

The Queen wore civilian clothes at the most recent State Opening of Parliament because it was both economical and convenient –the event coincides with other events in Her Majesty’s diary.  End of Story

There is no truth nor basis in any gossip flying around.  The Queen is the Queen and that is that.  I remain in daily contact with both her and Sir Alex Younger and as you know we work very hard in extremely dangerous circumstances for the benefit of many billions of people.  I personally don’t even get paid for my part.  I hope this clarifies matters.”

The following pictures were sent as proof:

“This is the gate being repaired.  The fake news story has photo-shopped this adding the fake seal of a commoner and a pretender etc.”

Also, as far as Hong Kong is concerned MI6 says:

“We will leave China to cull the chaos in Hong Kong and simply remind them the One Country Two Systems legacy we have agreed between us is bound over in international law.  We are not going to be drawn into an argument created by others elsewhere.”

Ok now let’s get back to the riots in the U.S.  What is most interesting about them is how the crisis actors like George Floyd are being uncovered in real-time.  Since this has been extensively covered by other sites, we will just post photos, one from Jim Stone Freelance and the other from We Are Change.

Also here we have a video of a Zionist agent caught in the act of financing the riots

What the military and intelligence agencies need to remember in confronting these criminals is that they work according to long-range plans, some literally dating back centuries.  For that reason, an unpredictable, here-now, sustained offensive is essential to defeating them once and for all.  The answer, as always, is to follow the money.  This means raiding the foundations that own the Fortune 500 corporations and arresting the owners of these foundations.  This, of course, includes the Soros people, the Rothschilds, and the other usual suspects.

Here in Japan, we called the Japanese cabinet office and the Tokyo government to ask if they had actually confirmed the COVID 19 virus even exists.  What the forensic investigations that followed revealed was that all “positive COVID 19” test results came from scam testing facilities financed by the Hedge Fund KKR.  Message to KKR: you have 48 hours to get your people out of Japan before they are hunted down and killed.

The Japanese government has concluded that COVID-19 does not exist.  If you still find this hard to believe look at the chart below showing a steep drop off of pneumonia deaths in 2020.  Statistics show the drop in pneumonia deaths is roughly equal to the so-called COVID-19 death rate.  That is why Japan canceled its scamdemic response as of June 1st.  The rest of the world should follow.

However, the Japanese have concluded that electromagnetic attacks using 5G low-level microwave beams did cause a lot of damage, especially in Wuhan, China.  Imagine something much weaker than the defrost setting in your microwave but taking place 24 hours a day and you get the picture.  That is why Japan’s government is asking all independent administrative corporations and government-designated corporations to consider security risks when purchasing telecommunication equipment.  Again, other countries please take note.

Overall, the plot being uncovered dates back to at least 1975 and involves using a pandemic to reduce the population.  It was also to be an excuse to force the vaccination of the survivors with microchips that were to be connected to a digital wallet and 5G mind control.  This was the system of total slavery the Cabal was trying to impose.  It sounds crazy but fact-checking will confirm this to be true.  You can start your confirmation with these links and then look at Jared Kushner and his 666 Fifth Avenue “Lucent technologies” human micro-chipping project.

On a final note this week, we note that SpaceX had an explosive failure last week as well as a successful launch of Astronauts to the international space station.

We have been told by esoteric sources that humans are allowed into low space orbit but are not allowed off-planet.  They will only be allowed off-planet when the crisis on the planetary surface is resolved.  This means ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, and attaining world peace.  This is something humanity could accomplish within months with the proper willpower.  That’s why the negotiations between the Golden Dragon family and the Western powers are so important.

As usual, there is a lot happening that we cannot report for security reasons but, rest assured, the good guys are winning.

Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blows Up In Their Faces – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blows Up In Their Faces – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

The long-term plan concocted by the Satanic Zionists to kill billions is blowing up in their faces following the failure of their riots and fake pandemic.  Now, the world’s military and intelligence forces are actively hunting them down, according to multiple sources, including official government statements.

“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” says U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

“That includes using the unlimited power of our Military and many arrests,” U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted.

Forensic investigations show the riots in Hong Kong, as well as the riots in the U.S., are financed by the same Satanists who are desperately trying to start a World War III between the U.S. and China.  Taiwan based gangsters have subcontracted the work from the Zionists and financed these riots via a synagogue of Satan in Vancouver, Canada, and heroin dealing gangsters in Hong Kong, according to Asian secret society sources.

