Category Archives: #PresidentialCrimeSyndicate

– Rockefeller’s Presidential Crime Syndicate #BushSr #BabyBush #Clinton #Obama ($1t)

Martin Geddes 8-21-19… “#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?”

Holy crap! This is quite a great article (in my view), about getting ready for the coming changes, and what we might expect…


Martin Geddes 8-21-19… “#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?”

Holy crap! This is quite a great article (in my view), about getting ready for the coming changes, and what we might expect…


Martin Geddes 8-21-19… “#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?”

Holy crap! This is quite a great article (in my view), about getting ready for the coming changes, and what we might expect…


Founder’s Son Says Scientology Was Satanic, Drug Dealing Business!

The son of the founder of Scientology absolutely destroys it in this 8 minute clip from 1983!  This information comes from Ron DeWolf who was the son of L. Ron Hubbard – the founder!   Ron was at the very top of training in the organization for years and knew all the secrets…


US-China “Pig & Metal War” Warned Gives Trump Power To Declare Martial Law

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers An extremely interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today setting forth the conditions needed for Russia to sell its ammunition to the Pentagon notes that this issue is being swept to forefront of critical g..


Vancouver Legal Heroin Plan

Not sure if you came across this, but I thought you would find it interesting.  Last week, the BC Centre for Substance Abuse released a report calling for “heroin compassion clubs” where addicts can buy heroin from the government instead of someone on the street…


I Q Test for Democrats and News Anchors & #SpyGate – Collusion Scandal Bigger than Watergate [Part 1/2] Those Involved to Take Down Trump

1. If Trump is part of the Global Elite why do the lame stream media owned by the Global Elite, politicians who sold out to the Global Elite viciously slander and attack him? Is it because he is not one of them, not part of the club? Who’s character and ignorance is being established? 2…


Trump: Investigators should look into Hillary’s emails, not fake Russia story

On Thursday, Trump traveled to Huntington, West Virginia to host a “Make America Great Again” rally…


Hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of gold now available to help planet

This Saturday a delegation from the White Dragon Society, including this writer, will be heading to Bougainville in the Solomon Islands to meet with King David Peii II to discuss how to reopen the Panguna mine, which contains about $170 trillion worth of gold and copper. Furthermore, there are six other mine sites under the control of King David and his people on the Island meaning that many hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of metal can be made available to benefit the people and living creatures of the planet earth.

The total amount of money the OECD spent on development in 2016 was $142.6 billion, so if even a small fraction of the wealth of just one of the six sites was used, there would be at least 10 times more money available to help the poor and protect the environment than is now being spent.

The Panguna mine was developed by the Rothschild controlled firm Rio Tinto. However locals, angered at the pollution caused by the mine, as was at the lousy treatment they were accorded by the mine’s owners, seized control after a long war of resistance. Representatives of King David also claim the Rothschild owners of the mine were contemplating destroying the entire island in order to extract its mineral wealth. You can be sure, based on their track record, the Rothschilds were not planning to spend the money they hoped to earn from this to help the planet.

Representatives of Rio Tinto did not respond to multiple WDS attempts to contact them. If an agreement is not reached with the Rothschilds, the WDS will, if necessary, use as much weight of the world’s military as needed to help King David make the gold and other metals available, in an environmentally friendly manner, for the benefit of the planet. One idea is to use mine tailings as landfill in order to create new land for living creatures so that the overall impact of the mining on the island will be to create more space for living creatures than existed before. The WDS will report more on the situation after a June 10-14th visit to the Island.

In any case, the Khazarian mafia has been suffering a stunning series of defeats in recent months as their planetary control grid collapses in increasingly visible ways.

Most importantly, but in a manner still hidden from most of the world, the Khazarians are running out of gold and most of the world no longer accepts their paper, which is not backed by anything but a rapidly evaporating group mind control mechanism.
Khazarian attempts to get gold in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia are all being stonewalled, multiple sources agree.

