Category Archives: #AltHealth

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4balnce Music for Your Body! A Modern Frequency Breakthrough in Pain Relief!

If you have a flu this is what you can do! And many other uses!

Now you can experience the sounds of soothing pain relief anywhere, at anytime using just your phone or tablet!
4balnce line drawing
4balnce Music plays harmonic frequency sets to your body zones through your phone or tablet speaker. Point your speaker at your body zone and hold 1-3 cm away from your body will the song plays. Your body will harmonise with the frequency song and anything else will just go away.
“Feels good, does good, is good!”
Case File: Fence Cut Hand

This is the most used song. It can be used all over the body and head. This song is used for instant soothing pain relief of cuts, burns, bruises, stings, infections, aches, pains, bumps, cold sores, scrapes, fractures, rashes & acne over your whole body!

4balnce website


‘Deaths Of Despair’ In The U.S. Hit Record High – So How Bad Will Things Get When Society Starts To Completely Collapse?

According to a shocking new report from the Commonwealth Fund, the suicide rate in the United States is the highest that it has ever been before.  Sadly, the same thing can be said about the death rates from drug overdoses and alcohol…


Mental Health Crisis as a result of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

In many mental health crises, people are actually navigating non-ordinary states of consciousness which when managed appropriately, offer profound opportunities for healing, inner transformation & personal growth. Dr…


5 Effects of Sleep Deprivation To Your Health – The Shocking Truth

A sleepless night does not only make you feel tired and weary. These are just the shallow effects of sleep inadequacy. However, if you dig deep, you will discover that there are a lot of horrifying repercussions than this…


Sleep Less, Feel Good: Sleep Deprivation Helps Cure Depression – Study

Skipping a night’s sleep can be an effective short-term antidepressant for half of the patients suffering from a mood disorder, according to the results of a study by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine scientists, published in the latest issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry…


Beeswax Found to Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep Thanks to This Remarkable Molecule

() Octacosanol – which can be found in beeswax, wheat germ oil, rice bran, sugar cane, and other varieties of plants – has been discovered to lessen the effects of stress and encourage a long and restful sleep, scientists said…


‘A Piece in the Jigsaw’: New Theory Links Depression to Immune Disorders

Inflammation, the main weapon of the immune system, seems to have a direct effect on the brain and could even be causing depression, according to recent research on the link between physical illness and depressive disorder…


Does Sugar Make You Sad? New Study Finds a Link

(Anika Knüppel) But we still don’t know why. The thought of a cupcake, skillfully frosted with fluffy vanilla icing, may put a smile on your face, but research suggests that, in the long term, a sweet tooth may turn that smile into a frown – but not for the reasons you think…


Eating Processed Sugar Found to Cause Depression… but Magnesium Reverses It

() Men are 23 percent more likely to develop depression or anxiety if their diet consists of a lot of high-sugar food such as soft drinks and desserts…


What Helps Christina Perri Through Depression When Life Feels Like ‘Too Much’

Editor’s note: If you experience suicidal thoughts, you can contact the Crisis Text Line by texting “START” to 741-741. Christina Perri’s first memory of suicidal ideation dates back to when she was just 8 years old — an experience that’s affected the singer-songwriter her entire life…


Imperial College London: LSD Cures Depression In 30 Seconds

Psychedelic drugs such as LSD and magic mushrooms are a much more powerful, non-addictive way at treating depression, according to researchers at Imperial College London…


Just because I Don’t ‘Look Sad,’ Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Still Struggling

Dating today has transformed from an enjoyable process into a nerve-racking activity. It becomes that much harder when one is living with a type of mental illness, which echoes irrational thoughts as an inner voice…


Understanding energy leaks; or, Seven Ways to keep your Mojo » The Event Chronicle

In the yoga tradition we encounter a fascinating metaphor: it is said that the milk of a lioness is so potent that no container can hold it except for pure gold. If the golden vessel has impurities, the milk will eat through the vessel like acid at those points, and drain away. In the same way, if the practitioner has too many ‘energy leaks’ then the spiritual energy (shakti) that is generated through yogic practice will simply leak away again.

