Category Archives: al-Qaeda

‘Brought to you by agency which produced Al-Qaeda & ISIS’ – Assange trolls CIA chief

Julian Assange has responded to CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s accusation that WikiLeaks is a “non-state intelligence agency” by trolling the CIA over its own roles in producing “Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Iraq, Iran and Pinochet.” Read Full Article at

via ‘Brought to you by agency which produced Al-Qaeda & ISIS’ – Assange trolls CIA chief — RT – Daily news

Hillary Emails Prove She Knew: “For Years, Our Government Supporting Al Qaeda, ISIS”

This article was written by Matt Agorist and originally published by The Free Thought Project.

Editor’s Comment: The absurdity is overwhelming. There’s no square deal or honest dealing in the region, yet we are supposed to get outraged about the actions of the man who is officially in power there – even if it means the U.S. is tacitly backing actual al Qaeda terrorists, along with the al Nusra front, whatever is left of the so-called “rebels” who’ve now been largely defeated militarily by the Russian/Syrian forces.

It is outrageous the pack of unbelievable lies that are to make up the current pretext for war, and the motivations for intervention there. The corporate interests and conflicts of interest are blatant and in your face. And yet the drums march ever onward…

‘Al-Qaeda is On Our Side in Syria’ — Email Shows Clinton Knew US Worked With Terrorists

by Matt Agorist

Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan is an American policymaker and a senior policy advisor to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election campaign, who’s been seemingly attached to Clinton’s hip for nearly a decade.

Sullivan was widely rumored to be a front-runner for the position of U.S. National Security Advisor under a Hillary Clinton administration before she lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election. He was also Deputy Assistant to the U.S. President Barack Obama and National Security Advisor to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

He also served as the Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State, and as Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He was deputy policy director for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential primary campaign and a member of the debate preparation team for Barack Obama’s general election campaign…

Source: Hillary Emails Prove She Knew: “For Years, Our Government Supporting Al Qaeda, ISIS” | Survival

False Flag Flashback: The White Helmets Admitted to Staging a Terror Video in 2016


By Jack Burns Last Week, it was alleged the Syrian Army had once again gassed its own people. Mainstream media outlets everywhere ran the story without so much a question as to whether or not the allegations were founded. Even President Trump weighed in on the attacks. “My attitude towards Syria and Assad has changed…

via False Flag Flashback: The White Helmets Admitted to Staging a Terror Video in 2016 — The Event Chronicle

Tapestry of Terror – White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS

“I want to help the people of Syria.”

via Tapestry of Terror – White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS — Abel Danger

Benjamin Fulford Typepad 4-7-17… “Trump missile attack on Syria is a sign of Khazarian mafia desperation”

Planetary Situation Update: Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are intensively clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity

Friday, April 7, 2017

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are intensively clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity with all plasma anomaly and plasma toplet bombs and all plasma scalar technologies of the Veil. Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped up the plasma attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.
On Wednesday, the Light forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command have begun full force active removal of all plasma negativity near the surface of the planet. Every direct intervention of the Confederation forces inside the quarantine Earth provokes retaliation by the Chimera and they started first by trying to provoke nuclear exchange between USA and North Korea:
Although there was limited nuclear exchange on Wednesday in one of the underground bases, vaporizing a certain number of Dracos working for the Chimera, the Light forces do NOT allow nuclear exchange beyond the scope of mini nukes on the surface of the planet.
Realizing that they will not be allowed to go nuclear, the Chimera have resorted to trying to trigger a global war with conventional weapons.
Through the Archon and Jesuit network, they have pressured Trump to attack Syria:
Trump did this without approval from the Congress, which is a clear violation of the Constitution:
This military action helps the Archons in their attempt to retake Palmyra, a crucially important vortex point within the Syria pentagram:
The plan of the dark forces is to involve Turkey and Israel in the conflict, and expand it throughout the Middle East:
They are hoping of provoking Putin, but he is in contact with brilliant Pleiadian military strategists and most likely he will play it wisely, using diplomacy, international public opinion and military support to Syrian army rather that direct confrontation with the United States.
The international public is becoming more and more aware that the chemical gas attack in Idlib, which Trump used as a pretext to attack Syria, was a false flag:
Involving White Helmets.
Now Trump worshipers are finally beginning to sober up:
The Light forces will do whatever they can to limit the escalation of this military conflict as much as possible. Dragon sources have reconfirmed that this will be a short, intense but limited escalation. The Resistance is expecting the situation reaching its peak next Tuesday.
Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!
PS. Just as I wanted to post this update and the next update which will be even more important, blogger went down for a few hours worldwide, delaying my post:
An interesting „coincidence“.
Victory of the Light!

