Category Archives: #SouthChinaSeaOilBlockade

Systems failure in the West and how to solve it

Notice to readers Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government syste..


Systems failure in the West and how to solve it

Notice to readers Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government syste..


Systems failure in the West and how to solve it

Notice to readers Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government syste..


Systems failure in the West and how to solve it

Notice to readers Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government syste..


Systems failure in the West and how to solve it

Notice to readers Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government syste..


Systems failure in the West and how to solve it

Notice to readers Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government syste..


New Category: #SouthChinaSeaOilBlockade –

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“GCR – Admiralty/Maritime Law” – Intel Update (Real News) by Mr. Ed 7-14-17

Subject: GCR – Admiralty / Maritime Law

What is happening now is…the “Currency Reset” roll out.

It is known as the GCR. (Global Currency Reset)

It is the return to “gold backed” money.

Not (fiat) “Federal Reserve Notes”. (backed by “Birth Certificate Bonds”…an IOU or nothing at all)

An IOU will promise to pay at a future date…with no arrival of the future date.

People stopped being “born” in 1933.

After 1933 they are “pledged”.

“Berth” (old English) for when a ship is “born” (manufactured) and launched into water at its “berth”. (dock)

Understand that in “Admiralty / Maritime Law”…the “boat” (child-vessel) slides down the “river” (birth canal) to the stainless steel table at “the hospital” (dry dock) and is “born” (berthed) into the world.

Then In runs the Social Security (dry dock) Staff…to give the (boat registry number) to the child immediately. (Presidential Executive Order #13037 President Clinton 1999 – chattel-asset-animal-people)

Years ago this happened literally…when twins were born to Joan Doe in a Kalamazoo Michigan hospital.

Joan Doe (19 years old) had barely got off the delivery table when they came with forms and demands for her to sign up the twins.

It was unbelievable to witness.

We stopped the registry of the “vessels” (her twins) by constantly standing on her rights and their rights.

So you have many remedys rolling out and coming into place.

First…we have the currency reset.

Then…we go from Federal Reserve Notes…to U.S. (Gold Backed) Dollars or U.S. Notes coming from the (NEW) “Restored Republic” U.S. Treasury in Reno Nevada.

We have been guaranteed a Republic since 1782. (Article IV Section IV, Constitution)

The new dollars (notes) are backed by gold…thanks to “The B.R.I.C.S. Nations”. (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)

‘No gold backed currency’…we do not deliver our products from over seas to your docks in the USA…because we want payment in real money. (you do not have)

“The squeeze” is on…as all nations are forced to leave ‘The Controller – Super Bank” (a Central Bank / Federal Reserve) in every developed nation on this planet.

Book education: “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustice Mullins”

Rockefeller took the gold out of Fort Knox in 1927 and shipped it to his bank in France.

This created “The Great Depression” in one stroke.

He printed $10K gold notes in numbers above and beyond what he reported to Congress.

Then sent the notes to France and called them in.

“The Great Depression” was “The Greatest Heist” ever in the history of this country.

Bread lines…banks closed…and they stole all your safety deposit boxes and anything of value found in them.

Then in 1933 Reck-a-fellow moved back to Manhattan and called in the notes from France and made $15.00 per ounce on the gold…super rich once again.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road…The Wizard of Ounces known as “Oz”.

‘Toto’ the little black dog was “in the black” (black dog – animal-chattel-asset) once he went behind the curtain and discovered “The Wizard”. (Rockefeller)

So…General Dunford raids the New York Fed a couple years back and picks up $9T.

This money is (presumably) going to be released to the American public @ $100K per month…for 12 years. (a ‘super fund’)

Then we have “The Swiss Indo” from the days of John F. Kennedy (another ‘super fund’) to be released for $1,200. per month for every adult on the planet.

