Category Archives: Serco

We Fight Not Agaist Flesh And Blood

THE ENEMY AMERICA NOW FACES ========== The Enemy America Now Faces Comes From Within The two sides of the Same Coin, both being currently being funded by the SECRO Corporation through the GSA and the CIA are 1) Democratic Supported National Socialists (NAZI FASCISTS) Slave Supporters.


We Fight Not Agaist Flesh And Blood

THE ENEMY AMERICA NOW FACES ========== The Enemy America Now Faces Comes From Within The two sides of the Same Coin, both being currently being funded by the SECRO Corporation through the GSA and the CIA are 1) Democratic Supported National Socialists (NAZI FASCISTS) Slave Supporters.


We Fight Not Agaist Flesh And Blood

THE ENEMY AMERICA NOW FACES ========== The Enemy America Now Faces Comes From Within The two sides of the Same Coin, both being currently being funded by the SECRO Corporation through the GSA and the CIA are 1) Democratic Supported National Socialists (NAZI FASCISTS) Slave Supporters.


We Fight Not Agaist Flesh And Blood

THE ENEMY AMERICA NOW FACES ========== The Enemy America Now Faces Comes From Within The two sides of the Same Coin, both being currently being funded by the SECRO Corporation through the GSA and the CIA are 1) Democratic Supported National Socialists (NAZI FASCISTS) Slave Supporters.


We Fight Not Agaist Flesh And Blood

THE ENEMY AMERICA NOW FACES ========== The Enemy America Now Faces Comes From Within The two sides of the Same Coin, both being currently being funded by the SECRO Corporation through the GSA and the CIA are 1) Democratic Supported National Socialists (NAZI FASCISTS) Slave Supporters.


False Flag Filmed, Ready For Release: London

What you are about to see will shock many of you but this is how it is done.

The GSA releases money to SERCO – they subcontract around the world and hire companies to hire Crisis Actors and pre-film False Flags.

Then – when they are ready – they release the False Flag and claim it was a School, or Mall, or Airport Shooting.

So this expected Terrorist attack to hit England – it has already been filmed and is currently being edited.

The beauty of this is that everyone now has a Cell Phone and can record these “FAKE” shootings and then send them to TV stations outside North America and Europe and they will then be published.

So this expected “FALSE FLAG” set up to occur in England over the next few days has already been filmed and is currently being edited.

When Completed – it will be sent to the ENTRUST Corporation and then sent to every major news agency in the world through the US Sponsored Program called Demon.

Thank you Abel Danger for this report.


As for the Seth Rich Investigation – Sorcha has released some Emails showing just how Foul Mouthed these Elite NAZIs are that run the Politics of America, especially the Democrats.

These will murder, swear, harass and steal for fun and the FBI is used as their personal Henchmen – their Whores and Pimps – to do their Dirty Work.

After these Murdering Whores are pimped out by the FBI Chiefs they are then killed by FBI Henchmen.

Dead men tell no tales

Follow The Money

The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer.

Even the FBI Agent’s Salary seems to be shrinking under this inflation we are now seeing.

Continue reading False Flag Filmed, Ready For Release: London

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump’s Got Stones – Protects 2nd Amendment

Standing up in front of the main Stream Media and an NRA Gathering in Atlanta President Trump clearly stated he will protect the 2nd Amendment as a right coming form GOD.

Without the right to Keep and Bear Arms – no other law matters. This and the freedom of speech, form the basis of any free society.

When the People fear the Government we have Tyranny – like we have today in America.

When the Government fears the people we have freedom.

The significance of this statement is this:

In 1871 Congress passed the Organic Constitution eliminating all rights given to us under the Constitution of 1783 if you Capitalize your name.

Thus: William Mount, WILLIAM MOUNT – represent corporations controlled by these Departments and Agencies and are registered as a Corporations at the Office of Registrar in DC.

Further – since you are not allowed access to your Corporate Moneys through the use of a 5444E or US Treasury Form 211- the system must now come down.

-william mount- is not a corporation and still a party to the original constitution an not subject to any Silly Laws Congress has passed since 1871 – but be careful.

President Trump is Chief Manager of the US Corporation – solely owned by the UN, which is owned by the Rothchilds. As the current Manager of this corporation he determines how to employ  the rules set under his charge – not Congress, not the Supreme Court.

If President Trump wished to over rule a “Judge” or arrest a “Judge” he has the right to do this.


