Category Archives: gates

Benjamin Fulford 3/9/20 Report: US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see.  The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm…


Benjamin Fulford 3/9/20 Report: US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see.  The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm…


Benjamin Fulford 3/9/20 Report: US Presidential Election, Tokyo Olympics cancelled? Engineered pandemic ushers in World Government

The controlled demolition of the Khazarian mafia financial system is now visible for all to see.  The 30% plunge in oil prices, the meltdown of stock and bond markets and a freeze in world travel and trade are all being orchestrated in tandem with a fake pandemic, multiple sources confirm…


Khazarian mob using virus fear porn in desperate attempt to keep control over its 200-plus “nation states”


The Khazarian mob is fighting for its life and stoking pandemic fear porn in a desperate attempt to keep its control grid over humanity, multiple sources say…
