Category Archives: #electionfraud

While Under Oath Professional Computer Programmer Testified He Coded Computers To Rig Elections In 2006..

Virginia governor signs legislation dropping voting restrictions

Virginia will no longer require voters to show a photo ID prior to casting a ballot and the state will join a handful of states across the nation in making Election Day a state holiday, Gov. Ralph Northam (D) announced Sunday. ..


Ex-Clinton lawyer threatens to sue Nevada unless ballot harvesting permitted

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Democrats trying to use coronavirus crisis to rewrite all US election law

I’m sorry, but you have no constitutional “right” to vote by mail. You have no constitutional “right” to vote six days after an election is over. Nor do you have any “right” to censor information related to an election. Not even during a pandemic…


Martin Geddes 8-21-19… “#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?”

Holy crap! This is quite a great article (in my view), about getting ready for the coming changes, and what we might expect…


Martin Geddes 8-21-19… “#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?”

Holy crap! This is quite a great article (in my view), about getting ready for the coming changes, and what we might expect…


Martin Geddes 8-21-19… “#TheStorm: How to prepare for a global corruption purge?”

Holy crap! This is quite a great article (in my view), about getting ready for the coming changes, and what we might expect…


Trump Readies Nationwide Emergency Alert System In Preparation For Total Media Takeover

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A tensely worded new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining President Donald Trump warning on 6 August that he is “Watching Google Very closely!” upon his discovering the fraud they perpetra..


Altering reality : Big Tech is desperately trying to cover up ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats while dishonestly trying to implicate President Trump

(Natural News) As the “pedo island” scandal continues to unfold, tech giants like Google are frantically trying to purge all posts and search results that threaten to expose ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats like Bill Clinton, and instead implicate President Trump as somehow being one o..


PragerU 7-19-19 VIDEO… “Dr. Robert Epstein on Big Tech Censorship”

Some may be interested in this, related to tech censorship and election manipulation (by Google, et al.). The first one is Dr. Epstein’s full introductory statement (Dr…


“Theatre Of War” Fears Grow As Russiagate Hoax Implosion Meets More Captured CIA Spies

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A very disturbing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the United States’ refusal to engage in talks on the non-deployment of weapons with Russiaand China, states that the Pentagon’s master plan to cr..


Senator Cruz Grills Google Executive Over Insider Story

On June 25 2019, during a US Senate Committee hearing, Texas Senator Ted Cruz questioned Ms…


Google executives must be brought to justice for their crimes and conspiracies: Election meddling, knowledge suppression and fraud

Just hours after this video went public (see below), not only did Google censor the video on YouTube (yes, Google censors videos exposing Google censorship), now Google’s executives have gone into hiding to try to run from the truth about their criminal fraud…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


Swearing In The 116th Congress Was Disgusting

So many illegally elected people in Congress being Sworn In. The DOJ has decided not to prosecute anyone for voter fraud in 2014, 2016, & 2018…


Dan Bongino 11-15-18… “Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History”

This was presented at the David Horowitz Freedom Center Restoration Weekend 2018 (link) (and the exact date would fall in the range of Nov. 15-18). Found this via NeonRevolt Gab post. NR wrote: VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO…


The Invincible Rulers – The Cabal’s Financial System is about to Implode

While most people are focused on the accusations of the Neocons and Liberals, pushing for the impeachment of President Trump, by making him out to be a crazy man not capable of running the government, this is in actual fact their response to his ongoing draining of the swamp operation…


Hallelujah – The Trial Of Hillary Has Begun

We Do Not Mean To Bully Or Harass Anyone But We Will Tell The Truth. ==========..


SerialBrain2, (11-17-18)… “Q2493 53-47. Trump confirms Q. Again”

Another “fabulously great” analysis from SerialBrain2 about the elections, and the Trump, et al., strategy to take down the deep state so-called “election process”. This goes along with this As We Know video…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-12-18… ““Jesus Christ to marry Asian Goddess” as East-West secret societies agree to save planet”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. “The WDS proposal is as follows: The creation of at least two competing future planning agencies…


Russia Bans Talks With US House Democrats After They Threaten To Nuke American Gun Owners

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