Have you ever been to a yoga retreat or meditation weekend that was so inspiring and empowering that you felt sure your life was going to change radically, only to find within days or weeks of returning home that all that extra juice had seeped away, returning you to much the same default state you had before the retreat? If so, you’re not alone. This is a very common experience. Because energy leaks.

Once you know what the main energy leaks are, you can set about plugging them. If you manage to plug most of them, you will experience something astonishing: the very same yogic practices you’ve been doing all along now seem to generate much more power, energy, prāṇa. In fact, they’re not generating more, you’re just not leaking it away.

Systematically addressing these ‘leaks’ shifts the playing field of spiritual practice radically. Of course, it can take time to address them — but it’s time and effort well-spent, that repays its investment more generously than you might imagine.

So, what are the most common energy leaks? Here is a short explanation of each major energy leak. They are discussed in more detail in my six-month Immersionprogram.

1. Exhaustion due to overdoing/multi-tasking

Easily the most common energy leak in today’s society, overdoing means having a plate that is too full, leaving little time for the relaxation, play, and social bonding that humans evolved with for most of their history. These are not only necessary for health, they create a body-mind container that can hold the energy generated by spiritual practice. By contrast, an exhausted body-mind is riddled with ‘holes’ out of which that energy drains away. Your conditioned mind might be convinced that you can’t afford to do less; but really, you can’t afford not to. (And by the way, if you use stimulants [caffeine etc.] every day, you are exhausted, though you might not feel it.) As Śākta-śaiva teacher Dharmabodhi says, “Wake up out of the dream of over-doing. Take responsibility for your runaway life. Closely examine the cultural trance of over-doing, expose it and tune into your own energies instead. Follow a simpler and more natural way of living, [which is actually]a more productive way of living.”…

Source: Understanding energy leaks; or, Seven Ways to keep your Mojo » The Event Chronicle

Archons, Emotions and the Secret Book of John » The Event Chronicle

We hear the word Archons quite a lot. Its a pretty cliched concept, made infamous by the likes of David Icke et al. Despite the mockery, it is worth investigating.

What does it mean?

Who are ‘they’?

Why does it matter?

All will be revealed!

Archons, Emotions and the Secret Book of John — Part 1

Archons, Emotions and the Secret Book of John — Part 2

For the best treatise on the Secret Book of John I highly recommend heading over to The Modern Hermeticist’s channel and watching ‘Gnostic Cosmology and the Secret Book of John’

Gnostic Cosmology and the Secret Book of John

If you are still suspicious of this subject then i highly recommend reading the books for your fine self!

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures US 

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures UK 

Source: Archons, Emotions and the Secret Book of John » The Event Chronicle

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | A Change Is Gonna Come – Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

For a significant period of time and often at great expense, Neil Keenan and Group K trampled around the Asian battlefields while acquiring information that would enable Neil to re-file his International Lawsuit on the world’s behalf.

Although the world did not participate with Neil in his original filing, in the final analysis the Accounts to be opened were intended to be specifically for world humanitarian projects.

Unlike the World Bank set up by the Cabal, these Accounts were to benefit humanity first and foremost, had the lawsuit been allowed to proceed and the Accounts be released as planned.

The leading question is why did the lawsuit not move further into the justice system?  Here we have a blatant interruption of due process.

Unfortunately, while being backed up by the cabal for nefarious reasons, of course, Obama ordered a change in assigning judges to the case. A very honored and revered Judge Hollowell was abruptly removed, and in his stead was placed Obama’s own Economic Advisor’s brother named Fulmer, who amazingly was not even a Judge at the time!…

Source: NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | A Change Is Gonna Come – Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

Kryon Teaches Exactly How to Instruct Your Cells to Heal 

Published on 26 Mar 2017

6 Qigong Exercises For Cultivating Healing Energy – Collective Evolution

Qigong combines both meditative and physically active elements. The physical elements are expressed through relaxing, visualization, stretching, and breathing. It’s a mind-body practice that first developed over 5,000 years ago, and comprises an important aspect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). There is also a term commonly used in the medical community related to this type of practice, known as Medical Qigong(MQ). It’s a mind-body practice that uses physical activity and meditation to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit.