Sensing defeat, high-level insiders in the Cabal (Ka (spirit) ballah (of the god Ba’al)=Set=Satan), are now bailing out as can be seen from the following missive sent to us by a dissident member of the Rockefeller family:

“A shocking meeting was organized by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller at the New York home of the president of the Rockefeller University in 2009.   Other guests of this meeting of billionaires were:  Warren Buffet, George Soros, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey.   None of them expressed opposition to the stated purposes of this meeting, which were:  to perform massive abortions in the third world, and massive eugenics methods (electronic warfare, chemical warfare, and biological warfare) in the first world, in order to reduce the world population from 7 billion to 1 billion, in an effort whose consequences would far exceed the lifetimes of the participants, and meant to be their “legacy” to the world.   Whoever may have to die in the process was (and is) not their concern.”

In any case, just as arsonists sometimes accidentally set themselves on fire, this time the riots being instigated are backfiring on the cabal.  Pentagon sources note that:

“Rioters in LA target Jewish neighborhoods, loot Jewish stores and spray synagogues with ‘fuck Israel’ and ‘free Palestine’ as AIPAC is forced to cancel its March 2021 conference 9 months early.”

What these rioters need to understand is that the synagogues of Satan do not represent Jews but rather use the Jews as a distraction; much like the matador’s cape in a bullfight.  Remember the Jews have been the main victims of the Satanic Zionist plot that is now blowing up.

With that in mind, we note the Pentagon sources report the Israeli colony of brainwashed Europeans is in severe trouble as:

“The EU is poised to impose anti-Israel sanctions as [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel led a boycott of the G7 summit and Zionist traitors Hungary and Austria may have been jawboned to put Europe first to Make Europe Great Again (MEGA).

The sources also say:

“Trump may lead from behind as EU sanctions may lead to sanctions from G20 and even UN sanctions.  Like the grounding of the 737 max, Trump only did it after EU so…the days of Israel being above the law are over.”

Remember the puppet communist governments of Eastern Europe fell shortly after people realized the USSR was not going to back them up.  For this reason, without U.S. backing, Israel will have no choice but to stop its genocidal, superstitious, messianic behavior.

British MI6 intelligence reports the situation is leading “very high-end, wartime diplomacy and…

Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blows Up In Their Faces – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

Zionist Pandemic + Riots Plan Blows Up In Their Faces

The long-term plan concocted by the Satanic Zionists to kill billions is blowing up in their faces following the failure of their riots and fake pandemic.  Now, the world’s military and intelligence forces are actively hunting them down, according to multiple sources, including official government statements.

“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” says U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

“That includes using the unlimited power of our Military and many arrests,” U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted.

Forensic investigations show the riots in Hong Kong, as well as the riots in the U.S., are financed by the same Satanists who are desperately trying to start a World War III between the U.S. and China.  Taiwan based gangsters have subcontracted the work from the Zionists and financed these riots via a synagogue of Satan in Vancouver, Canada, and heroin dealing gangsters in Hong Kong, according to Asian secret society sources.

Sensing defeat, high-level insiders in the Cabal (Ka (spirit) ballah (of the god Ba’al)=Set=Satan), are now bailing out as can be seen from the following missive sent to us by a dissident member of the Rockefeller family:

“A shocking meeting was organized by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller at the New York home of the president of the Rockefeller University in 2009.   Other guests of this meeting of billionaires were:  Warren Buffet, George Soros, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey.   None of them expressed opposition to the stated purposes of this meeting, which were:  to perform massive abortions in the third world, and massive eugenics methods (electronic warfare, chemical warfare, and biological warfare) in the first world, in order to reduce the world population from 7 billion to 1 billion, in an effort whose consequences would far exceed the lifetimes of the participants, and meant to be their “legacy” to the world.   Whoever may have to die in the process was (and is) not their concern.”

In any case, just as arsonists sometimes accidentally set themselves on fire, this time the riots being instigated are backfiring on the cabal.  Pentagon sources note that:

“Rioters in LA target Jewish neighborhoods, loot Jewish stores and spray synagogues with ‘fuck Israel’ and ‘free Palestine’ as AIPAC is forced to cancel its March 2021 conference 9 months early.”

What these rioters need to understand is that the synagogues of Satan do not represent Jews but rather use the Jews as a distraction; much like the matador’s cape in a bullfight.  Remember the Jews have been the main victims of the Satanic Zionist plot that is now blowing up.

