Category Archives: #americancivilwar2

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-20-20… “Chinese and Western Intelligence Services Hunting Down 5G Telecom Executives”

Full weekly report from Ben. “The so-called coronavirus pandemic has now been definitively traced to 5G electromagnetic attacks, multiple sources agree…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-4-19… “With puppets like Obama, Pelosi and Netanyahu gone, Khazarian mafia resorts to nuclear blackmail”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-4-19… “With puppets like Obama, Pelosi and Netanyahu gone, Khazarian mafia resorts to nuclear blackmail”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-4-19… “With puppets like Obama, Pelosi and Netanyahu gone, Khazarian mafia resorts to nuclear blackmail”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-4-19… “With puppets like Obama, Pelosi and Netanyahu gone, Khazarian mafia resorts to nuclear blackmail”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-4-19… “With puppets like Obama, Pelosi and Netanyahu gone, Khazarian mafia resorts to nuclear blackmail”

Here is the full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading…


Blood vs. Ballot Box: America Sets Itself On Civil War Collision Course

Hello Folks, The world we all lived in yesterday no longer exists and will never been seen again—the reason is because two implacable forces have set themselves on a collision course to the death—the first one being the made up “open and shut case” to throw President Donald Trump from power..


Historic changes unfold worldwide as Zionist project collapses

Truly historic events are unfolding worldwide as the centuries-old Zionist project implodes.  This can be seen with the UN running out of money, a massive Turkish invasion of Syria, and an escalating civil war in the United States, among other things…


U.S. headed for civil war as military mobilizes to take down cabal

The United States is headed for full-blown civil war or revolution, as the U.S. military has now mobilized troops and reserve units “to take down the Deep State,” Pentagon sources say…


US-China Relations Pass Point Of No Return As America Slides Further Towards Civil War

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A truly foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the experimental engine blast that killed five nuclear experts who were working on the hypersonic missile that is capable of delivering a nuclea..