Then we have the St. Germain Trust. (not sure how much is being released from this ‘super fund’)

Then we have the foreign currency exchanges (and their exchange rates) which is part of the GCR around the globe. (Iraqi Dinar…Vietnamese Dong…Zimbabwe Gold Bonds and more)

Then we have more ‘super funds’ via the release of the B/C (Birth Certificate) Bonds (held by the Vatican worldwide) via the Treasury Direct Account.

There is nothing to stop it from rolling out.

It is “The Grand Jubilee”.

The Wizard’s reign has come to an end.

To understand how we got into this mess…read: “Rise of the Fourth Reich” by Jim Marrs. (how the Nazi’s found treasure of King Solomon in France and Spain hidden in the mountains…prior to 1944)

Old man Bush said…”we will have a New World Order”.

Well…he was / is head of the Fourth Reich.
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The Takedown Of The Elite Is About To Begin – Episode 1332b

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Report date: 07.14.2017

Jeff Session makes huge arrest in the health industry. The corporate media is continually pushing their agenda, the more they push the worse it is for them. Loretta Lynch was spying on meeting with Trump Jr. Trump’s new FBI director was asked if he woudl investigate Hillary Clinton, he said yes. Russia says time is running out they are ready to remove spies from their country. Trump admin in negotiations to hand back the compound to Russia. North Korea warns the US and UN about sanctions. Indonesia renames the South China Sea. Turkey will not allow German law makers on their base. The coalition reports that terrorists are not entering Syria or Iraq, they have been cutoff. Time is ticking down, the take down is about to begin, all the pieces are in place.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.

Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

The X22 Report is “one man’s opinion”. Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.

Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
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FULL REPORT: Out Of 20 G20 Leaders 19 Are Fraud Endorsing Bankster Slaves – weekly Geo-political News And Analysis Message From Benjamin Fulford

Last weekend’s G20 meeting of so-called world leaders was very revealing because 19 out of 20 of them publicly endorsed the fraud based global warming scam known as the Paris accords. This happened despite the fact carbon-based global warming is being proved both legally and scientifically to be a fraud.

Michael Mann, the author of the global warming “hockey stick” graph that is used by the UN endorsed IPCC is facing a jail sentence after refusing a judge’s request to show how he got the data to back his claims the world is rapidly warming. Meanwhile, another scientific study showed that almost all the warming recorded in recent years is the result of the temperature data being raised after it was measured.

Planet Earth in flames, Global warming concept. Elements of this image furnished by NASA (Shutterstock/Martin Capek)

By ignoring facts and pushing the Rothschild backed global warming fraud, both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin proved they were Rothschild lackeys. The only leader who has publicly renounced the global warming fraud is US President Donald Trump and that is why Khazarian mafia controlled media portray him as isolated.

However, things are changing at a deeper level, according to CIA, Pentagon and other sources. The military and intelligence apparatuses of Russia, the United States and China are all cooperating despite any hostile posturing by these countries’ respective politicians, the sources say.

This may be why Pope Francis felt the need to call up a journalist last week to issue the following statement:

“I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria.”

Remember it was Pope Francis who handed Trump a 260 page document endorsing the climate change fraud when they met in May.

The other thing to note is that the G20 is calling for world governance centered on the IMF. Please recall that the head of the IMF is not selected by the people of the planet but rather by the same Khazarian bloodline group that selects the head of the UN, the World Bank etc. Remember, the IMF and its backers have been erecting gates to the temple of Baal otherwise known as Satan, at their meetings.

Note that the “very dangerous alliance” the Pope is referring to includes Russia, China, the US, North Korea and Syria. These countries are all moving away from bloodline control even though Russia still has a Rothschild figurehead president. Actual Russian sources this writer has contacted, though, all agree it is the Russian Orthodox Church and not Putin that runs Russia.

Pope Francis probably means well but he is deluded if he thinks a P2 Freemason selected person like Marco Di Mauro is going to be anointed the leader of a bloodline controlled world government.
In any case, Francis is being roiled by yet another Vatican scandal, in this case a drug fueled gay orgy that was busted by the police after neighbours complained about the noise. This could lead to yet another Cardinal being fired, CIA sources say.

