Category Archives: #2020financialcrash

Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for the Age of Aquarius Activation

We Love Mass Meditation had organized an interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford in order to raise the awareness of the Age of Aquarius Activation next month on January 12th at 6:11 AM UTC…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-20-20… “Chinese and Western Intelligence Services Hunting Down 5G Telecom Executives”

Full weekly report from Ben. “The so-called coronavirus pandemic has now been definitively traced to 5G electromagnetic attacks, multiple sources agree…


US Is Out Of Gold.Silver AS Out Mints Close

THE ENTIRE FAKE PANDEMIC IS TO HIDE THE FINANCIAL RESET THE CLOSED US MINT – US/CANADA AND THE LONDON GOLD EXCHANGE ARE OUT OF GOLD & SILVER VIDEO: (72) US/Canadian & London Mints Are Out Of Gold/Silver – YouTube On 16 February the US Corporation could not pay on their loans so this corporation beca..


Trump Orders Martial Law Readiness For US Capitol After China Suffers Worse Economic Collapse In 44 Years

April 17, 2020

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A cautiously worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, notes with concern the reply received by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) from the US Department of Defense (DoD) when the Americans were queried about unusually large military movements taking place in and around Washington D.C.—an actual non-reply that saw the DoD referencing their November-2019 alert advisory to NATO about a disease outbreak in China and saying nothing else—a non-reply, however, that came within 24-hours after the DoD admitting that it was still uncertain about the origins of the coronavirus and President Donald Trump threatening to do what no American president before him has done, unilaterally adjourn the US Congress—a stunning admission and threat followed by President Trump ordering the activation of Joint Task Force National Capital Region (JTF-NCR) whose military forces are readying to deploy to the streets of Washington D.C. to enforce martial law—are an elite US combat force comprising almost 10,000 uniformed personnel reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense, and are already on 24/7 alert specially sequestered on military bases and kept out of coronavirus support duties to ensure their readiness—and whose clues about their exact mission are beyond highly disturbing—specifically because President Trump had Attorney General William Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai gang up against the Pentagon over a 5G technology some US military leaders said would interfere with the GPS targeting of their missiles—and comes at the same time the mysterious American warship USNS Invincible has left the Persian Gulf and is presently racing towards the United States—a warship so mysterious it displays no markings or identification, while no one knows which US military branch, if any, it and its civilian crew are under the control of—but is known to be equipped with the formidable Gray Star BMD radar assets that are tasked with space tracking, ballistic missile tracking, and other long-range defense instrumentation missions, and is capable of operating from impressive standoff distances—and about which MoD experts have long believed is the only American warship able to locate and destroy missiles fired by the US military itself—and most gravely to be noticed, are all actions taking place at the same time Communist China is reporting the worst economic contraction in any of its official statistics since 1976, the year it exited the Cultural Revolution—which along with Belt and Road debts to Communist China skyrocketing and their being deprived of vital raw materials since Russia closed the entire border with China on 30 January—sees an entire world wondering when, not if, Communist China will strike back before it implodes…

via Trump Orders Martial Law Readiness For US Capitol After China Suffers Worse Economic Collapse In 44 Years

It Begins – Cheesecake Factory Tells Landlords Nationwide They Will Not Pay Rent April 1st…

Think about this… How weak and tenuous does a corporate financial position need to be such that being closed for one week means informing all nationwide landlords of your inability to pay the rent next week?   Consider this example: CALIFORNIA – The Cheesecake Factory, one of the most popular..


Benjamin Fulford 3/23/20 Report: Project Blue Beam is full steam ahead, so sit back and enjoy the fake Armageddon show

The fake end-times scenario now unfolding in the West will soon get more fantastical, so sit back and enjoy the show.  Although it may seem scary at times, the real aim is to create a better world…


Project Blue Beam is full steam ahead, so sit back and enjoy the fake Armageddon show

The fake end-times scenario now unfolding in the West will soon get more fantastical, so sit back and enjoy the show.  Although it may seem scary at times, the real aim is to create a better world…


Coronavirus Theories So Far!!

