Category Archives: Munich

Hillary Clinton Orders ISIS Attack Cover-Up In Germany, American Press Stunningly Obeys

sorka faal

July 27, 2016

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A shocking new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirms that former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered elements within the Obama regime loyal to her to pressure German Chancellor Angela “Mother of Terror” Merkel to cover up a horrifying Islamic State terror attack this past week—and that “stunningly” the American mainstream press colluded on in keeping secret too. [Note:Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Continue reading Hillary Clinton Orders ISIS Attack Cover-Up In Germany, American Press Stunningly Obeys

Munich Terror Attack: This Is Why and Who Did It | Alternative

Sunday, July 24, 2016 8:30

Now We Know Why They Did The Munich Slaughter Of Children

Every False Flag Mass Shooting Has An Explicit Purpose(s), Especially When It’s Children

Distraction, Diversion and Misdirection Are Always Relevant

But Not Necessarily the Primary Reason for the Terror Attacks

State of the Nation

For the uninitiated the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is the primary organ of MSM (mainstream media) propaganda, as it has been since its very inception.

Whenever the BBC trumpets a news report of great global consequence, you know that they are instrumental in implementing the NWO agenda according to a pre-set scheme and purposeful timing.

The BBC has been an effective mouthpiece for the New World Orderfrom the beginning; however, only recently has the state-sponsored media corporation become more transparent in its flagrant propaganda dissemination.

Continue reading Munich Terror Attack: This Is Why and Who Did It | Alternative

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Munich Shooting Fake, Hillary Has Seizures

Saturday, July 23, 2016



Video: Munich Fake Shooting , Hillary Has Seizures – YouTube

The New World Order is getting sloppier and sloppier

Aren’t you getting tired of the New World Order’s attempt to harass us????

Pray they stop — and watch GOD act…

They must be getting desperate???

What we see on the From Cover of the Wall Street Journal on this FAKE Shooting is:

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Munich Shooting Fake, Hillary Has Seizures

Some State Actors behind the Munich Shooting | Veterans Today

By GPD on July 23, 2016 By Sajjad Shaukat

 The lone gunman killed 10 people and wounded more than 20 in Munich after the deadly shooting in Olympia shopping mall and outside a nearby McDonalds on Friday (July 22, 2016). Then, he killed himself.

There are conflicting reports came from the German media, authorities and police. Initial reports claimed that there were three gunmen who killed 15 people, “but officers have now said there was just one deranged terrorist responsible for the massacre…German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated the motives for this abhorrent act have not yet been completely, clarified we still have contradictory clues…police, citing eyewitness accounts had initially said they were looking for up to three suspects in the shooting attack at the Munich Olympia Shopping Centre that sent shoppers fleeing in panic and shut traffic across the city.”

Continue reading Some State Actors behind the Munich Shooting | Veterans Today

Shots Fired in Munich Shopping Center | Veterans Today

Update – Actual footage of one shooter below

“An eyewitness told German media that one of the attackers, outfitted with military-style boots, screamed “Scheib Auslander,” German for “F**king Migrants.”

Also, a video posted on social media shows a suspect on the roof of the mall shooting and saying “I am a German,” according to German newspaper Abendzeitun-Muenchen.”

Continue reading Shots Fired in Munich Shopping Center | Veterans Today

BREAKING! Same Israeli photo-propagandist pre-positioned in Nice AND NOW MUNICH | Veterans Today

Coincidence theorists are having a field day


We covered lots of news, and even broke a few stories, in this week’s False Flag Weekly News (see above – click HERE for links to all the stories). Our special guest, the latest Holocaust revisionist superstar, Monika Schaefer, did a terrific job– hats off to her for her courage and integrity!

Continue reading BREAKING! Same Israeli photo-propagandist pre-positioned in Nice AND NOW MUNICH | Veterans Today