With that in mind, we note the Pentagon sources report the Israeli colony of brainwashed Europeans is in severe trouble as:

“The EU is poised to impose anti-Israel sanctions as [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel led a boycott of the G7 summit and Zionist traitors Hungary and Austria may have been jawboned to put Europe first to Make Europe Great Again (MEGA).

The sources also say:

“Trump may lead from behind as EU sanctions may lead to sanctions from G20 and even UN sanctions.  Like the grounding of the 737 max, Trump only did it after EU so…the days of Israel being above the law are over.”

Remember the puppet communist governments of Eastern Europe fell shortly after people realized the USSR was not going to back them up.  For this reason, without U.S. backing, Israel will have no choice but to stop its genocidal, superstitious, messianic behavior.

British MI6 intelligence reports the situation is leading “very high-end, wartime diplomacy and…

Benjamin Fulford 5/25/20 Report: Khazarian Mafia’s COVID-19 Power Grab Fails, Bill Gates Now a Dead Man Walking

The Khazarian mafia power grab using a fake COVID 19 pandemic has failed spectacularly and now payback begins, Pentagon and Asian secret society sources say…


FULL REPORT – Area 51 destroyed as Secret War intensifies – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

The battle for Planet Earth is entering a dangerous phase as at least three factions desperately fight for domination.  This onslaught is now showing not only biblical but even otherworldly dimensions.  The biblical aspect includes the occupation of the main holy sites of Islam by unknown forces.  The otherworldly aspect includes an attack on area 51 and a downed UFO in Brazil.  All this is happening while the Covid-19 scamdemic is being fought over by factions who just want to control humanity versus factions that want to kill most of us off.

Let us start with the otherworldly part of this battle.  Here the U.S. government started openly recruiting staff for off-world work.  The ad can be seen here:

The release of this recruitment advert was followed by the murder of Air Force Col. Thomas Falzarano, who commanded the service’s 21st Space Wing.

Then immediately afterward, there was a huge attack on the infamous Area 51 “UFO base.”  The seismograph of the 6.5 magnitude quake that hit the base shows a sudden massive explosion, not a natural earthquake.

Pentagon sources say “the hospital ship USNS Mercy left Los Angeles on May 15th as Nevada and Croatia were hit with quakes.”  They say the ship was filled with arrested Satanists and hinted that they destroyed underground bases at both locations after children were rescued from underground adrenochrome manufacturing facilities.

The quakes were followed by a very unusual UFO sighting in Brazil followed by a crash of a UFO that was filmed by many people.  A two-minute video showing the UFOs and the crash site can be seen here:

The U.S. Naval Intelligence linked site Sorcha Faal, for its part, claims the U.S. retaliated for the murder of Colonel Falzano by killing the Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei.  So why would the Navy think the Chinese orchestrated the murder of a space force commander?

It’s not clear, but several years ago a member of the Rothschild family introduced me to a representative of the Dragon family saying, “If you want to talk to China, this is as high as it goes.”   The Dragon family representative told me the Chinese had off-world sponsors who threatened to put humanity under “very strict control” if they did not “get their act together.”

There are a lot of question marks surrounding these events but clearly something highly unusual is going on.

Now let us look at the Biblical part.  Pentagon sources, in their version, say the Chinese Ambassador to Israel was killed because a Chinese Zionist faction was…

financially supporting Israeli efforts to annex more Palestinian land and build the third temple, thus triggering an end-times event.  “The death of the ambassador may also cause China to stop investments in Israel while galvanizing even more international punitive actions against annexation,” the sources say.

“Jordan is so upset with the annexation that the King himself warned of a ‘massive conflict’ and may not just cancel the 1994 peace agreement but also the $10B gas deal with Israel,” they continue.  In a warning to Israel they said:

“Egypt has powerful Russian radars that cover all of Israel from the South to complement Syrian radars from the North.”

The sources further noted that “The International Criminal Court has a stronger case against Israel with the Arab League declaring the annexation as a ‘new war crime’.”

Without U.S. backing and with Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran poised against it, Israel is facing an existential crisis.  That’s why they formed a unified government now under the control of Satanist Benjamin Netanyahu.  Upon taking power yet again Netanyahu said:

“We must never forget that we must rely on ourselves, for our security, the cornerstone of which is the IDF and security forces.” In other words “we are on our own now.”