The Pope should be concentrating more of his efforts on fighting the very real threat of Satanists who were, until recently, on the brink of taking over the world. Yet another former Satanist has come forward with testimony about large scale human sacrifice and other atrocities carried out by these people. This nine minute clip makes for very disturbing listening but it is definitely a call to action.

Action is, of course, being taken. The latest was Germany’s announcement last week that it broke up a pedophile ring that involved 87,000 people. You can be sure many of the people doing child sacrifices were scooped up in that bust.

In the US as well the final clean-up of the Khazarians continues. In the latest, former President Barack Obama’s attorney general Loretta Lynch has been giving detailed testimony about the crimes of her former Clinton/Bush bosses, CIA and other sources say. As a result Barack Obama sought political asylum in Indonesia last week but was denied it, according to White Dragon Society Sources in Indonesia. CIA sources in Europe confirm this and say Obama is going to have to go back to the US in order to be debriefed on who really controlled his presidency. Recall that when Obama was first elected he kept saying “thank you Satan” in reverse speech.

Speaking about Obama, the 40 second video clip below shows clearly how different his personal chemistry with Russia’s Vladimir Putin was from Trump and Putin’s chemistry.

Pentagon sources say the change in chemistry reflects a Trump regime campaign to seduce Russia into joining it in an alliance against Chinese and Khazarian control.

“In a smack down of the cabal and the deep state, political novice Trump was ‘honored’ to meet with elder statesman Putin where Putin’s plan to make Russia great again with symphony of church and state will no doubt be the blueprint for Trump to make America great again,” the Pentagon sources say.
“Trump emerges as defender of Western civilization from Judaic [Satanic] destruction, and he is ably assisted by Putin and the Pope to form a super-Christian bloc to contain China and holocaust the global Jewish mafia,” one Pentagon source says.

The WDS makes it clear there is to be no collective punishment and the only people who are being targeted are the ones who have been engaged in mass murder through biological weapons, nuclear terror, human sacrifice, illegal war etc.

However, it is clear the Trump administration represents a generalized backlash against Khazarian control that could spiral out of control into an attack on Jews in general. On his trip to Poland Trump refused visit the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto monument. In his speech in Poland when Trump mentioned threats from inside and from the South and the East he was referring to Saudi Arabia, Israel and its 5th column in the USA, the Pentagon sources say.

Also, the Neocons H.R, McMaster and Jared Kushner were blocked from attending the meeting between Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with their counterparts Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. At the meeting the US pushed for a restoration of US/Russian ties to counter China, according to the Pentagon. The Americans also proposed a Russian/US “cyber security unit aimed to prevent Israeli, Chinese hacking, e-hijacking, and other cyber-attacks,” the sources say.
Russian sources, for their part, continue to say they are wary of the sudden US friendliness because of the long history of US aggression against Russia. The Russians say they are against forming opposing blocs and prefer a world where everybody is friendly.
Nonetheless, recent Chinese aggressive moves against India clearly seem to have backfired against China.
“Russia is very concerned about Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and the Indian subcontinent, which is why the Vietnamese Prime Minister was invited to the G20,” the Pentagon sources say. The US navy for its part sent a message with joint naval exercises with Japan and India recently.
The Chinese now appear to have backed off following a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20.
Another interesting thing to note about the G20 is that Saudi King “Salman and warrior prince Mohammed Bin Salma were declared persona non grata at the G20 for being a proxy for Israel,” the Pentagon sources say. They say Qatar is on the winning side in its dispute with Saudi Arabia and that deposed crown prince Nayef may still be reinstated.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for his part, was offering bribes in exchange for protection at the G20, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the Emperor. Abe’s party suffered a crushing defeat at recent Tokyo municipal elections and is likely to be forced to hold elections this year where it will be routed from national politics, the sources say.
What is undeniable is that there is a major split at the top of the Japanese power structure. This is reflected in opinion polls in Japan’s newspapers where the right wing national Sankei newspaper shows support for Abe at 86% while the left-leaning Asahi Newspaper shows his support at 14%. The centrist regional Tokyo Shinbum Newspaper shows his support at only 5%. The following link is in Japanese but the percentage signs show the incredible gaps in newspaper opinion polls.
Japanese right wing sources say the nationalist Tanaka faction is gearing up for regime change in Japan and that this will result in the removal of Korean proxies who have been sub-contracting the rule of Japan for the Khazarians since the end of World War II.
The fact that Abe was setting up a massive chemical and biological warfare research center disguised as the Kake Gakuin Veterinary College has exposed him and his regime as genocidal war criminals. Several right wing sources have called to inform this writer that Abe was not expected to live more than three months.
Meanwhile as the warmongers are removed from power around the world, signs of a construction boom are emerging. WDS sources in Indonesia say the Indonesian government is planning to build a new capital to replace the overcrowded and sinking city of Jakarta.
The Japanese underworld, for its part, is looking forward to a bonanza as the Chinese government prepares to move many capital functions to a new city 150 kilometers from Beijing. A Japanese underworld boss says Japanese companies are getting lucrative contracts for the waste disposal and other environmental work on the new capital because the Chinese want Japan’s know how on how to create clean mega-cities. Sh#t happens and somebody’s got to clean it up.
Once Khazarian rule ends in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Ukraine, the world will be ready to enter a new golden age.