Last week representatives from Citibank and US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph Donovan promised Indonesian President Joko Widodo they would wipe out all of Indonesia’s external debt in exchange for 12,500 tons of gold but they left empty handed, WDS sources in Indonesia say.

The WDS sources add: “The Sultan of Johor, West Malaysia is involved in the attempt to extort the gold from Jakarta. He is claiming that the gold belongs to…

Source: Hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of gold now available to help planet

Bombshell Intel on Former FBI Comey

Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.
Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House. A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison, and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.
Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company, a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation and its fake charity spin-offs. In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts…

Source: Bombshell Intel on Former FBI Comey | Spies and Intelligence

Congressman Jailed For Treason – It Has Begun

dr-william-mount211111111111211The arrests of Congressman who have been shown to be Traitors have now begun.

Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner was sent before a Secret Grand Jury and was found guilty of Sexting a 15 year old and agreed to a 2 year sentence in Federal Prison in Philly and to be listed as a Sex Offender for the rest of his life.

Of course – his loyal wife immediately filed for divorce upon learning of his conviction.

Congressional Immunity usually continues for life – unless there is Treason Involved so there is a whole lot more to this story that meets the eye.

In order for the Treason Charges to be dropped he would have had to turn over some really special, and condemning,  evidence about his fellow Congressman.

One down – 22 to go.

This specially rebuilt part of the Philly Federal Prison allows those who are to be arrested the opportunity to come clean on all their involvement and then relocated to a safe place to live out their little miserable lives.

The arrest, trial, conviction and sentencing was done so secretly that no one was able to Kill Congressman Anthony Weiner for testifying against the Big H and her Drug Dealing Organization.

One down, 22 to go.

Pray that the Traitor Congressman John McCain joins him for selling out America.


Continue reading Congressman Jailed For Treason – It Has Begun

Vatican: The Greatest Usurper Enslaving All of Humanity – Prepare for Change

Vatican: The Greatest Usurper Enslaving All of Humanity

It is important to know that in legalese the terms person, human and human creature are not the same as the word man. The Papal Bull Unam Sanctum, Pope Boniface VIII November 18, 1302 says that “every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff”. A human creature is not a man and therefore as a living man you are not subject to the Roman Pontiff.

The Papal Bull Unam Sanctum also says that “The spiritual man judgeth of all things and he himself is judged by no man”. In other words, no man, corporation (e.g., the Vatican), religious leader, president, king, pope can lawfully judge a spiritual man. What the author of the following article failed to “innerstand” is that the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum only applies to human creatures and artificial persons (corporations). It does not apply to a living and spiritual man. Are you a human creature or a spiritual man (“male” or “female”)? The choice is yours to make. – Pao Chang



Long ago, the Vatican has declared us all “lost at sea” or dead and therefore it must manage all our Estate forever.

The Vatican is not just a church of politics and military minds; it is a Corporate Bank of Pirates. And it has been our position that a better system has already been designed that is far better than the Corporation.

The abolition of money through the release of all useful but suppressed technologies should free the people from debt slavery for good.

It is high that we chart our own course for humanity’s survival and put a final stop to medieval concepts that have deterred this planet from attaining its highest advancement possible through unhampered collective scientific effort.

The satisfaction of basic needs and the availability of resources to advance oneself should arrest the motivation to corrupt and should make all criminal justice infrastructures obsolete.