It looks like the Israelis are also trying to invoke Moses by making a river there run red.

The Israeli’s Satanic pseudo-Muslim allies in Saudi Arabia are also under extreme threat.  Not only have they lost allies like the UAE and Qatar, but they are also now under attack from Yemen.

The cities of Riyadh, Mecca, and Medina have been under 24-hour curfew and shut off from the rest of the world since April 2nd.  There are also reports that 70% of the population has been infected with the “coronavirus.”

This could be a sign that the entire population is being culled.  Some of the P3 Freemasons have an extremely deep hatred of Islam.  That’s because they have waged a Holy War for over a thousand years against them.  They also blame Islam for most of the world’s problems.  Therefore, it’s entirely possible some sort reckoning is now taking place there.

Remember the “coronavirus” has been used as a cover for mass murder in Wuhan, China, and for the culling of Satanists inside the U.S.

Recall how last we noted the President of Tanzania sent various samples of food, animals, and materials disguised with human identities to the W.H.O. for coronavirus testing and most came back positive?

Well now the President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, claims the World Health Organization offered a $20-million bribe to poison their Covid-19 medicine.

There is plenty of evidence now coming out that this so-called pandemic was planned long in advance.  The EU, for example, came out in 2012 with a pandemic comic book intended only for senior staff.  The plot reads almost identically to what is going on now.  Towards the end it read:

“The fear thus created can be put to good use” triggering a “global response…under the guidance of international technical organizations.”

You can download the whole comic from the EU website:

The elite have made many practice runs for this current “plandemic.”  Here is what the World Bank had to say in 2017:

“The World Bank Group is working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to conduct the first set of pandemic simulation exercises that are designed to recreate a disease outbreak scenario to provoke a robust discussion about pandemic preparedness among policymakers.  President Jim Yong Kim, Bill Gates and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany will jointly host simulation exercises on pandemic preparedness for the Heads of State and private sector leaders during the next World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2017 and the G-20 Heads of State meeting in July 2017.

The Chinese appear to be on board with the official Xinhua news site saying:

“Given the colossal hit on real economies and the highly interrelated global financial system, saving a globalized economy this time requires even stronger global collaboration.”

The EU comic book ends with an Asian and a European falling in love and kissing, implying that East and West are being united.  The Chinese certainly support such a scenario.

The problem is that there is a faction using this misguided, if well-intentioned, exercise for much more sinister purposes.

MI6 sources now say:

“The obstacles [to starting the new financial system] are the acts of war and high treason as the WHO attempted to foist this hybrid total population control system by way of an induced global sickness.  Ordo ab Chao type stuff.”

We appear to have at least three groups trying to use this plandemic to promote their own agendas.

1)    The moderates who want a friendly planet where all countries work together to solve problems we all face i.e. a loose world government.

2)    The control freaks who want to microchip us all and keep us under strict, centralized control.  They are the ones calling for “social distancing” because their microchip control systems don’t work if people are too close together.

3)    Finally, we have the radical messianic Zionists who still think we need to kill 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest.  These are the ones trying to kill us with 5G electromagnetic weapons, poisonous medicine, etc.

There is also a fourth group of isolationists under U.S. President Donald Trump that appears to want none of the above but have America go it alone.

This group is, in its own way, doing a lot to liberate the Republic of the United States from the Satanic owners of the U.S. Corporate government.

For example, it looks like they are about to free prison slave laborers.  Last week Trump passed an executive order against forced labor.

The key point of this order is Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.  § 1307).  This “prohibits the importation of merchandise mined, produced or manufactured, wholly or in part, in any foreign country by forced or indentured child labor – including forced child labor.”

Of course, it may just be an excuse not to buy things from China.  However, prison slave laborers are being freed across the U.S. now.

The nationalization of the Federal Reserve Board inside the U.S. is also starting to benefit average Americans.  For example, two-thirds of Americans left unemployed by this pandemic exercise are now getting more money than when they were working.  Also, the U.S. is finally rebuilding its long-neglected infrastructure.

If the Americans did not nationalize the FRB, each baby born in the U.S. would start life with $6.4 million in debt compared with $80,000 in 1970 and $1.2 million in 2007.

The gnostic Illuminati controlled U.S. is also winning its battle against bloodline rule there.  The bloodline families are now being forced to fight against Trump using a virtual Obama.

