Category Archives: US Employment/Jobs

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump’s New Exec Order: Hire American’s First

dr-william-mount2111111111While all of us seem to be turning away from President Trump and screaming he has been compromised he just signed an executive order that will force High Tech Companies to hire American’s First.

What President Trump is doing today is overhauling the H1-B Visa Program used by companies like Microsoft and Google to bring in Non-American’s to work in their companies instead of American’s

Of course – this means these companies will have to start sponsoring Americans to be trained in America for these jobs.

Lets explain this in Human Terms:

Years ago I went to Chief Forestry Professor at University of Washington, with my formula to Cure Tree Diseases. I got fully funded to attend the University but he refused to admit me into the School Of Forestry because I was a White Male and an American and he therefore could not get a Federal Grants and line his pockets with money.

The Chief Forestry Professor  was an Honest Man and we all appreciate that.

He turned down creating a Huge Dynasty and making this Forestry School the most famous Forestry College in the world so he could pocket around $100,000 and the School of Forestry could receive around $60,000.

So I went to the University of Washington’s Forestry College Dean – and – he agreed with the Chief Forestry Professor.

I then went to the Dean of the University of Washington  – where I learned that all Universities and Colleges are all Private Corporations. The Dean of the University agreed with Chief Forestry Professor.

The University of Washington is a Private Corporation and the School of  Forestry is another Private Corporation run by the University of Washington.

Follow The Money:

Their Internal Corporate Decisions are there’s to make and it is all about money. If you cannot get a grant for an American Veteran with the Cure For All Tree Diseases with 15 years of research behind him then you are not to admit him.

So what happens if the most capable American’s are not being trained by American Colleges and Universities because the Feds will not give Colleges and Universities Grants if they train them???

Other Executive Orders President Trump has signed prevents these High Tech Companies from developing Software Overseas and then sending it to the USA for distribution.

What this means is that companies like Microsoft and Google will have to open their own colleges and Universities to train American’s to work in the High Tech Fields and grants to the Universities will have to dry up.

This will make the Colleges and Universities across the nation irrelevant and grants to them will go away very quickly.

This mean Massive Layoffs at all Colleges Universities Nation Wide, Too bad, so sad, touche.’

Discrimination In Any Form Always Leads To Destruction – Even Discrimination Against White Males.

So do not give up on President Trump yet.

In other news:

1) The Main Stream Lying Press is still using the GSA, Serco and Entrust to try and spread Fake Stories to start a massive conflict to – shall we say – destroy Planet Earth.

If you go to their companies you will meet their CEOs. Pray that their staffs either repent or are immediately stopped form creating and filming any more False Flags.

President Trump – Replace the head of the GSA and cut off their funding.

You cut off the head of the snake and the rest of the snake dies.

2) President Erdogan is now the King of Turkey, essentially.

3) Indian Farmers are still using Coke and Pepsi as pesticides.

If they sprayed their crops with Garlic Juices all pests would leave instantly – but we went form that to the formula given in the video ‘THE CURE FOR TREE DISEASES because it works so much better and it works very well on wheat, corn, cotton, grapes, potatoes, and every thing else we spray it on.

4) Finally – Mother Russia has just sent 5,000 troops to Siberia to stop the killing of Reindeer as over 900,000 were killed to send the Tongues and Antler to sell in China.

China is literally trying to kill their Nomadic Tribes because they are not loyal to China and they cannot be controlled. They follow the Reindeer and eat Reindeer…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump’s New Exec Order: Hire American’s First

X22Report Economic Data Just Went From Bad To Worse, The Collapse Accelerates – Episode 1249a

Report date: 04.07.2017

More economic indicators are showing the economy is collapsing at an accelerated pace. The job numbers came in and the unemployment rate came down to 4.5% with less people getting jobs and more people losing jobs. The retail industry is a complete disaster, and many retailers are going bankrupt. There is nobody left to purchase treasuries, so the treasury is now the buyer. Traders are worried about volatility and they are purchasing insurance.

Source: X22Report Economic Data Just Went From Bad To Worse, The Collapse Accelerates – Episode 1249a | Politics

X22Report Fed Just Hinted That the Stock Market and the Economy Might Be on Shaky Ground – Episode 1247a

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Report date: 04.05.2017

ADP employment surges to highest since 2014.

Services PMI and non-manufacturing ISM decline.

Texas signs bill that will allow gold and silver to be money.

The Fed hints that the stock market is a bubble and it going to have a major correction.

An economic historian is predicting that the central banks are going to crash the economy.

Be prepared we are now seeing the push to bring down the entire global economy.

Source: X22Report Fed Just Hinted That the Stock Market and the Economy Might Be on Shaky Ground – Episode 1247a | Politics

GoldFish Report No. 84 Week 9 POTUS Update with Kent Dunn


Published on 19 Mar 2017

On GoldFish Report No 84, Louisa and Kent review the events in the swamp this past week including info about Benjamin Fulford, POTUS budget and MSNBC lawsuit, Merkel Visit, Jobs for Vets, North Korea, Flint Water, secret service stolen laptop, 9th circuit break-up, Special equinox energies update and a shout out to our viewers and supporters!! And much more…..To help support viewer supported public social media please visit (or we have to have commercials interrupt our programs every 10 minutes) Follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldFish, facebook at, on our blog at and please subscribe to our YouTube Channel at The GoldFish Report. Thank you for Viewing!

Economic Boom: Trump Policies Add 300,000 Jobs In First Month – Your News Wire


American companies are riding high on the optimism created by President Trump’s election victory, adding a staggering 298,000 jobs to the U.S. economy during Trump’s first month in office.That monster figure comes from ADP, a payroll processing company that surveys the U.S. job market. The number far exceeded the 190,000 new jobs that economists were forecasting.President Trump tweeted a self-congratulatory note from the @POTUS account, referencing the long overdue “surging” growth in the jobs market and admitting the numbers are “much more than expected!“…

Source: Economic Boom: Trump Policies Add 300,000 Jobs In First Month – Your News Wire

Look! Trump Just Did What Democrats Were Praying He Wouldn’t Do! They Have No Excuse!

By Lisa Haven  Thus far Donald Tump is doing everything he set out to do. He brought jobs back, is securing our borders, cracking down on immigration, and fixing our broken healthcare system—things that former President Obama refused to do, are getting done. But this isn’t the only house cleaning Trump is doing. In his latest ploy to send waves of ripples into the political system, President Trump has done what no one expected. He left the democrats crying and the American people shouting for joy. Here’s the gripping report….

Source: Look! Trump Just Did What Democrats Were Praying He Wouldn’t Do! They Have No Excuse! | Politics