Proponents of Qigong understand that some of our discomfort, sickness, and pain are a result of energy blockages or a “stagnation of energy flow in the energy channel in the human body.” According to this theory, “if there is a free flow and balance of energy, health can be improved and/or maintained and disease can be prevented,” a study published in the Annals of Oncology explains. The study also cites several others that demonstrate the many health benefits Qigong offers, such as lowered lipid levels, blood pressure, and levels of circulating stress hormones, enhanced immune function, improved well-being, and positive effects on inflammation and fatigue in cancer patients…

Source: 6 Qigong Exercises For Cultivating Healing Energy – Collective Evolution

3 Common Kitchen Herbs and Spices for Anxiety and Depression | Galactic Connection

Thursday, March 16th 2017
Written By:

Tara Thorne, R.H.N

Mental health disorders are often treated with harmful drugs with a myriad of dangerous side effects.  Studies show that you can look to your kitchen instead of the pharmacy to ease symptoms of depression and anxiety safely and effectively.

Mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression affect over 40 million American adults – almost 18% of the population. Unfortunately, conventional medicine’s first line of defense is often to treat mental illness with a pill. But these pharmaceuticals have been proven time and time again to have some seriously dangerous and long-term health consequences. Thankfully, nature once more is proving that a pharmaceutical isn’t always the best approach. Instead, three common kitchen condiments/ herbs and spices are emerging as promising phytotherapies for some of the most debilitating mental health issues plaguing so many today.

Often the root cause of mental illness such as anxiety and depression can be attributed to physiological factors in the body such as inflammation or to nutrient deficiencies or even to hormonal imbalances. Luckily, we can often turn to our own kitchen when it comes to these issues and use food as medicine to rebalance our systems, reduce inflammation and nourish our body and in turn, our mind.


3 Common Kitchen Herbs and Spices for Anxiety and Depression

Curcumin – the active component of turmeric – continues to prove itself as a standout herb when it comes to benefiting our health including our mental health. In a randomized controlled trial curcumin was compared against a popular antidepressant for efficacy in people with major depressive disorder. The study provided clinical evidence that curcumin may be used as an effective and safe treatment for those suffering from depression.  Another study involving 108 male adults compared those taking an antidepressant plus a placebo to those taking an antidepressant plus 1000mg of curcumin. The curcumin group showed a significant decrease in cortisol and inflammation – key players in mental health disease – as well as depression rating scores. The study concluded that curcumin might have the potential to reverse the development of depression and enhance the outcome of antidepressant treatment in major depressive disorder.  Additionally, in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 56 individuals with major depressive disorder were treated with curcumin (500 mg twice daily) or a placebo for 8 weeks. From weeks 4 – 8 curcumin was significantly more effective than the placebo in improving several mood-related symptoms…

Source: 3 Common Kitchen Herbs and Spices for Anxiety and Depression | Galactic Connection

Hidden Tech Now Used for Healing – Expert Ivan Anderson to be Interviewed on Ground Crew Command Radio — Prepare for Change

It’s been used against you … now you can use it for you. Celebrating it’s inaugural first episode launch … Ground Crew Command Radio with it’s unique empowering format will be interviewing long-time vibrational medicine practitioner Ivan Anderson. On Wed 29th March at 9pm EDT. From an actual brick & mortar practice in Floyd, VA…

via Hidden Tech Now Used for Healing – Expert Ivan Anderson to be Interviewed on Ground Crew Command Radio — Prepare for Change

Take Your Detox to the Next Level with Traditional Chinese Medicine | Galactic Connection

Mar 20, 2017

Many of us concentrate on detoxing our bodies from the numerous environmental and metabolic chemicals that clog us up through practices like drinking water, or taking sitz baths, but from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM-based) theory, if we are feeling sluggish or sick, we’ve got a blood and or Qi deficiency.