There is also a lot of corruption being rooted out as can be seen from this Trump tweet:

“Joe Biden’s deadbeat son Hunter inked a $1.5 BILLION deal with China while Joe was Vice President.  What did the Biden’s offer China in return?  Obama was the most corrupt President in U.S. history.”

Also, former CIA and Marine intelligence officer Robert David Steele notes that “the certainty that NSA has every email, every text, every cell call, every game chat ever made by naked short selling and money laundering criminals on Wall Street — could yield a $100 trillion bonanza for President Donald J. Trump, who up to this point has been fooled into thinking that $15 trillion was the best he could get.  Learn more at

It’s worth noting that foreigners dumped a record $300 billion in U.S. debt in March.

Therefore, with U.S. industrial production dropping the most in 100 years and now operating at only 65% capacity due to a lack of imported parts, the Trump regime will have no choice but to make a deal with the moderate faction of the globalists.

We would like to conclude this week with some good news.  It appears the tide has been turned on the human-caused mass extinction event.  The positive signs in nature are many.  For example, clearer skies are being noted around the world and the Himalayas can once again be clearly seen in India, humpback whale populations are back at levels not seen since before whaling started, Hainan gibbons are back from the brink of extinction and the first wild stork in hundreds of years was born in the UK.

via Area 51 destroyed as Secret War intensifies – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

Area 51 destroyed as Secret War intensifies – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

The battle for Planet Earth is entering a dangerous phase as at least three factions desperately fight for domination.  This onslaught is now showing not only biblical but even otherworldly dimensions.  The biblical aspect includes the occupation of the main holy sites of Islam by unknown forces.  The otherworldly aspect includes an attack on area 51 and a downed UFO in Brazil.  All this is happening while the Covid-19 scamdemic is being fought over by factions who just want to control humanity versus factions that want to kill most of us off.

Let us start with the otherworldly part of this battle.  Here the U.S. government started openly recruiting staff for off-world work.  The ad can be seen here:

The release of this recruitment advert was followed by the murder of Air Force Col. Thomas Falzarano, who commanded the service’s 21st Space Wing.

Then immediately afterward, there was a huge attack on the infamous Area 51 “UFO base.”  The seismograph of the 6.5 magnitude quake that hit the base shows a sudden massive explosion, not a natural earthquake.


Pentagon sources say “the hospital ship USNS Mercy left Los Angeles on May 15th as Nevada and Croatia were hit with quakes.”  They say the ship was filled with arrested Satanists and hinted that they destroyed underground bases at both locations after children were rescued from underground adrenochrome manufacturing facilities.

The quakes were followed by a very unusual UFO sighting in Brazil followed by a crash of a UFO that was filmed by many people.  A two-minute video showing the UFOs and the crash site can be seen here:

The U.S. Naval Intelligence linked site Sorcha Faal, for its part, claims the U.S. retaliated for the murder of Colonel Falzano by killing the Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei.  So why would the Navy think the Chinese orchestrated the murder of a space force commander?

It’s not clear, but several years ago a member of the Rothschild family introduced me to a representative of the Dragon family saying, “If you want to talk to China, this is as high as it goes.”   The Dragon family representative told me the Chinese had off-world sponsors who threatened to put humanity under “very strict control” if they did not “get their act together.”

There are a lot of question marks surrounding these events but clearly something highly unusual is going on.

Now let us look at the Biblical part.  Pentagon sources, in their version, say the Chinese Ambassador to Israel was killed because a Chinese Zionist faction was…

via Area 51 destroyed as Secret War intensifies – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

FULL REPORT – Ruling elite running around like headless chickens as coronavirus scam falls apart – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

By now, even the most brainwashed of the sheeple realize something is very wrong with their government (govern=control, ment=mind).  It is also clear that the attempt to use a fake pandemic to impose martial law is backfiring as it has provided a perfect cover for military and agency White Hats to hunt down the Satanists who hijacked Western governments.

“See lists of coronavirus-infected politicians and celebrities in the United States, England, France, and more! Over 70% of them are Jews !!” an FSB source noted.  He is almost right, but they are not Jews, they are Satanists.  Also, they are not being infected by the provably fake virus.  Instead, they are being arrested and/or executed.

If you do still think this pandemic is real, go visit a hospital and see for yourself that it is not.  Or take note of the fact the president of Tanzania sent samples from fruit, goats, and other random things and they all tested positive for this so-called coronavirus.