Vatican Bank of Secrecy

Through the issuance of Papal Bulls it has created the most elaborate system of deception through what is now known as Uniform Commercial Codes [UCC] or the corporate laws which transform our physical existence into an abject slavery…

Source: Vatican: The Greatest Usurper Enslaving All of Humanity – Prepare for Change

US Federal Prison Ordered By Trump To Prepare For 23 “High Security Political Defendants”

May 13, 2017 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the unprecedented “grouping/converging” of US Marshals Service-Eastern District of Pennsylvania (USMS-EDP) agents in Philadelphia and Washington D.C. this past week was due to President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) “informing/notifying” the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to prepare for at least 23 “high security political defendants” being placed in the Federal Detention Center (FDC) located in Philadelphia—one of whom the SVR believes will be Hillary Clinton.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this report, while the US mainstream propaganda media this past week was being consumed by their “Russia hysteria” meme against President Trump that has led to a $150 million “kill contract” being put on his life, and whom had just fired his leftist-leaning Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey, SVR intelligence analysts were reporting that a team of FBI agents and US Department of Justice prosecutors had just returned from Bangladesh where they had secured under oath testimony from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirming Hillary Clinton’s criminality.

Prime Minister Hasina testified to the FBI and the US Justice Department, this report explains, that in 2011 then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called her office demanding that Muhammad Yunus be restored to his role as chairman of the Bangladesh’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank—but who had been paid between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative, with Yunus himself personally giving between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation website too.

Grameen Bank, this report details, was created by Muhammad Yunus and purported to be a pioneer in the concepts of microcredit and microfinance to help poor peoples—but whose “reasons and ability” to pay Hillary Clinton nearly $500,000 led the SVR (among others) to question its true motives—and whose charges of embezzlement and loan-sharking against have yet to be fully investigated.

As part of the Bangladesh government, this report continues, Prime Minister Hasina further told the FBI and US Justice Department that under her nations banking laws, no one could be the director of Grameen Bank past the age of 60—and that by his management of this bank, until she dismissed him upon taking power, Yunus, at age 70, in effect, had stolen 10-years of salary and benefits too.



Most shocking about this newly discovered crime by Hillary Clinton, this report notes, is that the FBI had known about it—but after Director Comey had ordered the investigation to cease, and barely a fortnight prior to President Trump taking office, someone” at the FBI mysteriously posted on its website over 300 emails that Clinton had sent to an unnamed colleague not in the government (suspected to be her adviser Sid Blumenthal) that had fallen into the hands of foreign powers, including Bangladesh (though funneled through China)


Trey Gowdy’s Missing Investigators Found! ⋆ USA Politics Today

The two investigators who went missing after traveling to Arkansas have been found in a shallow grave in a wooded area more than 100 miles from where their truck was found. The two men, deputized agents of the federal government, were interrogated, tortured, covered with garbage bags and buried while still breathing, according to the local medical examiner.

The site was discovered after a local hiker saw a skull that an animal had most likely dug up and left on top of the grave. The surface was also scratched away, revealing some of the green Hefty bags.

Their bodies are being moved to Quantico for follow-up autopsies. The nature of their mission to Arkansas is still considered classified, but a spokeswoman for Congressman Gowdy said that they were headed to the Clinton Presidential library with a warrant to search the residence attached to it…

Source: Trey Gowdy’s Missing Investigators Found! ⋆ USA Politics Today

North Korea, it’s Not About the Nukes, it Is All About the Heroin Cash Crop – Guess Who Wants It? The CIA and the DoD Do Not Like Competition

Featuring Dave from X-22 Report.

Published on 18 Apr 2017

North Korea, It”s Not About the NUKES, It is All About the Heroin Cash Crop. The CIA and the DoD Do not like competetion. They want all control of the Heroin market.
May be that is why NK started the drug trade. So that they won’t have to rely on the Rothchild’s loans. The central banks have had their talons ready to take over.


