Category Archives: #MASSARRESTS

– 90k worldwide. Pedophiles, Journalists, Drugs, Democrats, Cabal, Congressman.

UPDATED: LIST OF INDICTMENTS, ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS!! Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!!


There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it each day. It is getting hard to ignore now.

The doubles and AI clones were activated and the deepstate now work for Trump. We have won with DECLAS, the show is just for the sleepers and to reveal the hidden players!

The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, then breached his warrant, so he got one in the back of the head. Michelle chose lethal injection. Others were just executed.

Continue reading UPDATED: LIST OF INDICTMENTS, ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS!! Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!!

Hollywood Arrests…

The information coming my way gives me more confidence that this is indeed taking place…


International Criminal Roundup Underway: Arrests of Sealed Indictment Criminals

apparently …160,000 criminal arrests in 90 days in full swing, largest ever, International. Bill Gates, George Soros, Tom Hanks, Barak obama, the clintons, oprah winfrey, and many, many more….some are said to be already detained or on house arrest…


CHILD SEX STING GEORGIA : 31 in Georgia arrested in multi-state child exploitation operation

ATLANTA – A high school band director. A youth group leader. A fireman. A county leader. All are among the 82 people, including 31 in Georgia, who have been arrested and accused of sexually exploiting children in a multistate sting…


MS-13 Round-Up


International Criminal Roundup Underway: Arrests of Sealed Indictment Criminals

apparently …160,000 criminal arrests in 90 days in full swing, largest ever, International. Bill Gates, George Soros, Tom Hanks, Barak obama, the clintons, oprah winfrey, and many, many more….some are said to be already detained or on house arrest…


Trump Pushes For The Biggest Emergency Economic Stimulus in History — Mass Arrests, NESARA, Financial Reset Initiated?

In an unprecedented move, President Donald Trump announced today that he will be spearheading the largest emergency economic stimulus package in US history…


Will Deep State Arrests Follow a 3 Day Internet Shutdown?

Planned military arrests of Deep State figures have been put on hold until after an impending three day shutdown of the internet, according to information presented by David Wilcock in a March 29 webinar…


“10 Days of Darkness” : we thought this was referring to the internet. There is also another alt. So Boom check it

“10 Days of Darkness” – we thought this was referring to the internet. There is also another alt. So Boom check it – DUMB mission to save the slaves and bring them Mercy and Comfort – underground tunnel mission to save the slaves/KIDS!!!!!!..




Doomsday Planes Race Into American Skies As Historic Military Orders And Atmospheric Explosion Warnings Issued

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Yet another gravely concerning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing issues involving the global coronavirus pandemic, states that Aerospace Forces have successfully delivered over 100,000 coronavirus COVID-19 test kits to 13 nations, including Iran and North Korea—test kits not needed in the Russian Federation at this time as only 253 people are confirmed infected with the coronavirus, of whom only 11 patients contracted the coronavirus inside Russia, while some 90% of cases were brought from abroad—thus holding this crisis from a military perspective well within the bounds of acceptable norms—the same of which, however, cannot be said about what is currently evolving in the United States with their military forces—who just hours ago officially cancelled their massive military exercise Defender Europe 2020 that would have seen tens-of-thousands of combat ready US Army troops flooding into the European Union—an official cancellation following what occurred 48-hours prior, on 19 March, when the United States Strategic Command suddenly ordered all of its “Doomsday Planes” to immediately evacuate from their Offutt Air Force Base location in Nebraska and deploy into the skies over America—strategic war time aircraft of various types designed to ensure the communication integrity of the entire US government and its leaders in a time of a declared national emergency—and when taking to the air, then saw US Air Force General Joseph Lengyel abruptly announcing that tens-of-thousands of his nation’s frontline National Guard troops were standing by ready to be deployed to fight the coronavirus pandemic—and then for the first time in the modern history of the United States, saw the Department of Defense being given standby orders to ensure the “continuity of government” in response to the coronavirus pandemic—all of which culminated with a shock global alert being issued by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) warning that two incoming asteroids could cause atmospheric explosions over the next few days—atmospheric explosions that, without any doubt, would put an already strained-to-the-limit world in the crossfire of a nuclear retaliation strike if they’re perceived even in the slightest to have a manmade cause…

via Doomsday Planes Race Into American Skies As Historic Military Orders And Atmospheric Explosion Warnings Issued

Are Deep State Satanists being Arrested under Cover of Defender Europe 20 Exercises?