People who still have a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that Satan worshippers took control of the West, need to look at a few recent news items that prove it is true.  For example, the people of Israel, for some unfathomable reason, have yet again made Satanist Benyamin Netanyahu their Prime Minister.  One of the first things he did was call for children to be micro-chipped with “mark of the beast” identifiers.  Last week Netanyahu said:

“I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at, such as sensors.  For instance, every person, every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close, like the ones on cars.”

Then you have the U.S. Congress passing a bill with the Satanic number 6666 calling for government goons to forcibly enter peoples’ houses, test people for the fake coronavirus, and take their kids away if they test “positive.”   You can’t make this stuff up.

We are also getting mind-blowing intelligence sent to us about the Satanic ruling Western bloodlines who have been staging world wars and other horrific events as part of their plan for total world conquest.  For example, we have now confirmed that Adolph Hitler was the grandson of…

Queen Victoria of England.  We confirmed the story we were sent about this (details at the links below) with a European royal and MI6 British intelligence.

The story is as follows: In 1868, after the death of her husband Albert, Queen Victoria went to the “British Crown Colony of Switzerland” with a Mr. “John Brown,” who was from the Stuart bloodline (same as Princess Diana).

There she gave birth on August 24th to Klara Hanover.

Klara was educated by the Jesuits and was fluent in English, French, and German.

When she grew up, Klara Hanover was impregnated by gung-ho British imperialist Houston Steward (Stuart) Chamberlain.

In 1889, Chamberlain arranged a marriage between Klara and a man named Alois Hitler.  He became the surrogate father of baby Adolf.  Chamberlain was also the ghostwriter for Adolf’s Mein Kampf. 

Now get this, one of her descendants was Pamela Digby Churchill—the mother of Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton!

Here is what a senior MI6 source had to say about this:

“Yes.  The House of Hannover like all European Imperial and Royal House are what is commonly referred to as the Venetian Nobility.  There are abundant forensic materials available on all of this.  The Moscow State University ‘Chronologia’ is probably the most authoritative.”

Remember the rulers of civilization are those who control the narrative and therefore the timeline.

Bear in mind also Khazarian Mafia infiltrated and corrupted all of Europe and Russia hence the prevalence of Satanism etc.  The Rothschild dynasty [Saxe Gotha Hanover], like many, are deeply Satanic and espouse a bastardized version of Luciferianism which is a theosophical expression, etc.  Really what it means is all warfare is blood sacrifice etc.

These are the people whose private United States of America Corporation went bankrupt on February 16th.  They are thus now using the “Pandemic” to try to reassert control.

The fact that all this top-secret information is coming out now is the real reason why Queen Elizabeth is in de-facto home imprisonment at Windsor Castle, MI6 sources say.

In the newly liberated Republic of the United States of America, Pentagon sources tell us that as “Tens of thousands of children were rescued from tunnels, [General] Mike Flynn was exonerated and may get his job back [as Trump’s National Security Adviser].”

“Trump met with military leaders at the white house on May 9th right after VE Day.  It appears that Flynn, Steve Bannon, General John Kelly, and others may have never really left the White House,” the sources say.  “The Coast guard chief was there instead of a navy chief because of the war against drug cartels,” they note.  However, there may be more to the story than what we see on the surface because the royalist Navy is loyal to the Anglo Saxon five eyes alliance.

In any case, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “got his marching orders on Israel and China in the Spirit of the Elbe” the Pentagon sources add, and was sent to Israel to read the riot act to the government there.

The U.S. has removed patriot missiles from Saudi Arabia and pulled troops out of the Sinai desert near the Israeli border with Egypt, they say.  This coincides with major Saudi military losses in Yemen after former ally the United Arab Republic turned against the Saudis, CIA sources note.

The Pentagon sources also note there is a global condemnation of Israeli plans to annex the West Bank and these are likely to be followed by EU sanctions.  The other thing they noted is that Iraq has a new Prime Minister who was a former intelligence chief.

The Pentagon is also forcing Israel to cancel a water desalination plant with Hutchison Whampoa owned by Chinese billionaire Li Kashing.  This coincides with “cyber-attacks against Israeli water plants that may or may not come from Iran.”

The overall pictures seem to be the Israeli/Saudi alliance is falling apart and Egypt, together with other Sunni states, may assert control over the region up to the Turkish and Iranian borders as part of a secret Russian/Pentagon agreement.  It is a good guess Saudi Arabia will not survive much longer as a family-owned slave country.  Also, without U.S. support, Israel will have no choice but to sue for peace.