Source: North Korea, it’s Not About the Nukes, it Is All About the Heroin Cash Crop – Guess Who Wants It? The CIA and the DoD Do Not Like Competition | War and Conflict

HSBC Bank: Secret Origins To 26/11 Mumbai Attacks – Triangular Trade: Weapons; Drugs; Sex – The International Drug Trade – Globalism is Essentially a Global Slave and Dope-Pushing Empire – Militancy and the Punjab Drug Trade – Afghanistan’s Golden Crescent of Opium Production – Afghan Opium for Bankers and Terrorists – Banks Launder Billions in Drug Money Every Year – Pillar of Global Trade: Drugs – Cash is Required to Maintain Terrorist™ Networks

Triangular Trade: Weapons; Drugs; Sex April 18, 2017. By way of introduction to the extensive articles published last year and the year before by GreatGameIndia on the drug trade out of Punjab, India, the slave trade helped propel the agricultural and industrial revolutions in England along with the technological revolution that propelled the masonic East India Company…

via HSBC Bank: Secret Origins To 26/11 Mumbai Attacks – Triangular Trade: Weapons; Drugs; Sex – The International Drug Trade – Globalism is Essentially a Global Slave and Dope-Pushing Empire – Militancy and the Punjab Drug Trade – Afghanistan’s Golden Crescent of Opium Production – Afghan Opium for Bankers and Terrorists – Banks Launder Billions in Drug Money Every Year – Pillar of Global Trade: Drugs – Cash is Required to Maintain Terrorist™ Networks — Abel Danger

Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave – Weekly geo-political news and analysis Message from Benjamin Fulford

The Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia made a fatal miscalculation last week when they blackmailed US president Trump into becoming their slave zombie, Pentagon and other sources agree.

The Satanists posted videos of opium poisoned babies being murdered by doctors and used that as an excuse for Trump to order an illegal missile attack against Syria.

However, the real reason Trump ordered this illegal attack is because he is being blackmailed by the Satanists with a video they have of him murdering a 12 year old girl named Mary, Pentagon and CIA sources say.

Pentagon sources say the “Syria strike was done with advance notice to the Russian military for minimal damage while creating backlash and mass protests nationwide to fire Trump [Satanist] Khazarian handler Jared Kushner and purge the neocons.”

In case you find it hard to believe Kushner is a Satanist, you might ask yourself why he bought the building 666 Fifth Avenue that housed a company called Lucent Technology that was developing micro-chips to be implanted into humans, ie the mark of the beast.]

Kushner is now an official target and is not expected to remain long on this planet, CIA and agency sources say.

In any case, another major reason the desperate Khazarian “cabal routed and launched the Syria strike was because Russia won the energy war when the EU dropped its opposition to the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany,” the Pentagon sources say.

The other thing to note about the attack on Syria is that it was timed to help the Khazarian Satanic Daesh mercenary army try to retake the temple of Baal (Molech, Set, Satan) in Palmyra. This attempt failed.

Now that Trump has been turned into a Satanist zombie the Satanist general David Petraeus has taken over the US National Security Council, the Pentagon sources say. His flunky, H. R. McMaster, is now the National Security Adviser for Trump and is planning to send 150,000 US ground troops to invade Syria, the sources say. “This won’t fly with the Joint Chiefs of Staff so were will be more shake ups,” the sources continue. Needless to say, sending 150,000 US troops to Syria would start World War 3 and lead to the death of 90% of humanity and the destruction of the Northern Hemisphere, so it ain’t going to happen folks.

The Israelis are also somehow deluding themselves that the US air-force will build a giant airbase in Syria now that that the Satanists heroin smuggling operations at Turkey’s Incirlink airbase have been shut down.

What we are witnessing is a desperate, battle of the bulge type offensive by the Satanists occupying the government of Israel.

“Hezbollah, Syria and Iran may be heavily rearmed by Russia to seize the Golan Heights since red lines have been crossed with tomahawks and Coptic church bombings on palm Sunday,” the Pentagon sources say. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon are joining with Russia and the US military to force the Israelis, the Saudis and their mercenary armies to stop their illegal never-ending war-mongering, multiple sources agree.

Despite the fireworks in the Middle East, however, the decisive action is taking place now in Japan and North Korea, CIA, FSB, Japanese military intelligence and other sources agree.
Satanic slave Donald Trump’s decision to order a carrier group to North Korea is connected to his orders for a nuclear attack on North Korea to take place on…

Full report will be posted in 3 days.