via Planetary Situation Update — The Portal

Media Goes Quiet as Russia Exposes US Lies at Security Council

Russia just called out the West for using the UN to promote regime change — but no one reported it By Richard Brandt Twitter was flooded with commentary about Nikki Haley’s call to arms against Russia during the Security Council meeting on Wednesday afternoon. But no one bothered to report what Russia had to say.…

View image on TwitterView image on Twitter

Can someone tell us what were these kids doing inside a secret Qaeda hideout dug deep inside a mountain?! Another cheap WH act!

via Media Goes Quiet as Russia Exposes US Lies at Security Council — The Event Chronicle

George Soros Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria

George Soros found to be behind chemical weapons attack in Syria

Billionaire elitist George Soros is behind the latest chemical weapons attack in Syria that has left 70 civilians dead and countless more injured. The White Helmets, an al-Qaeda affiliated group funded by both Soros and […]

via George Soros Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria — Your News Wire

Rest Of Militants Withdraws From Aleppo After Failed Night Attack — Veterans Today

…from SouthFront Last night, Jaish al-Fatah militants launched a major offensive against government forces in Hikmah from the direction of Rashiddeen 4 in the southwestern Aleppo countryside. After a series of firefights, the Syrian Army and Hezbollah forced Jaish al-Fatah units to retreat. As result a group of militants, that sabotaged evacuation from Aleppo on…

via Rest Of Militants Withdraws From Aleppo After Failed Night Attack — Veterans Today


US BACKED ISIS ON THE RUN IN SYRIAVIDEO: ISIS BEING SLAUGHTERED, DEMAND CEASE FIRE – YouTubeThe US Backed ISIS forces are on the run.1) First – in Mosul the ISIS forces have tried to run to Al Raqquh, what remains is being slaughtered – but Mosul has always been a hot bed of US Backed…


Russian Military Says Thousands of Militants Leave Khan al-Shih in South Syria — Sputnik International

Thousands of terrorists surrendered and left the Syrian town of Khan al-Shih, the Russian military announced.

via Russian Military Says Thousands of Militants Leave Khan al-Shih in South Syria — Sputnik International

The US Seeks To Free Its Officers From The Death-Trap In Aleppo City? — Veterans Today

…from SouthFront The US is desperately pushing a new ‘diplomatic proposal’ to halt the fighting over the city of Aleppo. US Secretary of State, John Kerry, made suggestions to Russia, which would ensure the withdrawal of “opposition forces” from eastern Aleppo. But why does Kerry desire this? Is this just a ploy intended to buy…

via The US Seeks To Free Its Officers From The Death-Trap In Aleppo City? — Veterans Today

WikiLeaks Cables Link U.S. Government To The Creation Of ISIL — True Activist

This week, WikiLeaks released over 500,000 diplomatic cables as an addition to the Carter Cables that were first released in 2014. In these new cables, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange states there is definitive proof that the United States CIA is “essentially responsible for creating ISIS”. Assange says the new cables reveal that the events in…

via WikiLeaks Cables Link U.S. Government To The Creation Of ISIL — True Activist

Russia, US to start talks on rebel withdrawal from Aleppo – Lavrov — RT – Daily news

A proposal made by US Secretary of State John Kerry to Russia about the divided Syrian city of Aleppo details the procedure for the withdrawal of rebel forces, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov revealed, adding the two countries will discuss the issue in the coming days. Read Full Article at

via Russia, US to start talks on rebel withdrawal from Aleppo – Lavrov — RT – Daily news

Moscow in secret talks with Syrian opposition to stop Aleppo fighting – FT — RT – Daily news

Leaders of the Syrian opposition are now holding negotiations with Russian representatives to end the fighting in Aleppo, the Financial Times has reported, citing four anonymous Syrian opposition figures. The US is allegedly not aware of the talks. Read Full Article at

via Moscow in secret talks with Syrian opposition to stop Aleppo fighting – FT — RT – Daily news

Concept of Moderate Opposition in Syria ‘Failure’ — Sputnik International

Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said that the attempts to define a moderate opposition in Syria separate from terrorist groups have proved unsuccessful.

via Concept of Moderate Opposition in Syria ‘Failure’ — Sputnik International

Assad Pardons Nearly 500 Militants As Syria And Russia Move To Reclaim Aleppo — True Activist

Credit – Aleppo, once Syria’s most populous city, has been at the center of the Syrian conflict for months as Syrian government forces, with Russian support, have fought to reclaim the city from US-backed militants as well as Islamic State (ISIS) fighters. After months of heavy fighting on both sides, and international repercussions for…

via Assad Pardons Nearly 500 Militants As Syria And Russia Move To Reclaim Aleppo — True Activist

US backed militants used mustard gas against civilians in Syria – Russian defense experts — David Icke latest headlines