By Andrew Goldthorpe

Curious to know… from all the media alternative theories on the internet surrounding COVID 19 which is the most popular right now, select the one you believe the most. Please enter 1,2,3,4 etc as appropriate.


1. China wasn’t happy that Trump and pushed them into such a hard trade deal which hurt them financially. The Chinese not wanting to go to war then released the virus to crash the world economy so they could then buy up Stock, shares, currencies and Gold etc at cheap prices to get their own back.

2. Aliens are coming to finally say Gday and therefore the governments of the world needed to create a good reason that the public would believe to ground the worlds air traffic as they didn’t want to cause planes crashing into each other when our sky will be filled with flying saucers

3. It has long been known that the Governments of the world want a cash ban and everyone to use digital money instead, what a better way to do it than have people staying at home, ordering online and spreading rumours that the cash itself can spread the virus so don;t use it.

4.It has been widely talked about that the world is indeed over populated, what better way to cull the population down than releasing a virus that will kill off the most vulnerable off leaving the strongest gene pool remaining.

5. For a while it has been said that the first GFC was a small one and a bigger one was due, rather than have an angry population blaming their corrupt Governments and the Banks etc for stealing the peoples money yet again, what a great story if they can blame the GFC MK2 on the virus and let the real culprits get away scott-free again.

6. Huge paedophile networks were about to be exposed bringing down some huge public figures, celebrities etc etc, by diverting attention to the Virus the paedophile mess can all be swept under the carpet and who knows maybe a few big names may actually get Covid 19 and “die” in the process

7. To push the vaccination agenda by using fear tactics and cripple the population financially to the point where if you don’t take the vaccine you wont be able to fly on plane, use public transport or work in a public place again.

8. To distract the population while the roll out of the controversial 5G network rolls out blaming any deaths on the Convid 19 Virus rather than the microwaves from the 5G towers

9. To collapse the world financial system controlled by central banks and allow a new fairer system owned by the people to rise flushing out all the corrupt people in the process.

10. A virus from a Bat in a dirty market in China mutated and jumped species to a Human and then it just spread world wide and caused the world to pretty much shut down with no other agenda being played out in the background.

11. Russia and the Saudi’s caused the Oil price to plummet potentially sending many Shale Companies (aka Fracking Oil Companies) broke only days before the media was reporting on Covid 19 whilst this maybe good for consumers the knock on effect for the markets was devastating

12.The US military added the Covid 19 virus into the supply chain of the super potent drug that was manufactured in Wuhan China called Adrenachrome. Adrenachrome is a super powerful drug mainly used by Satin worshipers to get the ultimate high during the sacrificing ritual by terrifying children or animals, kill them and then drink their blood while this powerful chemical that is produced by the body is present making the hallucinations super powerful unlike any other. By attaching Covid 19 to the manufactured supply it would expose all the people who use it that also may be connected to the child abduction rings thus exposing them so they could be investigated or arrested.

13. Forced micro-chipping of the population, creating a digital ID for each person on the planet so they can be tracked and traced anywhere on the planet in real time using 5G technology. Through injecting of the COVID-19 Vaccine which everyone will be begging to take once this chaos is over the nano sized microchip will also be placed into each person.

and please if you have heard another one I have missed please PM me and I will edit the post and add it on.