We are also now hearing from Russian FSB sources that the “Russian Federation” (D-U-N-S © Number 531298725) is a “criminal private Rothschild-Barucho-Rockefeller Trade Corporation, registered in the UK.  They are also owners of the “Putin” trademark.  Until he was recently killed, the executive director of this private company was Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

Now though, our FSB sources note:

“Russian diplomats encountered a problem while trying to get into the UN Security Council building – the recently launched electronic pass system did not accept their documents and demanded they present Soviet passports.  The technical service of the Security Council explained that they consider the incident a “case”, but not a mistake.  The new electronic system is entirely based on international legal documents, including the UN Charter.
According to the UN Charter, such states as China, France, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States of America are permanently included in the Security Council.”

The battle for Russia is still not over and Putin© is busy pushing the coronavirus scam in Russia in a desperate bid to retain control for his Satanic masters.

The Pentagon sources for their part seem to be claiming victory and say “Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin will coordinate the global currency reset.”

Of course, since the U.S. is the worlds’ greatest debtor nation after running trade and budget deficits for over 40 years, they are in no position to dictate such a reset.  For this, they will need to strike a deal with Japan, the worlds’ greatest creditor nation.

Japan, however, remains a Rothschild colony under slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.  For this reason, a joint U.S./Japanese military move to remove the Abe slave administration is a necessary precondition for the GCR.

A call has been put out to accomplish this on May 15th, by occupying the Prime Ministers’ residence, the Parliament, the NHK national broadcasting corporation and the Bank of Japan.  Following this, an emergency government will need to be set up.

This government will have to announce to the Japanese people and to the world that Fukushima was a Rothschild sponsored mass murder attack.  They will also need to blow a lid on the fake pandemic being used now to try to subdue the Japanese people.

Once the Khazarian mafia occupation government is removed, Japan will be able to rebuild the extremely successful economic system it pioneered after WWII.  This will allow for double-digit economic growth and a baby boom.

The West, especially the United States will also be able to rebuild their hollowed-out industrial infrastructure by adopting and improving a similar economic management system.

We are hoping the secret space program people will be able to help jump-start this process by sharing some of their futuristic technology with the rest of the world.

The Satanists, of course, will not go quietly into the night and we need to prepare against electromagnetic attacks, nuclear terror, information warfare, more bio-weapons, and other mayhem.

Despite all this, rest assured the good guys will fight with overwhelming force until the planet Earth is liberated from thousands of years of cruel Satanic occupation.

Ruling elite running around like headless chickens as coronavirus scam falls apart – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

By now, even the most brainwashed of the sheeple realize something is very wrong with their government (govern=control, ment=mind).  It is also clear that the attempt to use a fake pandemic to impose martial law is backfiring as it has provided a perfect cover for military and agency White Hats to hunt down the Satanists who hijacked Western governments.

“See lists of coronavirus-infected politicians and celebrities in the United States, England, France, and more! Over 70% of them are Jews !!” an FSB source noted.  He is almost right, but they are not Jews, they are Satanists.  Also, they are not being infected by the provably fake virus.  Instead, they are being arrested and/or executed.

If you do still think this pandemic is real, go visit a hospital and see for yourself that it is not.  Or take note of the fact the president of Tanzania sent samples from fruit, goats, and other random things and they all tested positive for this so-called coronavirus.

People who still have a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that Satan worshippers took control of the West, need to look at a few recent news items that prove it is true.  For example, the people of Israel, for some unfathomable reason, have yet again made Satanist Benyamin Netanyahu their Prime Minister.  One of the first things he did was call for children to be micro-chipped with “mark of the beast” identifiers.  Last week Netanyahu said:

“I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at, such as sensors.  For instance, every person, every kid – I want it on kids first – would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close, like the ones on cars.”

Then you have the U.S. Congress passing a bill with the Satanic number 6666 calling for government goons to forcibly enter peoples’ houses, test people for the fake coronavirus, and take their kids away if they test “positive.”   You can’t make this stuff up.

We are also getting mind-blowing intelligence sent to us about the Satanic ruling Western bloodlines who have been staging world wars and other horrific events as part of their plan for total world conquest.  For example, we have now confirmed that Adolph Hitler was the grandson of…

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