‘Russian Defense Ministry experts said that a chemical agent that was found in an unexploded mortar shell and later used in a militant attack on a village in Aleppo Governorate, was indeed mustard gas, according to a ministry statement. On November 16, Russian military experts found an unexploded crude homemade 240-mm mortar shell with a…

via US backed militants used mustard gas against civilians in Syria – Russian defense experts — David Icke latest headlines

US and British ‘Clean House’ to Delete Syria Terror Links — David Icke latest headlines

‘US President Barack Obama has just given the Pentagon orders to assassinate commanders of the Al Nusra terror network in Syria. American media reports over the weekend say the new urgency arises from US intelligence fears that al Qaeda-affiliated groups are preparing to mount terror attacks against Western targets from strongholds in Syria. The purported…

via US and British ‘Clean House’ to Delete Syria Terror Links — David Icke latest headlines

Tying it together, Wikileaks, the FBI and the Mob Part V — Veterans Today

Gordon Duff – Is there a global criminal conspiracy, one that runs ISIS and al Qaeda, that staged 9/11 or even killed the Kennedy’s? Recent evidence is increasingly saying yes.

via Tying it together, Wikileaks, the FBI and the Mob Part V — Veterans Today

U.S. intel warning of possible al Qaeda attacks in U.S. Monday — NESARA- REPUBLIC NOW – GALACTIC NEWS

SOURCES : U.S. INTEL WARNING OF POSSIBLE ‘AL QAEDA’ ATTACKS IN U.S. MONDAY And WHO in the US funds and directs these jihadis groups? Do you find it interesting on the timing of their activating them – right before the fraudulent ‘elections’? And what else are they planning to do in the other …

via U.S. intel warning of possible al Qaeda attacks in U.S. Monday — NESARA- REPUBLIC NOW – GALACTIC NEWS

Syrian War Report – October 31, 2016: Al-Nusra-led Forces Failed to Break Aleppo Siege — Veterans Today

…from SouthFront As SouthFront forecasted on October 28, the Jaish al-Fatah militant coalition, led by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian Al-Qaeda branch) has not been able to deliver a devastating blow to the Syrian government forces and to break the siege of eastern Aleppo. After the initial success based on massive usage…

via Syrian War Report – October 31, 2016: Al-Nusra-led Forces Failed to Break Aleppo Siege — Veterans Today

Washington Recruit Al Qaeda To Help Oust Assad From Syria — Your News Wire

Washington has authorised a CIA program of training and arming Al Qaeda in order to help them oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. According to various reports, a huge new effort to supply weapons to so-called ‘moderate opposition’ groups in Syria is underway, as the U.S. finds themselves unable to defend themselves against Russian and Syrian…

via Washington Recruit Al Qaeda To Help Oust Assad From Syria — Your News Wire

British Government Debates War With Russia In Suddenly Called Emergency Meeting

what does it mean

October 11, 2016 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Another grim report circulating in the Kremlin this morning issued by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) is warning that the British government is preparing to go into emergency session today in order to debate their nations military forces joining with those of the Obama regime to begin an all out assault against the Federation in the Syrian region of the Levant War Zone—and that should it do so would unleash World War III.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, the British Commons is soon to begin an emergency 3-hour debate with them stating beforehand that Western air forces must be willing to confront Russian military jets over the skies of Syria to enforce a no-fly zone and protect the citizens of eastern Aleppo—and that is being led by British lawmaker Andrew Mitchell who just hours ago outlandishly likened Russia’s behavior in Syria to that of Nazis.

With the threat of war between the Federation and the West now said to be “more dangerous” than the Cold War, this report continues, these British lawmakers, like their Obama regime counterparts, have begun propagandizing their own citizens as to the true nature of this conflict—and is most simply stated as Russian military forces aiding the Syrian Arab Army in its freeing the peoples of Aleppo (Syria) from the barbaric Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terror they’ve been forced to live under the past 3 years.


  Continue reading British Government Debates War With Russia In Suddenly Called Emergency Meeting

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Guess Who Sold Weapons To ISIS???

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Video:  Guess Who Sold Weapons To ISIS??? – YouTube

You guessed it – Coo Coo Pants herself

Dirty Hellry

And not the Fake One who was at the Debates

In a new release of emails it clearly shows that Dirty Hellry sold large cashes of weapons to nations that openly supported ISIS

So while President Obama is openly supporting ISIS Dirty Hellry is openly selling them weapons.

First – listen to President Obama openly support ISIS – here is what he said:

Now what Julian Assagne Said:

The Reagan administration officials hoped to secure the release of several U.S. hostages, and then take proceeds from the arms sales to Iran, to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.
Sounds familiar?

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Guess Who Sold Weapons To ISIS???