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-16-20… “It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. One can certainly say, about this report, just like the current planetary situation(s), “Wow!!” “The events that are now unfolding have gone beyond black swan and become biblical in their proportions…


(1) POSSIBLY TRUE…HYPOTHETICAL From Daniel Robert… – Kerry Lynn Cassidy

From Daniel Robert Dowell
This morning at 4:30 a.m., Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the U.S. for corporate and financial crimes. Media owners were instructed to brainwash everyone that Trudeau and his wife have the Corona virus, and that they won’t be leaving their house for a while

Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago for pedophilia and he is currently being kept in a hotel room in Australia, refusing to fly back to the USA. The next celebrity arrests will be Celine Dion, Madonna, Charles Barkley, and Kevin Spacey. All will claim Corona virus infections

Italy’s airports have been completely shut down, as over 80 Vatican and financial officials have been served the same criminal indictments for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sex abuse

The United Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates

Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities and their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia, and child trafficking. Instead of a 55-year sentence, he only received a 23-year sentence. In exchange he provided testimonies against some of the biggest and most powerful names, including Prince Andrew of the U.K., former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein was similarly allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked in exchange for his testimony

CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted/arrested, and some have been forced to resign — all in the last 30-60 days — such as the CEOs of the NBA, Harley Davidson, the Bill Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald’s, Cesar Awards, and Disney; the Vatican Chief of Police; etc. Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months

The lab-created Corona virus was a cover-up for the mass mandatory vaccination agenda. Now it has become the biggest covert U.S. Intelligence operation that the world has ever seen. This mass 158,000-arrests operation will remove and capture the biggest evil and corrupted politicians, celebrities, and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, U.N. officials, and the founders of GRETA, inc.

President Trump will win the 2020 elections, and arrests of former U.S. presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be portrayed by the media as accidental or as conspiracy theories. All arrested individuals will be given “Rommel Death”, meaning that they will have a choice between their death bring portrayed to the public as a suicide or an accidental death in return for assurances that his or her reputation will remain intact, or, alternatively, they can choose to face a criminal trial that would result in public disgrace

Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, and some will suddenly get “sick.” The Vatican will be the first, and the Pope will be removed in 2020. Production of human extracted Adrenochrome will be revealed, and Hollywood and the Vatican will be exposed as being directly responsible for that

Coming up there will be a 2-month complete shutdown of the world’s most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises. (TEMPORARY)>> There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what’s about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola

Welcome to the Great Awakening. What’s about to happen this summer and fall will change the world’s history

via (1) POSSIBLY TRUE…HYPOTHETICAL From Daniel Robert… – Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Mr. Ed. RMN 3-14-20… “INTEL Update (Real News) via email – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – THERE IS NO VIRUS”

As always, I recommend using discernment when reading this, but many of the points here are in line with what I have been “getting” about this whole planetary affair right now, with the Corona Virus, things being shut down, etc. I’ll add a highlight or two below. “56,000 U.S…


“Hug Of A Thousand Deaths” Insanity Throws World Into Tailspin Costing US Alone A Staggering $8 Trillion

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A gripping new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today expanding its discussions on the April-2017 reindeer apocalypse that began in Siberia that led to the October-2019 dire warning being issued that the ancient virus that wiped out the woolly mammoths over 14,000 years ago may have reemerged from the melting Arctic Tundra, states that even though President Donald Trump quickly responded to this global emergency by having the Centers for Disease Control post job openings for thousands of Public Health Advisor-Quarantine Program experts a little over a fortnight later on 15 November 2019 in preparation for what was to come—and his, also, on 31 January 2020, issuing the Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus to ban Chinese citizens from entering the United States—shockingly says these actions made by Trump to save humanity were met with outright democrat-socialist insanity—best exampled in the United States where its socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate leader Joe Biden went out of his mind and said about Trump’s ban on Chinese travel to the US: “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, to uh, and fear mongering”—and in Italy where the socialist Italian Democrat Party leader Mayor Dario Nardella of Florence immediately responded to Biden’s trashing of Trump by bringing into his government office a recent Chinese arrival to give him a hug—that was quickly followed by another recent Chinese arrival to Italy standing in the middle of Florence with a sign in multiple languages encouraging Italian citizens to hug him, too—the predictable tragic consequence of this socialist insanity now sees Italy being on total lockdown as its coronavirus death toll soars over 1,000—as well as its Italian citizens “being treated like garbage” with their being stuck inside their homes with the dead bodies of their loved ones—all occurring while the world has been thrown into an economic tailspin because of the coronavirus pandemic—where in the US alone it has seen $7.3 trillion in value wiped from its total stock market since 19 February—as well as just hours ago its central bank having to pump a staggering $1 trillion into their economy to keep it afloat—and is floundering economy being met with its largest city New York being shut down, as well as its nation’s capitol Washington D.C. that’s now in lockdown, too…

via “Hug Of A Thousand Deaths” Insanity Throws World Into Tailspin Costing US Alone A Staggering $8 Trillion

