DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Completes 3 More Campaign Promises

While the media is bashing President Trump at every corner, and loosing subscribers and advertisers in mass, President Trump keeps moving forward and fulfills three more Huge Campaign Promises.

First – Last week thanks to the leadership of both President Trumps and Vice President Pence a new bill was signed into law turning over Title 10 funds to be distributed by the individual state rather than being turned over directly to Abortion Clinics.

Each state now has the option of either funding abortion Clinics or opening up more Health Clinics specifically targeting Low Income Women.

So now the choice for abortion lies not at the Presidential Level but at the level of the individual governors – per the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.

10th Amendment: Powers not delegated to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the states,  are reserved for the states respectively, or to the people.

States being defined as Estates…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Completes 3 More Campaign Promises

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