Written by on …


David Wilcock LIVE broadcast 3-19-20… “A few Kp notes from the show” “The Great Pandemic: What’s Really Going On?”

[Kp update: here is a direct link to the show: (note: it may kick in at the end of the video, but just click along the left part of the red timeline bar, and you can go back to the beginning…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-16-20… “It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. One can certainly say, about this report, just like the current planetary situation(s), “Wow!!” “The events that are now unfolding have gone beyond black swan and become biblical in their proportions…


Utsava Psychic Medium 3-18-20… “Right again: Final stage of arrests, Corona Virus – Bill Gates, Queen, Hollywood, Bitcoin and more!”

This was pretty full of information about arrests, the CV (not harmful to most; only to targeted celebs), and several other things. Go to 5 minutes which is where the report begins (first 5 minutes are promotions for her products)…


Mass Arrests Timeline Under cover of Coronavirus!

“I can confirm that the Positive Military has the plan to carry out mass arrests as has been released by Drake Bailey:”
“Dragon sources from mainland China are confirming this, saying that the current emergency allows the cleanup to take place, and that all this will become visible by April 15th.”
“Resistance has communicated that they can not confirm the Positive Military plan, but they are also not denying it. They have also stated that Positive Military is not the only faction at play, and that “there are also other scenarios involved”. They have added that mass arrests are NOT yet taking place, although the Positive Military is already involved in certain preparatory operations.”…

(1) POSSIBLY TRUE…HYPOTHETICAL From Daniel Robert… – Kerry Lynn Cassidy

From Daniel Robert Dowell
This morning at 4:30 a.m., Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the U.S. for corporate and financial crimes. Media owners were instructed to brainwash everyone that Trudeau and his wife have the Corona virus, and that they won’t be leaving their house for a while

Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago for pedophilia and he is currently being kept in a hotel room in Australia, refusing to fly back to the USA. The next celebrity arrests will be Celine Dion, Madonna, Charles Barkley, and Kevin Spacey. All will claim Corona virus infections

Italy’s airports have been completely shut down, as over 80 Vatican and financial officials have been served the same criminal indictments for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sex abuse

The United Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates

Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities and their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia, and child trafficking. Instead of a 55-year sentence, he only received a 23-year sentence. In exchange he provided testimonies against some of the biggest and most powerful names, including Prince Andrew of the U.K., former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein was similarly allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked in exchange for his testimony

CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted/arrested, and some have been forced to resign — all in the last 30-60 days — such as the CEOs of the NBA, Harley Davidson, the Bill Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald’s, Cesar Awards, and Disney; the Vatican Chief of Police; etc. Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months

The lab-created Corona virus was a cover-up for the mass mandatory vaccination agenda. Now it has become the biggest covert U.S. Intelligence operation that the world has ever seen. This mass 158,000-arrests operation will remove and capture the biggest evil and corrupted politicians, celebrities, and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, U.N. officials, and the founders of GRETA, inc.

President Trump will win the 2020 elections, and arrests of former U.S. presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be portrayed by the media as accidental or as conspiracy theories. All arrested individuals will be given “Rommel Death”, meaning that they will have a choice between their death bring portrayed to the public as a suicide or an accidental death in return for assurances that his or her reputation will remain intact, or, alternatively, they can choose to face a criminal trial that would result in public disgrace

Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, and some will suddenly get “sick.” The Vatican will be the first, and the Pope will be removed in 2020. Production of human extracted Adrenochrome will be revealed, and Hollywood and the Vatican will be exposed as being directly responsible for that

Coming up there will be a 2-month complete shutdown of the world’s most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises. (TEMPORARY)>> There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what’s about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola

Welcome to the Great Awakening. What’s about to happen this summer and fall will change the world’s history

via (1) POSSIBLY TRUE…HYPOTHETICAL From Daniel Robert… – Kerry Lynn Cassidy

4 Ways Coronavirus is Helping to Takedown the Deep State

Body For Awareness Project: Your clothes, your body, your truth. On Sale Now…


Gates Foundation CEO Steps Down and Former CDC Director Dumps $9.11 Million in Shares of Merck Stock

Nearly lost in all the noise over the impeachment debacle and constant fear-mongering surrounding the “coronavirus” outbreak, were two notable events involving major career vaccine pushers…


Feint From Coronavirus Hysteria To Military Crackdown Raises Question If Trump’s Trade Wars Just Escalated To Germ Warfare

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A truly heart-stopping new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing troop allocations to the just ordered closed Russian borders with Norway and Poland, states these closures are supported in light of the World Health Organization having declared that Europe has become the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic—and further supported by the fact that all 14 Russians infected with the novel coronavirus traveled to the European Union in the past two weeks—but whose greatest European causality due to this pandemic has been the largest US military exercise in more than 25-years called DEFENDER-Europe 20—which began when the European Army Interoperability Center (FINABEL) published their alert notice stating: “On 7 October 2019, U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) officially announced what will be the largest deployment of U.S.-based land forces to Europe for an exercise in 25 years”—a military alert notice, however, that mysteriously coincided exactly with the October-2019 conference in America being headed by the world’s 2nd richest man Bill Gates called “The Event 201 Scenario” that “simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic”—the same Bill Gates whom the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) revealed yesterday was forced to make a shock resignation from the Microsoft company he founded after his being summoned to the headquarters of the US Strategic Command this past Friday.

All of which now sees this massive DEFENDER-Europe 20 grinding to halt, the Pentagon halting all travel for the troops who were scheduled for this exercise, as well as the Pentagon announcing “Minimal Staffing” for its massive Washington D.C. headquarters—actual war time moves being enacted leading many American experts to ask: “Did Trump Trade Wars Just Escalate to Germ Warfare?”—an escalation that, indeed, sees tens-of-thousands of fully armed US Army combat troops who were going to Europe now prepared for “something” while awaiting orders from President Donald Trump on the American military bases they’re now restricted to—thus leading MoD intelligence analysts to say the evidence shows that DEFENDER-Europe 20 was a feint (a movement made in order to deceive an adversary; an attack aimed at one place or point merely as a distraction from the real place or point of attack) designed to secretly prepare the US Army for domestic warfare and/or a military crackdown in the United States itself—whose major evidence of this being so comes from Trump himself—who, on 13 March, issued a proclamation of national emergency using the words “In December 2019, a novel (new) coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 (“the virus”) was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China, causing outbreaks of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 that has now spread globally”—a December-2019 date, though, that fails to explain why a month earlier, on 15 November 2019, Trump ordered his government to begin hiring thousands of Quarantine Public Health Advisors…

via Feint From Coronavirus Hysteria To Military Crackdown Raises Question If Trump’s Trade Wars Just Escalated To Germ Warfare

Mr. Ed. RMN 3-14-20… “INTEL Update (Real News) via email – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – THERE IS NO VIRUS”

As always, I recommend using discernment when reading this, but many of the points here are in line with what I have been “getting” about this whole planetary affair right now, with the Corona Virus, things being shut down, etc. I’ll add a highlight or two below. “56,000 U.S…


Liz Crokin 3-12-20 VIDEO… “Coronavirus a cover for mass arrests?”

Seems to go along with the last post. (note: I’ve just listened to this. She connects many dots in this short video). . .


Kp Message 3-12-20… “‘Panic’ is now clearly visible” (so let’s just ‘Hold the Light, baby!!’)

Remember this recent Kp blog post? The one where I was feeling “sheer panic over being here”? Well, now I am quite certain this “sheer panic” was related to a global (lower D) sense of panic. Look at these:..