Source: Out of 20 G20 leaders 19 are fraud endorsing bankster slaves

The Bad Guys Are Grasping At Anything, Their Time Is Almost Up – Episode 1329b

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Report date: 07.11.2017

The deep state is going all out trying to find some way of keeping control and removing Trump. The problem is that everything they are trying is not working and their time is almost up. Donald Trump Jr. release emails to show transparency and to show he did nothing wrong. John McCain is being questioned about the dossier that he passed along. South Korea intelligence agency admits that the missile was not a ballistic missile that NK launched. Trump sets the stage to cooperate with Russia and China on the silk road. Two paid mercenaries were arrested in Syria. Sarin has gone missing at one of the bases in the US.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.

Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

The X22 Report is “one man’s opinion”. Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.

Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.
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Any attack on North Korea will have devastating consequences to the U.S. economy

North Korea is a dangerous nuclear state that threatens the security of the world, but eliminating that threat won’t happen without consequences. In this video analysis, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) explains how any attack on North Korea risks retaliation by Kim Jong-Un on its neighbors South Korea and Japan, both of which are crucial for supply chains that bolster the U.S. economy.

Given that North Korea has dozens of nuclear warheads — and an insane, cult-like leader who is obviously willing to use them — it’s a relatively simple strategic matter for North Korea to launch very short-range nuclear strikes on manufacturing centers or shipping ports of South Korea and Japan, obliterating those nations’ ability to import raw materials or export finished goods to world markets (North America and Europe, namely).

Even if North Korea’s missiles can’t yet reach Seattle, Washington, they can easily reach Tokyo and Seoul. And that means any attack on North Korea — no matter how justified — risks devastating blow back that could cripple regional manufacturing and export centers, causing a wave of devastating economic impacts across the United States, a nation already on the verge of a devastating market correction and debt collapse.

An attack could also lead to escalations of World War III, involving both China and Russia. Learn more at and
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Trump Offers To Restore “Russian Greatness” In Order To Stop Communist China Expansion

July 8, 2017 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A sensational new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today on the President Putin and President Donald Trump meeting yesterday in Hamburg, Germany, on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit. reveals that the Federation was presented with an astounding highly classified US Department of Defense (DoD) global assessment document detailing how the United States is prepared to restore “Russian greatness”—which the American’s claim is the only path available to stop a global conflict (World War III) being initiated by a communist Chinese expansion neither the US nor its Western civilization allies will allow to occur unchecked.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



Authored by US Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis, and two Senior Fellows (Kurt Volker and Vladislav Inozemtsev) from the Center for Transatlantic Relations, this report says, this DoD global assessment predicts that unless halted by “private economic forces”, Russia is in “perilous danger” of having its $75 trillion worth of natural resources wealth (the greatest in the world) looted by an ever expanding Chinese communist empire rivaled only by the former Soviet Union—and that unless halted, would very likely see China take over the entirety of Russia’s Far Eastern districts by 2050.