Masters of Chinese Medicine understand that we only thrive in our full health when we boost and balance the yin (blood) and yang (qi) of the energetic/physical bodies. This usually boils down to a deficiency in one, or both. This deficiency is what causes a myriad of diseases as varied as bad acne to full morbidity.


As the Chinese Taoist Sage Lao Tzu once stated, “The human body is only Jing (ancestral essence), Qi (energy), and Shen (spirit). These are the three treasures. These three treasures are complete as a human being. In order to attain true health and happiness, you must value them.”

Before explaining more about how to boost blood/qi, we need to understand a little about the types of Qi, or life-force energy as it is explained in TCM. There are two types: Congenital Qi which we are born with and Acquired Qi which we can get from the food we eat, the air we breathe, physical exercise, the balancing of our emotions, etc.

We can do little about Congenital Qi, acquired from the actions and thoughts of our parents and grandparents (which appears as our tendency toward the same thoughts and lifestyle choices), but muchabout Acquired Qi.

Congenital Qi is thought to be stored in the kidneys, and determines our basic constitution. It is composed of the Jing essence and Yuan(Original Qi).

Acquired Qi is a combination of:

  • Gu Qi – the essence of food we eat,
  • Kong Qi – the air we breathe, and the way we breathe
  • Zong Qi – called the gathering Qi, and finally
  • Zhen Qi – a composite of Ying Qi and Wei Oi (Nutritive and Defensive Qi), and finally…

Source: Take Your Detox to the Next Level with Traditional Chinese Medicine | Galactic Connection

5 things we know about 432 Hz VS 440 Hz #432Hertz #MKUltra [VIDEO] | Galactic Connection

TheOuterDark5 things we know about 432 Hz VS 440 Hz #432Hertz #MKUltra

Published on Mar 21, 2017

Why did they change the tuning frequency from 432 Hertz to 440 hertz? was there a conspiracy behind the change? Music that plays at 432 hertz, seems to make people feel good, and reduce stress  #432Hertz#healingmusic

Source: 5 things we know about 432 Hz VS 440 Hz #432Hertz #MKUltra [VIDEO] | Galactic Connection

Superfoods That Give You the Most Bang for Your Buck


By Dr. Mercola Ideally, food is your “medicine.” It’s certainly one of the best preventive strategy I can think of, and getting more raw organic foods and healthy fats in your diet are key considerations. However, while any type of whole food is better than none, some choices can give you more bang for your…

via Superfoods That Give You the Most Bang for Your Buck — The Event Chronicle

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been

Looking back approximately eight long years ago (Yes, can you believe > 8 years?) what began as the devious theft of 134.5 Billion in US Notes by Daniel Dal Bosco set off an unpredictable and often times a “Wild West” (and East!) chain of events that continue to this day for Neil Keenan and his loyal Group K (whose members have changed over time) – but ALL have played a major role in getting to this dynamic place of impending breakthroughs and ultimate success on several fronts.

Yes, for the past eight long years there have been so many abrupt and at times –  seemingly mysterious changes occurring that even a US Highway map couldn’t properly show all of the twists and turns ultimately leading to the most marvelous of doors: The Global Collateral Accounts.

These Accounts, which many crooks & cabal members have done their best in surreptitiously blocking from us for such a long period of time; are now readily recognized by so many.

Fortunately, we can thank Neil Keenan for his relentless courage and Irish tenacity in bringing this revelation to the forefront to be revealed in the light of day to ‘We The People’ worldwide.

It was Neil who first committed himself to the task – and then endured under unpredictable and tremendous odds, on that long and winding road leading up to not only the lawsuit itself (the one that opened all the doors into that battle on behalf of humanity and the world which we dare witness and still fight for today) – but also to the penultimate point – whereby Neil was told he was going to be placed in charge of those very Accounts.

To review this saga of events consecutively, we would refer you to the History & Events Timeline on Groups K’s website (with forthcoming updates to be made, at the request of the White House.)