Benjamin Fulford 3/9/20 Report: US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see.  The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm…


Benjamin Fulford 3/9/20 Report: US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see.  The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm…


Benjamin Fulford 3/9/20 Report: US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see.  The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm…


Black Monday and the Collapse of Everything

Dow Jones sinks over 2000 points in worst single-day drop in history amid oil price war, coronavirus, with such a massive sell-off that circuit breakers were triggered putting a halt to trading for 15 minutes…


US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see.  The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-24-20… “Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on”

Full weekly report from Ben. All I can say at this moment that the Bill Gates story seems like great news, hopefully leading to the takedown of the worldwide pharmacidal complex…


Russia Cuts Trade Ties With US As Black Swan Rides Coronavirus-Locust Apocalypse Wave Across World

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very concerning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the unprecedented degradation of Russian-American ties due to anti-Russian statements made by the participants of the US election campaign, says there is no choice left but for Russia to suspend the work of its trade mission in the United States—a trade mission suspension coming at the same time Russia is projected to retain the crown as the world’s top wheat exporter for third year in a row as US wheat harvest numbers continue to fall—and for this year, also, has experts warning that the weather factor, including a snowless, warm winter, is increasingly becoming a “black swan” event for Russian farmers—which refers to a rare and unpredictable occurrence that has severe consequences for financial markets—is now confronting President Donald Trump, too, as he faces a “black swan” threat to the economy and reelection his leading allies acknowledge could present an existential political threat—all being caused by the coronavirus threat that’s now crashed the entire Chinese economy to its lowest level on record—and to make this grave situation even worse, now sees China being attacked by the apocalyptic locust plague sweeping the globe—thus creating a “Global Economic Pandemic” neither Russia or the US can collaborate on mitigating because of trade tie cutoffs—which Trump has now responded to by warning his citizens that if the Democrats win the White House, “there will be a stock market crash like you have never seen before”…

via Russia Cuts Trade Ties With US As Black Swan Rides Coronavirus-Locust Apocalypse Wave Across World

US Corporation fails to meet payments date and threatens to poison world’s water supply

The U.S. Corporate government failed to meet a February 16th payments deadline and is now threatening to poison the world’s water supply, MI6 and CIA sources say.  This was how the threat was conveyed by a senior CIA source: “Remember pure clean water is life…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 2-10-20… “Israel commits suicide by declaring war on China”

Full weekly report from Ben. Interesting data in this one. My only caveat here… remain IN the Light and free from “doom and gloom” perspectives…


Chinese Economy Grinding To A Halt

The entire Chinese Economy – not just in the region of Yuhan – is grinding to a halt Over 3090 years of subsidizing their major corporations using debt is coming to an end and they must now face up to it Further – As the yuan falls in reference to the US Dollar – since all debt is enumerated in US D..


Deep State “CORONA DEPRESSION” Now World Wide

The Planned Deep State “CORONA DEPRESSION” is hitting world wide In China – they have: 1) Closed both the Singapore and Shanghai stock markets 2) Seized the Hong Kong stock market 3) Many factories now giving “Extended Leave” 4) Many Chinese Banks have been seized by the Central Government and it ap..


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 1-6-20… “Desperate Zionist move to start WWIII backfires drastically”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. As with all of Benjamin’s posts, feel free to “tune in” to that Higher Discernment while reading (particularly with regard to Trump and why he is doing / saying what he is doing / saying)…


