Category Archives: #GoogleCensorship

– #ADPOCALYPSE! #ENEMEDIA’s attempt to demonetise #AltMedia. They fail to realise that if they censor us they will lose us as customers, and ultimately, #THEYLOSE!

White House launches tool to report censorship on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter

On Wednesday, the White House launched a new tool for people to use if they feel they’ve been wrongly censored, banned, or suspended on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Facebook, Google, and YouTube did not immediately respond to requests for comment…


David Icke is horribly wrong about the coronavirus, but I support his right to speak… DAMN the tech giants for deleting his channels (and mine)

(Natural News) David Icke has been de-platformed by YouTube and Facebook for promoting his theories about the coronavirus, according to The Guardian. His theories — which pretend there is no coronavirus — are absurd and wildly misinformed, but that’s beside the point…


Google now taking sides on key issues like medicine, cancer, vaccines, GMOs, climate change and more, and working to obliterate all views that Google doesn’t endorse

With the most recent Google “Core” update, which took place in June, substantial changes were made to the search results that users pull up when querying topics like vaccine safety, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), cancer, pharmaceuticals, and climate change – with Google, as you probabl..


Google has merged with Big Pharma to become its own pharmaceutical company

By Ethan Huff, As you’re probably aware, honest and accurate information about natural health and wellness is increasingly hard to come by on Google now that the tech platform is altering autocomplete results and even banning entire websites in an effort to prevent users from pulling up anything..


Altering reality : Big Tech is desperately trying to cover up ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats while dishonestly trying to implicate President Trump

(Natural News) As the “pedo island” scandal continues to unfold, tech giants like Google are frantically trying to purge all posts and search results that threaten to expose ties between Jeffrey Epstein and Democrats like Bill Clinton, and instead implicate President Trump as somehow being one o..


PragerU 7-19-19 VIDEO… “Dr. Robert Epstein on Big Tech Censorship”

Some may be interested in this, related to tech censorship and election manipulation (by Google, et al.). The first one is Dr. Epstein’s full introductory statement (Dr…


A Complete List of Alternatives To The Google Search Engine

By Arjun Walia, IN BRIEF The Facts:Using Google as a search engine is no longer giving you access to unedited truth. As admitted by Google exec Jen Gennai, you will sew what Google wants you to see…


Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites From Its Search Results; Whistleblower Explains How and Why

Earlier this month, in one devastating algorithmic stroke, Google removed many of the top natural health and health freedom websites from their organic search results — some losing as much as 90% of their traffic…


EMP Blackout Takedown Of Clinton Office In New York City By FBI Impresses Russian Military

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers An interesting new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today responding to the European Union accusation that that last week’s electromagnetic pulse (EMP) detection testing aboard the newly launched Kosmos 2537 mil..


Senator Cruz Grills Google Executive Over Insider Story

On June 25 2019, during a US Senate Committee hearing, Texas Senator Ted Cruz questioned Ms…


Google: The Monster That Has To Be Destroyed

Google & YouTube have violated the public trust by lying to official representatives about their company wide censorship and political bias. They continue to lie to their users and content creators. They are involved in ongoing election meddling in the United States and several other countries…


REVEALED: Two More Google Blacklists Designed To Remove ‘Fringe Domains’ And Op-Eds From Special Search Results

At least two other blacklists are applied to Google’s web answers feature, one of which is manually edited, documents obtained by The Daily Caller indicate…


Leaked Documents From Google, Pinterest Reveal Censorship of Alternative Media

Newly leaked documents from Google and Pinterest reveal ongoing efforts to censor independent media, Christian websites, and unpopular opinions…


Google executives must be brought to justice for their crimes and conspiracies: Election meddling, knowledge suppression and fraud

Just hours after this video went public (see below), not only did Google censor the video on YouTube (yes, Google censors videos exposing Google censorship), now Google’s executives have gone into hiding to try to run from the truth about their criminal fraud…


Google buries Mercola in their latest search engine update, Part 1 of 2

Over the years, the government and business monopolies, including the likes of Big Tech, have formed a global alliance hell-bent on protecting and concentrating member profits…


BREAKING: Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites From Its Search Results; Whistleblower Explains How and Why



Google and Wikipedia Team Together To Suppress Alternative Health Information

Ask anyone on the street prior to 1990 what the term “search engine” meant, and you would probably get a shrug of the shoulders and a guess, like searching for an automobile replacement engine or something…


Daily Mail Loses Nearly 50% Of Daily Search Traffic After Latest Google Algorithm Change

Google is now screwing over even normie-tier right-wing news sites in their quest to purge all content from the internet which counters leftist narratives in advance of the 2020 election. A few days ago, Google warned publishers that change was on the horizon…


Project Veritas 6-24-19… “Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “TRUMP Situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam”

More unveilings from Project Veritas, this time about Google. They had previously done a video about FaceBook “deboosting” practices (Kp blog link)…


Putin Warns Nation To Prepare After Trump Begins Formation Of Martial Law Military Government His Top Aide Hints Is Led By QAnon

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin’s just issued warning to the nation that the “very powerful and dynamically evolving transformation” of our world that is leading..


The shocking Soros ‘speech code cartel’ memo

August 27, 2018 ( – You can’t make this stuff up…


FBI “Fake Bomb” Informant Becomes Latest Character In American Horror Story

Note: This is a private letter intended for the sole and exclusive use of the patron/donors to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal. One of the most defining traits of the American people unique to them among any other people in the world is that they absolutely love to be scared out of their wits!..


Google & You Tube Now Purging The Net – Pray

YOU ARE THE SMARTEST AUDIENCE ON THIS PLANET. This country is now at risk as the last bastion of truth is being purged from our very eyes…


“Deep State” Electronic Gulag Joins Obama-Clinton “Knife Fight” Against Trump As Russia Prepares US Obliteration

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A very troubling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the American shadow government “Deep State”, this past week, sent a warning message to President Trump to not dare fire ex-FBI Deput..


Welcome To 1984: Big Brother Google Now Watching Your Every Political Move

Google has taken the unprecedented step of burying material, mostly from websites on the political right, that it has deemed to be inappropriate. The problem, however, is that the world’s largest search engine is a left-leaning company with an ax to grind…
