Category Archives: Fethullah Gulen

Syria Condemns Turkish Invasion As “Breach Of Sovereignty” While Joe Biden Meets With Erdogan » The Event Chronicle

Syria’s Foreign Ministry, which has the backing of Russia and as of last week, China, condemned Turkey’s military incursion against an Islamic State-held Syrian town near its border, aided by aircraft from a U.S.-led coalition, as a breach of its sovereignty, Syrian state television reported. It added that any counter terrorism operations inside its borders had to be conducted in coordination with Damascus and accused Ankara of launching the incursion to replace Islamic State with “other terrorist groups” a reference to rebels.

There has already been speculation that Turkey’s latest incursion into Syrian territory has little to do with the stated purpose of cleansing ISIS forces close to its border following this weekend’s Gaziantep suicide bombing which was promptly blamed on ISIS, and is merely the latest escalation in Erdogan’s ongoing conflict with militant Kurdish forces located in the region.

Continue reading Syria Condemns Turkish Invasion As “Breach Of Sovereignty” While Joe Biden Meets With Erdogan » The Event Chronicle

Former NATO commander ‘behind failed coup against Erdogan’ – Turkish daily — RT News

The former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, retired US Army General John F. Campbell, was the mastermind behind the failed military coup in Turkey, the Yeni Safak daily has reported, citing sources close to investigation.

The paper is known for its loyal support of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was the target of the coup attempt.

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Turkey Suspends Rule Of Law | Your News Wire

Posted on July 26, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Turkey completely suspends the rule of law

Turkey have formally abandoned the rule of law as the government impose a state of martial law across the country, arresting tens of thousands of people.

Since Turkey’s attempted coup, citizens are being rounded up and detained in sports facilities and stables, where many have been abused, according to lawyers in the country.

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Obama denies US had prior knowledge about Turkey’s coup | Veterans Today

[ Note: We can hardly expect Obama to publicly admit that the US had advance knowledge of the coup. But then that requires us to believe that, with all the US intercept security within its operational base at Incirlik, our military did not pick up on the Turkish Air Force running a key part of the coup operation from there.

There is no chance in hell that could have happened without our Intel people picking up on it. Heads would have rolled if they did not. So both sides, as I concluded in the interview, are engaged in theatrics here purely for public consumptionJD ]

Continue reading Obama denies US had prior knowledge about Turkey’s coup | Veterans Today

Some State Actors behind the Munich Shooting | Veterans Today

By GPD on July 23, 2016 By Sajjad Shaukat

 The lone gunman killed 10 people and wounded more than 20 in Munich after the deadly shooting in Olympia shopping mall and outside a nearby McDonalds on Friday (July 22, 2016). Then, he killed himself.

There are conflicting reports came from the German media, authorities and police. Initial reports claimed that there were three gunmen who killed 15 people, “but officers have now said there was just one deranged terrorist responsible for the massacre…German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated the motives for this abhorrent act have not yet been completely, clarified we still have contradictory clues…police, citing eyewitness accounts had initially said they were looking for up to three suspects in the shooting attack at the Munich Olympia Shopping Centre that sent shoppers fleeing in panic and shut traffic across the city.”

Continue reading Some State Actors behind the Munich Shooting | Veterans Today

Russia Bans All Citizens From Turkey As Massive US-NATO Armada Moves To Attack

July 20, 2016

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grim Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Federal Agency for Air Transport (Rosaviatsiya) was authorized today to ban all Russian citizens from traveling to the Republic of Turkey after the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reported that two US-NATO naval armadas currently operating in the Black Sea have combined and set sail towards Turkey territorial waters and that includes 14 Turkish warships reported “missing” from their fleet by Turkey’s government. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

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Turkey Confirms Blocking WikiLeaks Following Ruling Party Email Publication

10:29 20.07.2016(updated 11:44 20.07.2016)

Turkey’s Presidency of Telecommunication and Communication (TIB) confirmed to RIA Novosti on Wednesday the blocking of the WikiLeaks investigative website following its publication of nearly 300,000 ruling party emails.

ANKARA (Sputnik) –Earlier on Wednesday the whisleblowing organization sain via Twitter the the Turkish authorities have ordered a nationalwide blocking of the Wikileaks website.

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Turkish government announced cooperation with ISIS in Parliament | Veterans Today

Following Istanbul Ataturk airport terrorist suicide-bombing on Sunday that killed more than 200 people, Turkish and foreign nationals, Kalcidar Oglu within the parliamentary session said that ” Erdogan and AKP government are responsible for problems and killings taking place in Turkey”.  In his various questions, head of GHP party exposed Turkish-ISIS joint cooperation and based on irrational and insane statements of Erdogan cooperating with terrorist groups such as ISIS and Nusra Front.

– Mr. Erdogan ! Can any country shun describing ISIS as a terrorist group after their occupation of the Turkish Embassy in Mosul ?

Continue reading Turkish government announced cooperation with ISIS in Parliament | Veterans Today

Hillary Clinton Linked To Failed Turkey Coup | Your News Wire

Posted on July 20, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Congress have received newly-released emails and documents which detail Hillary Clinton’s ties to the recent failed coup attempt in Turkey to overthrow the Erdogan regime.

The documents reveal links between the Clinton’s and members of a network operated by Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen from Turkey.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton Linked To Failed Turkey Coup | Your News Wire

CIA Pilots Who Downed Russian Warplane And Targeted Erdogan For Death Arrested In Turkey

July 19, 2016

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has been notified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) for the Republic of Turkey that the two American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “employed/directed” pilots who on 24 November 2015 shot down a defenseless Aerospace Forces Sukhoi Su-24M bomber aircraft over Syria, and on 15 July targeted Turkish President Erdogan for death, have now been arrested and placed into custody. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Continue reading CIA Pilots Who Downed Russian Warplane And Targeted Erdogan For Death Arrested In Turkey

Turkish Leader Praises Putin For Saving His Live—But Vows “Revenge” On Obama

July 17, 2016

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that during President Putin’s just completed telephone conversation with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the embattled Turkish leader praised the Federation for saving his life and agreed to meet President Putin in the next fortnight—but, also, vowed “revenge” on President Obama for staging a failed coup d’état against his regime. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Continue reading Turkish Leader Praises Putin For Saving His Live—But Vows “Revenge” On Obama

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