Source: Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Hillary Resigns From Public Service

Forget about every other news story

She has finally stepped down and the Clinton drug empire collapses around her.

The woman everyone loves to hate has resigned.

Let’s pray that all her stupid satanic ideas die with her.

You are the smartest, most active, and cool3est audience on the planet.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Quote: John Shapiro, Assistant Secretary Of State,  1 June 2012:

The purpose of the State Department Is To Sell Weapons.

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Hillary Resigns From Public Service

These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO

Image Source.Note: This article appears to be written by a non-English speaker, and as such, translation errors can be found below. (Alexander Light) The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our planet’s resources. David Icke coined it the “Totalitarian Tip-Toe,” because “they” are making very small…

via These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO — Stillness in the Storm

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-3-17… “US and Japan are close to civil war as Rockefeller death leaves power vacuum”

Breaking: 88 Mexican Reporters Murdered by Cartels – Newpaper Forced to Close




A total of 88 Mexican journalists have been murdered by the cartels.  Breitbart and Hastings were the first in America, but make no mistake about it, this is coming here. It is only a matter of time until we are like Mexico in this regard.

Is it any wonder that so many good people in Mexico are desperately trying to get away from this carnage?


Source: Breaking: 88 Mexican Reporters Murdered by Cartels – Newpaper Forced to Close | Scandals

The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in Drug Trafficking


Political Junkie News Media March 19, 2017 In the beginning, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks — ideal conditions for cementing a long-term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned…

via The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in Drug Trafficking — Galactic Connection

As Treasonous Bush-Clinton-Obama Pedo Cabal Dynasty Gets Exposed, Desperate Elite Step Up War against Humanity

Image result for bush clinton obama pedo cabal

A Walk down the Rabbit Hole of New World Order History

Every day the world seems to be spinning faster out of control. What appears to be unfolding is an epic battle between subversive forces within deep state America vying for dominance and control. Up till now the international crime cabal government led by the ruling elite has enjoyed unbroken, virtually unchallenged power and authority in Washington. The current ruling cabal easily stretches all the way back to the 1980 presidential election, when Ronald Reagan as a figurehead idol on a pedestal covertly secured the real globalist powerbroker into position – his Vice President George H. W. Bush.

That year Reagan beat incumbent Jimmy Carter only because of the October Surprise, a top secret deal overseen by former CIA Director Bush negotiated with Iran’s Khomeini to delay the release of the 52 American hostages in Tehran until after Reagan was elected and became president. Had Carter been able to free the hostages prior to his November election reducing their 444 day ordeal, he would have secured his second term in office. So it’s only by treasonous subterfuge that the puppet occupying the White House changed that year.

This totally sinister pattern already had a precedent when a dozen years earlier Richard Nixon made a secret agreement with then South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu to sabotage peace talks with North Vietnam that President Johnson had been negotiating, convincing Thieu to hold off from signing any peace treaty in 1968 on a broken promise of a better deal to come. This subversively treasonous ploy won Nixon the presidency, extending America’s then longest running war another four plus years, killing 22,000 more American lives and over a million more Southeast Asians. But hey, what does it matter to the ruling elite that has only contempt for human life while deciding who becomes president every four or eight years? The planetary rulers control both political parties in America and regularly take turns selecting the Republican or the Democrat who comes to power as they see fit. Illegal secret deals determining who the White House puppet will be are just how the diabolical game is played. And the game’s been rigged for many decades…

Source: As Treasonous Bush-Clinton-Obama Pedo Cabal Dynasty Gets Exposed, Desperate Elite Step Up War against Humanity | Politics

Investigator Says John Podesta Was Paid One Billion Rubles By Russia

Investigative reporter Peter Shcweizer has obtained proof that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta illegally received over one billion rubles ($45 million dollars) from Russia. Schweizer claims Podesta has “a very interesting relationship with Russia, going back to […]

via Investigator Says John Podesta Was Paid One Billion Rubles By Russia — Your News Wire