In one public Center for Transatlantic Relations document authored by Vladislav Inozemtsev titled “Russia, the Last Colonial Empire”, this report continues, the essence of the DoD’s global assessment portrays a grim portrait of what is now occurring in the Far East with the construction of new resource-extracting facilities close to the Russian side of the border, while new sophisticated industrial plants are being built on the Chinese side, and that the American’s believe can be halted if Russia establishes ties with Japanese and Korean companies—which they say could act as the biggest investors with Canadian, American, and even Australian ones, and who can provide the necessary expertise in the sustainable development of vast, resource-rich regions such as Russia has.

Stronger ties between Russia and these Western nations, too, this report says the DoD believes, would reduce the global geopolitical risk as Russia must beware of this Chinese attempt to “re-colonize”  what it calls its Siberian colony, as Beijing has already resettled large numbers of citizens in the region and would settle more if their investments increased—and that many in the Kremlin are already aware of as this “geopolitical time bomb” nears its point of explosion.



As just one example of China’s expanding its nation into a global communist empire like it is preparing to do in Russia’s Far East, this report continues, is what it is presently doing in India—where Chinese communist military forces are flooding into the Donglang (aka Doka La)plateau (at the tri-junction of Bhutan, China and India) threatening India’s vital Siliguri Corridor passage to its most northwest provinces.

With China’s communists warning that India “needs to be taught a bitter lesson”, this report explains, they are claiming that an 1890 treaty signed between the British Empire and Imperial China gives it the right to annex this Indian territory—with Chinese troops already having attacked and destroyed Indian Army bunkers last week and China further warning that India will suffer worst losses than in 1962 if it tries to stop them.

China, also, this report notes, is now flooding the Indian Ocean with warships and submarines in preparation for war, but whose moves are being retaliated against by India who is sending its largest ever war fleet into this region, and who are being joined by its Western and Pacific Ocean allies.

Being called the Malabar 2017 war exercise, this report explains, India’s aircraft carrier INS Vikramditya battle group has been joined by the US super carrier USS Nimitz battle group and Japan’s helicopter carrier JS Izumo, who are now all confronting these Chinese warships in the Indian Ocean—but with the India-China standoff in Donglang getting worse by the hour, could lead to catastrophic consequences.



Most interesting to note too in this SC report is President Trump having told President Putin yesterday that that US bomber flyovers in both South Korea and the South China Sea, along with their planned testing of their THADD missile interceptor system, are meant as “warning messages” to China—and that Secretary Mattis reinforced yesterday by his countering the US “fake news” mainstream media narrative that war with North Korea was near by his stating: “I do not believe this (ICBM) capability in itself brings us close to war because the President’s been very clear, and the Secretary of State’s been very clear, that we are leading with diplomatic and economic efforts.”…



Sub for more: | Reuters reports, Two U.S bombers have flown over the disputed South China Sea, the U.S. Air Force said on Friday, asserting the right to treat the region as international territory despite China’s claim to virtually all of the waterway.

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FULL REPORT: Clean up of Khazarian filth continues in US Japan and elsewhere

A comprehensive take-down of the Khazarian mafia continues around the world. The biggest developments were at the top ranks of the Vatican where the Vatican Finance Minister and Number 3 honcho, Australian Cardinal George Pell was suspended after being indicted for child rapes. As a result “the pedos are in full panic mode,” Pentagon officials say. Francis also removed another top honcho, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, from his post has head of Doctrine and replaced him with a moderate.

The suspension of Pell as Finance Minister is almost certainly related to the goings on at Bougaineville and Papua New Guinea, areas under Australian control, and therefore Pell’s bailiwick, White Dragon Society sources say. The revelation that only about 3% of the money from minerals being extracted in PNG is going to the locals completely contradicts Pope Francis’s vow the turn the Catholic Church into a “poor church for the poor.”

The WDS plan to connect the gold in Bougaineville to crypto-currencies, with US and Russian military backing, and thus completely by-pass the existing Vatican and Khazarian mafia controlled financial system must have added urgency to the Vatican’s moves to remove Cardinal Pell.

The removal of the German Mueller, who was seen by many as the head of the resistance to Pope Francis’s moves to make the church more easy-going, is also a significant defeat for the Khazarian mafia and their proxies, P2 Freemason sources say. This removal is probably going to affect what happens with the Knights of Malta, where a German/British split has been papered over leading to a stalemate at the top of the most important military spiritual order in the West. This in turn will affect how the US military industrial complex is run.

In other words, the fanatical faction that still wants to start World War 3 has lost its most senior backers, WDS sources say.

Another other big development last week was the arrival of the aircraft USS Bush in Israel. The Mossad site DEBKA expressed confusion about the arrival of the carrier because it apparently was not there attack either Iran or Syria.

In fact, Pentagon sources say, the arrival of the carrier in Israel is a “blunt message that

the US and Russia may impose an air-sea blockade if authorized by the United Nations Security Council to force a peace deal and a return of the Golan [Heights to Syria].”
Already Iranian, Russian and Hezbollah troops are at the Israeli border and now, instead of coming to protect Israel, it seems the US military is working with its enemies to finally put that rogue state in its place.

Saudi Arabia’s ruling Saud family, having come out of the closet as being Khazarian Satanists and not Muslims, are also going to be forced to cease and desist their trouble-making now that they are isolated from the rest of the Muslim world. This is why the Saudi/Israeli/Daesh mercenary proxy army is melting away.

The Chinese are adding to the pressure by insisting that the Saudis stop selling their oil to them in Khazarian controlled so-called US dollars. The Saudis will soon have no choice but to abandon the petrodollar, CIA and Pentagon sources agree.

Yet a third huge development last week came in Japan where the long ruling Liberal Democratic Party experienced a historical defeat in Tokyo Prefectural elections.

Here Governor Yuriko Koike and the Buddhist Lay Organization Sokka Gakkai supported Komeito Party scored a huge upset win, getting 79 seats in the 127 seat assembly while the LDP fell to 23 seats from a previous 57.

This loss means the Khazarian slave government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and the LDP are going to face a similar demolition in national elections that will probably be held soon as a result of this defeat in Tokyo, Japanese right wing sources say. This means Japan’s post-war slave regime, run mostly by Koreans pretending to be Japanese, is finally ending.

A similar current could be detected in the Korean Peninsula with a South Korean offer of a peace treaty to North Korea making it likely the artificial division of that peninsula will also end soon.

In the US, meanwhile, the New York Times, CNN and other Khazarian controlled propaganda outlets are being forced to issue corrections and fire staff as their outright lying and propaganda is exposed.
CIA sources say the removal of Khazarian filth from the US power structure is nearly complete and that is why changes are now being seen in Asia.

Also the US military is moving to create a space corps while President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to resurrect the National Space Council. This is a possible sign the US military industrial complex is finally getting ready for the disclosure that secret space program advocates have long been calling for.

These big sea-changes are coming before what is expected to be a key G20 summit meeting takes place in Hamburg, Germany July 7th and 8th.

In the run up we see some serious jostling between China and the US where some high tension is arising. Most importantly, Pentagon sources hint they shot down a Chinese satellite last week.

The other moves showing the honeymoon between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Donald Trump was ending were a US deal to sell arms to Taiwan, US sanctions against a Chinese bank, tariffs on steel and other items and the dispatch of a destroyer to the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, Pentagon sources note.