Despite being poisoned more than 7 times in order to keep him from this heroic quest, as well as having significant funds abruptly stolen from his accounts on two occasions, Neil moved forthrightly to another major vehicle by which to take the bastards down…


Energy Imaging Technology Can ‘Read’ the Body for Disease Using Special Photography | Stillness in the Storm

(Christina SarichPolycontrast Interference Photography (PIP) is a photographic technology that reads light emitted from the body at gradations which are not picked up by normal cameras. It is also known as “Kirlian photography.” Different gradations and colors of light reveal where there is disease or inharmony in the body. The technology essentially measures bio-field energy changes that are reflective of emotional or physical degradation.

Dr. Harry Oldfield discovered that:

  • People who are healthy, and whose bio-field or chakras are balanced will create a coherent, vibrant PIP image made up of vivid colors, usually yellow, blue, green and indigo.
  • People who have a distortion of their bio-field and imbalance in their chakras (including emotional distress) will display a distorted image using PIP photography. The PIP photo will show speckled, dissipated, muddied, smudged, dull, palid, or ‘burnt’ looking light, usually with colors looking dull or congested. Also, the color black will appear in the PIP image, or red where there is congested energy.
  • Leaking energy will appear as bands of color (dependent upon the chakra) seeping from the body in bands of color.


The technology has become so accessible, that you can even purchase a handheld Energy Vision camera that works with android devices to view live-streaming video that reveals real-time subtle interference patterns in energy fields not normally viewable by the naked human eye.

Oldfield surmised that the human energy field interferes with photons – energy packets of light – or what might be called “subtle energy photons” in some way. He decided that ambient (surrounding) light would be interfered with by the field both when the incident ray traveled towards the object and when the reflected ray bounced off the object. His PIP technology is a computer program that can analyze the different light intensities being reflected from a person or an object being scanned.

Related Related Experiments Prove Aura’s (EM Fields) are Real | Mapping the Energy Body EXPERIMENT by Heliognosis

Oldfield states,

“We believe that we are showing up an energy interaction with light, which is giving us an insight into the energy counterpart, the etheric template on which our physical molecules are strung. On average, every atom in the human body is replaced every seven to nine years. Think of your body not as a physical structure but as a moving fountain of molecules that are constantly being replaced. So what keeps them a coherent recognizable form? We believe it to be an organizing template of energy.”

In over three decades of research Oldfield has discovered numerous pathologies in the body using only his special photography. This research also led him to many incredible discoveries, including that of a ‘crystal-dwelling energy entity’ – perhaps another form of life here with us on Earth.

Other interesting phenomenon that has occurred using PIP photography surrounds an incident that occurred in 1995 when Oldfield was conducting scientific research on the well-known psychic surgeon, Stephen Turnoff. While Oldfield was examining the healer’s energy field with PIP photography, a face with a beard appeared on his computer screen and smiled at him.

Oldfield attests this was a being from another world – a spirit guide for Turnoff – that was captured on scientific equipment. The same phenomenon happened while measuring the energy field of Gary Mannion, though the psychic was later accused of fraud.

Though many call PIP ‘fringe’ science, there are multiple scientific studies and devices that have now documented ‘qi’ or Life Force. Infrared technology, micro-pressure detection, wavelength measurements, acoustical technology, polycontrast interference photography, and even a ‘qi’ measuring device all provide ample evidence that the energy body not only exists, but can be greatly affected by different healing modalities which modern, Western science don’t even have a vocabulary for, let alone an understanding.

Using Oldfield’s technology to view heretofore unseen images of the microscopic Universe living in its energetic state in all of us is fascinating, but the potential of this ‘vision’ is real. Though PIP is strictly an “analysis tool” that can be used to reveal patterns of non-visible light, it can be used by a practitioner to see, in real-time, if an energy-based healing is working.

[Harry Oldfield – New Energy Vision Software Demonstration Exclusive]

About The Author

Christina Sarich

Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and *See the Big Picture*. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing The Body And Mind Through The Art Of Yoga.

This article was originally titled “Energy Technology Can ‘Read’ the Body for Disease Using Special Photography”. It was found on and republished on this website for educational purposes.

Source: Energy Imaging Technology Can ‘Read’ the Body for Disease Using Special Photography | Stillness in the Storm

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