Category Archives: #debtslavery

Half Of America Can’t Pay Their Bills – William Mount Channel

In a recent study it was determined that 44% of all American Households cannot pay their debts In a poll we found that almost 60% of all Americans were drowning in debt – primarily form the Credit Card and Car Loans So While JP Morgan can suck the Feds dry of over $6 Trillion Dollars in “CASH” the A..


Former Japanese Prime Ministers Koizumi and Nakasone in Guantanamo, Japanese police say

Former Japanese Prime Ministers Junichiro Koizumi and Yasuhiro Nakasone were taken last week by U.S. military police to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Japanese police and underworld sources both say.  A person at Koizumi’s office, when asked if this is true, said, “There is nobody here…