The Chinese are not taking all this lying down and have sent warships and fighter planes to confront the US destroyer. Also there can be no doubt that China took symbolic military action against India last week just as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was meeting with Trump. The Chinese have previously told their US counterparts they had the technical capability to overrun India within two months, if necessary.

It looks like Russia is going to have the role of referee between China and the US at the upcoming G20 meeting. Trump is scheduled to meet there, for the first time, with his counterpart Vladimir Putin and Pentagon sources say his mandate will be to end the Russia/US spat being engineered by the Khazarians in the US.

Russian White Dragon Society sources say past US actions have left the Russians profoundly distrustful of the Americans. However, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other Russian officials have repeatedly stated, the Russians favour a harmonious world system not dominated by a single power.

To that end, in something that slipped under this writer’s radar, a series of top world religious leaders issued a joint appeal on June 14th for the people of the world to unite and make friends across religious boundaries.

Source: Clean up of Khazarian filth continues in US Japan and elsewhere



Sub for more: | Simon Denyer for the Washington Compost reports, China’s military vowed Monday to step up air and sea patrols after an American warship sailed near a disputed island in the South China Sea in what Beijing called a “serious political and military provocation.”

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Did You Feel The Shift With China, Russia & The US? – Episode 1324b

July 6, 2017 at 06:57AM  Did You Feel The Shift With China, Russia & The US? – Episode 1324b

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Report date: 07.05.2017

People around the country are now making fun of CNN and are creating memes. Kathy Griffin was questioned for over an hour by the secret service. Austria brings armored vehicles to the border to stop an influx of refugees. US and South Korea hold drills after NK fires a missile. Trump calls an emergency UN Security Council meeting. Nikki Haley says the US will use force if it needs to. China and Russia are now taking control of the situation, they have created and plan to deal with NK, this does not sit well with the deep state, they want war. The Syrian forces are moving into central Syria and eradicating the IS. China and Russia want an impartial investigation into the chemical weapons attack. Russia is getting ready to release the terminator in Syria.

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THIS MEANS WAR! North Korea Successfully Test-Launches ICBM, US Officials Confirm [VIDEO]

July 5, 2017 at 08:57PM  THIS MEANS WAR! North Korea Successfully Test-Launches ICBM, US Officials Confirm [VIDEO]

THIS MEANS WAR! North Korea Successfully Test-Launches ICBM, US Officials Confirm [VIDEO]

North Korea has officially successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting Alaska. And for that matter, Hawaii. They tested a two-stage ICBM. The missile traveled approximately 600 miles. It was in flight for 40 minutes and reached an altitude of 1,741 miles. It was fired from the North Pyong’an Province and flew into waters east of the Korean Peninsula. The projectile may have landed in Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Word has it that the Russians and the Chinese have agreed to handle the North Koreans over this, but considering they help the Hermit Kingdom, I don’t believe that for a second. However you look at this event, it is a game changer between the US and North Korea.

Technology for ballistic and cruise missiles is advancing in countries from North Korea and Iran to Russia and China, increasing potential threats to the US even if they don’t carry nuclear warheads, according to a new Pentagon report. Those countries should sound familiar… they are what I have long called the New Axis of Evil. Among the new technologies are hypersonic glide vehicles being developed by Russia and China.
The test was hailed as North Korea’s most successful missile test to date. North Korea’s Academy of Defense Science said the test of an ICBM — the Hwasong-14 — marked the “final step” in creating a “confident and powerful nuclear state that can strike anywhere on Earth.” The actual final step would be marrying a nuclear warhead to the missile… details, details. When that happens millions could and probably will die.

Initially, Japan and South Korea hesitated to label this an ICBM. But the US confirmed it almost immediately. This is just the latest threat to us they possess. Others include the potential for launching an EMP weapon over the US, throwing us back to the Dark Ages technologically speaking. Millions of Americans would die. They also have satellites they could launch an EMP from. Let’s nor forget their hacking skills either… they could create an EMP effect without using one simply by hacking our infrastructure. It’s long past time to confront the Hermit Kingdom. They are a clear and present danger.

