Category Archives: Archon Invasion(Congo 1996)

Etheric Implants and Entities ARE “Human Nature” Part 1 — Removing Energetic Parasites, Symptoms, Science, and Research – Prepare for Change

Friday, January 13, 2017

Symptoms of the System

(Eric RainesAfter an incredibly intense energetic activation, I became aware, as clearly as you are reading these words right now, of a system that had completely infiltrated the human condition, yet was almost 100% invisible to detection. Almost 100% of the population of the planet is walking around completely unaware that most of the “talking” they are doing in their heads isn’t talking, but listening to something else speaking in their own internal voice. They are completely unaware that almost all of their habits, routines, impulses and reactions are not theirs but an invisible puppet master’s direction, willing them to develop these neuro-linguistic pathways (NLP) through 24/7 monitoring and countering of any resistance to the invisible agenda.


AI Voice Over

[to be added shortly]

Related Light Workers and The Lost Art of Transmuting Fear into Love — The Path of Love vs. Path of Fear

SourceUnleashing Natural Humanity

by Eric Raines, January 6th, 2017

An invisible puppetmaster controlling the human collective and directing it to their negative agenda? Right off the bat, we have already jumped the ship from sanity. The immediate reaction is rejection, as there is no way that we, the most intelligent species on the planet, could be victim to something so incredibly prevalent and widespread; something that has literally tricked us into thinking we are independent and have free will, yet has imprisoned us on a level that is absolute. This reaction is completely understandable, and, honestly, to be expected. So, if you have made it this far and wish to not continue reading, this is understandable. The only request is that you analyze this feeling inside of you, notice how strong it is? Question that. For those who wish to continue, let us explain how this works, then more importantly: WHY?

Continue reading Etheric Implants and Entities ARE “Human Nature” Part 1 — Removing Energetic Parasites, Symptoms, Science, and Research – Prepare for Change

Cobra interview 05 January 2017 MUST WATCH – YouTube

This is Incredible! Lots and lots of data points cleared up. My categories are my notes.

Sound travels through the ether.

The Great Forgetting of 1996 – Prepare for Change

The Great Forgetting of 1996 During the invasion of 1996, the Archons and the Chimera have put a negative barrier at the edge of the Solar System (the heliopause). All beings contained within that …

Source: The Great Forgetting of 1996 – Prepare for Change

The Portal: June Monthly Update Interview by Cobra

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Here is the June monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The audio version and the transcript are available here:


You can submit your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:

Victory of the Light!

Source: The Portal: June Monthly Update Interview by Cobra