Category Archives: Ban Ki Moon

UN Chief Slams Israel, Calling Them “Gangsters and Hoodlums” – Prepare for Change


UN chief Ban Ki-moon has criticised Israel in its occupation of Palestinian territories and treatment of Palestinian people, accusing Israeli authorities of being “gangsters and hoodlums”. Ban Ki-m…

Source: UN Chief Slams Israel, Calling Them “Gangsters and Hoodlums” – Prepare for Change

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Keenan And Group K To The Rescue | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

Let’s Kick The Garbage Out To The Curb

Apologies are extended to those that might not have gotten things straight without this preface.

Initially I was under the assumption that we had nailed the former Sri Lankan President and Japanese Gold buyers (as well as government) in an attempted theft of 20 thousand metric tons of gold.

As things turned out it was not an attempted theft, it was a theft already cemented – and 4 years prior. The rest of the detail follows and I cannot wait to review the audit of all accounts and put those responsible away where they belong.

As one can see nowadays these shenanigans are rampant among the politicians and banksters. Hell is too nice a place for them so let’s find a place more fitting for them NOW.

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Keenan And Group K To The Rescue | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

New Zealand to Have Russia Manage Voting for UN Secretary General » The Event Chronicle

New Zealand has made the decision to have Russia manage the voting for a new UN Secretary General in September, Gerard van Bohemen, New Zealand’s permanent representative at the UN, has confirmed.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – New Zealand will preside over the UN Security Council in September and will still oversee the meetings to discuss the ballots, according to van Bohemen.

“New Zealand has chosen to do this to counter any conflict-of-interest perception issues given we also have a candidate,” van Bohemen said on Saturday, as quoted by The New Zealand Herald.

The decision to give Russia the responsibility to carry out the polls is linked to the fact that New Zealand’s former prime minister Helen Clark is one of the candidates for the post of UN Secretary General.

The term of current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ends on December 31, 2016.

Continue reading New Zealand to Have Russia Manage Voting for UN Secretary General » The Event Chronicle

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | China Shoves, Keenan Pushes To Put An End To UN / NWO / Ban Ki-moon’s Foolishness | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

(Ban Ki-moon’s shoes found)

Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon has hit a rough spot in his official / unofficial visit to Asia.

His intention was first and foremost to prevent Neil Keenan from pursuing and completing a project that would have destroyed the Khazarian / Zionist banking system. Subsequently, Keenan is working toward implementing a new financial system. You will discover more with regard to this in Neil Keenan’s next post.

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | China Shoves, Keenan Pushes To Put An End To UN / NWO / Ban Ki-moon’s Foolishness | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon Attempts To Pull The Wool Over Chinese / Korean Eyes – Only To Find There’s No Wool | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

A secret meeting was taking place within the walls of this famous restaurant in a section placed together with high level security just for them.

Within sat some of the more prominent politicians and Globalists on the planet. One had it all and the other used to have.

The shoes have changed feet now and you could see the feeble old man known as Secretary General of the UN, squirming in his chair hoping to con the President of the great nation of China after previously having visited South Korean President Park.

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon Attempts To Pull The Wool Over Chinese / Korean Eyes – Only To Find There’s No Wool | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

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