Do you really think the timing of all this was by accident? Kim Jong-Un pulled this on the eve of our Independence Day. It’s also right after Barack Obama departed South Korea after violating the Logan Act. I don’t believe in coincidence. This was planned. The ICBM hit the target it aimed at in the Sea of Japan… about 933 kilometers away from the launch site in the North’s northwest.

The possible range of the ICBM is 4,160 miles, which puts Alaska within striking range. And this is surely with the help of Iranian scientists and possibly both the Chinese and Russians. President Trump had this to say: “North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life? Hard to believe that South Korea and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!” I suggest rather than admonishing China, who is not going to help with this, that we preemptively do something here before it is too late. And I don’t mean sanctions. We’ve tried that for 60 years and it hasn’t worked.
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Xi-Jingping: THAAD deployment to South Korea undermines region’s strategic security

View on YouTubeXi-Jingping: THAAD deployment to South Korea undermines region’s strategic security
Xi-Jingping’s visit to Russia comes at a time when China’s relations with the US are on shaky ground. That’s after Beijing ordered military vessels and jets to warn off an American warship, which according to China violated its territorial waters in the South China Sea. On a broader perspective, RT’s Caleb Maupin has been looking at where things have been going wrong between Beijing and Washington.


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Prof. Arysio Santos Amazing Discoveries on Atlantis

View on YouTubeProf. Arysio Santos Amazing Discoveries on Atlantis
Arysio Nunes dos Santos studies led him to conclude that Atlantis and the biblical Eden were the same and more controversially that it had been located in the area of the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.

Professor Santos explains his theory on Atlantis using infinitude of arguments, which range from the strictly scientific (such as geology, linguistics, and anthropology) to the more arcane and occult ones. Being the first one to ever link the catastrophic events of the end of the last Ice Age (11,600 years ago) with the world-wide traditions of the universal flood and the destruction of Atlantis, Professor Santos managed to find a perfect site for the location of the Lost Continent. Such site strives unrivaled as being the most logical one ever proposed, matching all the features mentioned by the Greek philosopher Plato, as well as those cited by other sources.

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Critical Update- Showdown In the South China Sea

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Tensions Rise In North Korea & South China Sea

View on YouTube Tensions Rise In North Korea & South China Sea
The era of strategic patience with the North Korean regime has failed.
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China’s Warning to Stay Out of the South China Sea- The Fitzgerald Action Is a Warning

View on YouTube China’s Warning to Stay Out of the South China Sea- The Fitzgerald Action Is a Warning
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Bombing North Korea Maybe The Only Option Left

View on YouTube Bombing North Korea Maybe The Only Option Left
This is North Korea’s lame excuse for a spy drone. After being shot down by South Korea, Seoul military announced the drone contained 555 pictures, mainly of the THAAD anti missile system currently parked on a Seoul golf course.

This “Grave Provocation” could actually be the lynch pin for action against North Korea. Seoul is threatening military action. Chinese officials are meeting with the White House to review any final options in what has been a failed attempt at reigning the rogue country in. Donald Trump tweeted

While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!

The U.S. military is preparing for what maybe the sixth nuclear test by North Korea. A move that could easily cause a military response. Four Star General Jack Keane says that bombing North Korea Maybe the only option left. But that won’t be an easy task as Michael Snyder points out…”bombing North Korea is not like bombing Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria.
The North Koreans already have nuclear weapons, and the U.S. better destroy them all in an overwhelming initial assault, because Kim Jong Un will use any that survive to strike back.”

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Sub for more: | Marcus Weisgerber for Defense One reports, With its reef expansion apparently finishing up, China is working to extend the reach of its military power. China is outfitting its manmade island outposts in the South China Sea with warplane hangars and weapons, the Pentagon said Tuesday in its annual assessment of Beijing’s military.

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