Category Archives: Bankster/Banker Deaths

The Economic Collapse Is Underway- Financial Expert Robert Kudla

Friday, March 17, 2017 5:22


Bob Kudla is one America’s financial experts. Kudla believes that America has entered the realm of economic decline that will start to reach crisis levels. The only ones making money are the banks. Consumerism is dying. Wages are in decline when we account for inflation. Trump will falsely get the blame and this is by design.

How bad will it get?

Source: The Economic Collapse Is Underway- Financial Expert Robert Kudla | Economy

Obama “Black House” vs. Trump “White House” War Goes Nuclear After Clinton Banker Suicided

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers. A striking new report released in the Kremlin today by the Security Council (SC) is warning that forces loyal to Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama have launched an all-out assault against President Donald Trump—and that coincides with the suiciding of a top New York City banker who was scheduled to meet yesterday with US Attorney General Jeff Sessions in front of a Grand Jury investigating Clinton-Obama money laundering crimes….


According to this report, operating from what SC intelligence experts describe as the “Black House”, former President Obama has assembled around him in Washington D.C. a “shadow government” in his walled compound a few blocks from President Trump’s “White House”—with the “Black House” being described as “the nerve center for the Obama-Clinton plan to mastermind the destruction of Trump”, and that Obama’s former top aide Valerie Jarrett just moved into, with his former Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday, also, foretelling Obama’s return to battle by his stating: “He’s coming, And he’s ready to roll.”…


Hidden Finance: Banker Deaths, Bond Manipulation, Rate Rigging, and Deutsche Bank Fraud | Stillness in the Storm

(Dr. Joseph P. Farrell) Yesterday I began this two part blog by noting an important article that appeared in Bloomberg Business Weekly, authored by Vernon Silver and Elissa Martinuzzi, concerning how Deutsche Bank made billions disappear from its books. At the end of that blog, I noted the banker deaths that mysteriously surrounded the Deutsche Bank transactions with Michele Faissola and the Italian Banca dei Paschi di Sienna, a bank in continuous operation since the Renaissance. I also noted Bloomberg’s “take” that this transaction was a microcosm of Deutsche Bank’s other operations. Finally, I noted that the banker deaths were not confined to associations with Deutsche Bank, but that they engulfed other prime banks and even some insurance institutions in the Western financial system, among them J.P. Morgan Chase. So to refresh our memory, we have the following elements:

Source: Hidden Finance: Banker Deaths, Bond Manipulation, Rate Rigging, and Deutsche Bank Fraud | Stillness in the Storm