Category Archives: Selling of Active Duty Medical Records by VA

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Just Destroyed Agenda 21

In one Executive Order President Trump just destroyed the United Nations Agenda 21 – now upgraded to Agenda 30.

Agenda 21 is a United Nations Platform put forth in a 351 page Manual “Requesting” that all nations move to a Sustainable Growth.

Translation: Reduce the World’s Population to around 400 Million People living in Abject Poverty with the next 3 years.

Updated recently to Agenda 30 this population Reduction will be accomplished by the year 2030 and, according to the Chief Jesuit General in an interview,  the Opening of the Temple Of Lucifer in Jerusalem to be completed in the year 2032.

The Primary Precept of these United Nations Agenda’s is to more almost every one into the cities and then destroy them through various means – Poisoned Foods, Mandatory Vaccinations, Plagues, Wars, etc.

So – if the smaller towns are occupied by people the Agenda’s are destroyed.

Two things happened in 1980 that began forcing people out of small towns:

1) First – the Consent Decree. On 1 March 1980 the 9th Cicuit Court of appeals ruled that to be hired by the USA Forest Service as a Category 460 Employee (Forester) you must be woman or Black. Within 7 years the Forest Service Logging Industry – supplying vast amounts of timber – was dead.

This ruling was then used to lock White Males out of Forestry across the nation in State Forestry Programs.

Without this timber small towns simply die across America.

In 1986 I found myself at a Lunch prepared by Colonel Wiggins at his home near DC and met with the Head of the US Forest Service – Max Peterson. Colonel Wiggins son and I went to Engineer Officer’s Basic Course together near DC.

Max was wearing a Light Blue and white striped suit and was very plump.

I asked Max why he allowed the Consent Decree and why he did not take it to the US Supreme Court and over turn it and he said: “It was a sign of the times.”

So here is an example of what happened: In 1990 I applied for a Forrest Engineer Position here in Washington State. I was the highest rated Forest Engineer they had ever evaluated so all across the state – for 2 years – they would not fill the position and when  I spoke to “Governor Goofy” (Mike Lowry) about it he told me they could not hire me because I was a White Male.

Logging on state lands (25% revenue goes to schools) stopped and so did maintenance on Elementary Schools. When I went to the State Forestry Office in Enumclaw 3 years later I discovered that the Forest Engineer position was filled with a gal with no college diploma and she was the official Birthday Party Planner for the office.

When I spoke with her she did not know the difference between a Douglas Fir and a Ponderosa Pine – not kidding. She just simply routinely approved logging plans with no reviews.Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Just Destroyed Agenda 21

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Arrest Of Main Stream Media Has Begun

The arrests of Main Stream Media Liars – both reporters and senior Managers – has begun. They cannot run and they cannot hide. They are all chipped and their locations are know 24/7. Their lies will follow them wherever they go. While we were all reading FAKE NEWS STORIES leaked by the Intelligence Community President Trump’s Allies – which are growing by the day – were tracking just exactly where they were going and who was reporting on them. While President Trump seemed stunned at the number of leaks coming out of the White House  and “played Dumb” it was a Cat and Mouse game to see who took the bait…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Arrest Of Main Stream Media Has Begun

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Suicidal Seattle Judge Rules Against Travel Ban

A Federal Judge in Seattle (Tacoma) – Judge Robart – has ruled that the Executive Order banning terrorists from entering the nation was illegal. A Boston “Federal Judge” then ruled that this Seattle Judge did this illegally. We have had our own encounter with this “Seattle Federal Judge” when we tried to stop the Veteran’s Administration from selling Active Duty military records worldwide for Grant Money. In late 2006 his judge ruled and ruled: 1) The VA can sell military records worldwide for money – thus completely compromising National Security. This created a situation where many US Intel Agents went to China taking their Computer Codes with them…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Suicidal Seattle Judge Rules Against Travel Ban

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Left Goes Looney As Right Begins Mop Up

Thursday, January 5, 2017


VIDEO: Left Goes Looney A Right Begins Mop Up – YouTube

The news is all over the board today but it appears that the Left has gone absolutely insane as the Right tries to mop up the mess the Satanic Left Wingers have created over the last 16 years.

So here is the daily wrap-up in the news.

In the lead Story:

Yesterday four Black teens were arrested for kidnapping and torturing an Autistic Child for 48 hours

four black teenagers – all 18 years old – stole a van and drove it into Chicago, convincing their “Friend” from school to go with them. When they arrived they tied him up and began to torture him, live streaming it on Facebook screaming “F” White People and “F” Trump.

What is amazing is that this poor Autistic child was friends with one of the Blacks named Britney, a Paid Member of Black Live Matters.

So – if the FBI knows that Black Lives Matters is a Terrorist Group – why have they not yet shut them down yet?

Over 4,331 shootings in Chicago last year – 12 per day – and most of the shootings were done using FBI provided Pistols.

The tighter the Gun Laws – the more shootings, rapes and murders there are.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Left Goes Looney As Right Begins Mop Up