Category Archives: KGB

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: US War Plans To Invade Russia Cancelled – OBAMA Moving

Monday, January 2, 2017

There is a plan in place for the US and it’s NATO Allies to invade Russia

As you recall – there was an invasion by French, British and Japanese forces of Russia between 1918 and 1920 in an attempt to destroy both the Hermitage in St Petersburg and rip away the Eastern portions of Russia.

As for the Invasion of St Petersburg, the French and British had just finished 4 years of Trench Warfare and they were double crossed by the leaders of St Petersburg and routed back to the Russian Port of Arch Angel and their evacuation was protected by a US Task Force.

The US lost 244 men evacuating the French and British.

As for the Japanese – in the East part of Russia they were threatened with all out war and evacuated the area, choosing to attack China only   few years later when they invaded Manchuria.

During the later part of Baby Bush’s Regime Operation Unthinkable was dusted off and re-examined.

Operation Unthinkable was the Allied plans to invade Russia way back in 1945 put forth by none other than Prime Minister Churchill and US General Patton. For this Patton was killed and Churchill retired.

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US Media Support Of Khizr Khan Who Enabled 9/11, Boston Marathon And San Bernardino Terror Attacks Stuns Russia

sorka faal

August 4, 2016 By Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

US Media Support Of Khizr Khan Who Enabled 9/11, Boston Marathon And San Bernardino Terror Attacks Stuns Russia

The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is stunningly reporting today that the US mainstream media has thrown its entire “weight of support” behind a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) linked attorney and “trained operative” named Khizr Khan against US presidential candidate Donald Trump—and whose entire legal career has been devoted to aiding known and suspected Pakistani and Saudi Arabian terrorists to gain entrance into the United States. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, the first intelligence file opened by Russian authorities involving Khizr Khan was during the former Soviet regime by the Committee for State Security (KGB) in 1980.

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Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat


Rock star Tom DeLonge co-authored the book, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows, which is the first in a multimedia series of books and documentaries promising to blow the lid off a cover up of Secret Space Programs and the UFO phenomenon. A close reading of the “fiction based on fact” Sekret Machines, suggests that what it more accurately does is expose the reader to the first level of a multi-layered set of Secret Space Programs.

DeLonge, a former lead vocalist for Blink 182, is the creator of the Sekret Machines multimedia disclosure initiative, and has enlisted top writers such as A.J. Hartley and Peter Levenda to co-author up to six books. In the preface of Sekret Machines and interviews, Delonge describes how he is being helped by a team of ten advisors with direct links to corporations and Department of Defense entities involved with the U.S. development of a secret space program, and knowledge of a similar program simultaneously developed in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat