Category Archives: Higher Vibrational Selves



“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”- Eckhart Tolle

12. Regrets

Whether it’s a missed opportunity, a bad relationship, a choice we should have made or simply something that made us feel dumb, dwelling in regret consumes a large amount of our time and energy. It has been thought, that the reason we regret so many things is because we have an idealized version of ourselves that we wish to live up to at all times.

To put it into perspective, we all think that we are 100% good people and when we do things that don’t reflect the most positive aspects of ourselves, we deem that we’ve fallen short in some way. But, when we can let go of these ideals and embrace the gravity and reality of life, we then free ourselves from the illusion of “perfection”.

So embrace your dark side, it is where your creativity flows from, accept yourself both “good and evil” and find balance between the two.

11.Blaming other people for your problems

shutterstock_129230165Each person in your life is a teacher. Each experience in your life is a lesson. Living is like looking into a mirror– every teacher is you. Every event and ever relationship reflects yourself. Although we do not consciously perceive this, at some level we all know that life shows us what we need to learn.

Learn the lesson and move on. If you didn’t learn the lesson the first time, it comes back around as a new experience a new person and a new circumstance. It comes right back and lands in your lap again, and says, “here… deal with it”- Excerpt from Ether Into the Nemesis

When we blame others for our problems we are shifting the attention away from ourselves and avoiding our own healing. The more we avoid ourselves the larger our problems become and the more we fall into “victim mentality”which can be a very troubling situation…


How to Initiate Contact with Your Higher Self » The Event Chronicle

The Ascended Master Sri Yukteswar ( Living In The Heart; Drunvallo Melchezadek) says no one in India would consider initiating any spiritual ceremony without Being in a certain state of mind!Ground yourself by immersing you feet in the earth, this will discharge the electromagnetic energy built up from electronics’s including computers, TV’s and phones.

Source: How to Initiate Contact with Your Higher Self » The Event Chronicle

Are You a Starseed? — Traits and Tendencies

Friday, January 13, 2017

(Ginny Marston) Starseeds are beings that have experienced life outside of the universe on other planets and in non-physical dimensions other than the earth, although they may have had previous lifetimes on earth. There are 3 categories of star seeds:

Related “I Can Heal Water.” – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to “Wake Up!” by Mary Rodwell — with Commentary by Justin


by Ginny Marston, January 10th, 2017

  • Typical Starseed: Had preparation lifetimes and may have lived 5-50 times on this earth.
  • Old Soul Starseed: Has had hundreds of lifetimes on earth, these are our guardians of the earth.
  • New Starseed: Many who have had no lifetimes on earth. These include some of the Crystal and Rainbow Children.

Traits of Starseeds:

  • Difficulty fitting in, not being able to relate to people, an innate loneliness and want to return home.
  • Shy and introverted as a child. They are creative and enjoy spending their time playing make-believe rather than playing with other children.
  • Highly intelligent and inquisitive. Fascination with learning but if they feel the information is mundane, they will tune it out.
  • Often diagnosed with A.D.D. or even Bi-Polar Disorder due to the dramatic mood swings because of their sensitivity to the world around them.
  • Often had imaginary friends and created a fantasy world to explore their own minds.
  • Around the ages of 5-11, they may have experienced a paranormal experience with shadow figures or ghosts.
  • Feel more comfortable communicating and being around animals and nature.
  • Due to their sensitive nature, they often choose careers that involve healing.
  • Have difficulty deciding what to do with their life as nothing on this planet makes sense to them.

Continue reading Are You a Starseed? — Traits and Tendencies

Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn

This video is kind of a summary of the four in the prior post. I encourage all to use discernment with all of the intel. Published on Jan 10, 2017 On GoldFish Report No. 68, Intel Guest Kent Dunn returns to the GoldFish Report to lay his cards on the table about why he is […]

via Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn… — Kauilapele’s Blog