So it appears that for the next 4 years we have the right to keep and bear arms – we hope…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump’s Got Stones – Protects 2nd Amendment

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Cabinet Complete, Deep State In Panic

President Trump is now completing his 230 – 100 day Operations Orders.

So far.

So good.

After President Trump freed up the US Timber Industry yesterday by ordering a 20% tariff on Canadian Lumber to counter their 20% subsidy on Canadian Lumber –  that has been in place since 1980 – he has completed his “100 Day Goals” early.

On 30 April  “Make American Great’s” “Operation Orange” goals will be completed.

Ta Da Trump Ta Da Trump, Ta Da Trump Trump Trump.

After several attempts on his life, and after watching the Secret Service act as Bumbling Key Stone Cops – he has finally appointed a New Director of the Girly Boy’s Secret Service – US Marine General Randolf Alles to clean up this mess the last President destroyed.

(((Any organization that that openly yells at an Ambassador for saving a President’s Life and stopping a Nuclear Conflagration at the Vienna Courts On Tape needs to be gutted. With the Replacement of the head of the US Treasury Department – this will tame those Girly Boys in the US Marshalls Office. As for the FBI – we shall see)))

As for the people in the CIA – most of them are Patriots – Perverted As They Are – and are also not in favor of the total destruction of America or Planet Earth, nor are those in the NSA, and a hundred other US “Departments.”  They will now turn to assist Trump or find themselves folded over backwards in a dumpster headed to the Dog Food Factory. Not kidding.

As for those in the NSA working with Google and You Tube to destroy You Tube’s Ads through stealing Ad revenue and hits – let those Billionaire Google Investors who are loosing revenue due to this “Politically Correct Stuff” deal with them. We promise you one thing – heads will roll.

What just happened in the Underground NAZI Headquarters in Chili yesterday (7.1 Earthquake) should be a warning to them to stop trying to destroy Planet Earth or face the consequences…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Cabinet Complete, Deep State In Panic

Abel Danger: The MH 370 Search & Track Records at Pine Gap …

I have spent the last three weeks on holiday in Tasmania from Vancouver with my brother John Hawkins to celebrate Easter.

Having read the Australian over the Easter weekend I write this as a sequel to “Where is it? MH370……”written by my friend and colleague Field McConnell and first published on Tasmanian Times

The Australian, April 17, 2017

‘Greg Hood, chief commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, has refused to release material about the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has invoked draconian legislation in refusing to release material about its search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, warning that any bureau employee who provides such information to the public or a court could face two years in jail.’

I write in an effort to shame Greg Hood and his handlers in the Australian Government who have ordered the Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau to refuse to release material about the search and the tracking of the missing MH Flight 370 and have threatened two years of jail time for bureau employees who provide any such information.

Do you have any whistle blower protection laws in Australia and if not why not?

Some ATSB officers have doubts about the agency’s official line that MH370’s pilots were unconscious or dead in a “ghost flight” which ended with the Boeing 777 going down in an unpiloted crash as expressed to victim families who seek documents, according to the Australian, giving: ‘opinions of international experts, including from the US and British air crash agencies, Boeing, aerospace group Thales, and British satellite group Inmarsat, about satellite data that automatically tracked the course of MH370.’

The ATSB Chief Commissioner may be trying to avoid a charge of spoliation of, or tampering with, evidence in e-discovery matters, where records in electronic form such as SMS messages are often difficult to retrieve or monitor.

It is impossible that those in charge of the high-tech, cutting-edge Pine Gap facility lost track of MH370 as it flew down the West Australian coast to be ditched in the Southern oceans.

If they did, what is the purpose of this facility in regard to the protection of Australia from attack by hostile neighbours to the north?

I suggest that the flight was controlled using technology that may be better understood, seen and discussed at the following links …

Boeing Honeywell Uninterruptible Autopilot 

Source: Abel Danger: The MH 370 Search & Track Records at Pine Gap …

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Prepare For Power Outages And Pray


–AAA) Prepare yourselves for power outages nationwide.

Operation Gotham Shield began on the 18th of April and will run through the 4th of May.

The Operation is nationwide nad will simulate a Nuclear Blast over major cities across the nation.

Already we have seen explosions in:

1) San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles Area) 

2) San Francisco – to destroy a High Tech Conference focussing on auditing the Monetary Supply

3) Two shut down of the New York Syubway.

Please pray that they fail at  everything they are doing.

—BBB) The sun is growing right now and is sending some rather nasty Sun Spots towards hte Earth – and they are expected to hit … Today and Tomorrow

—CCC) Finally – the IMF Conference in DC today is centered around  “Working With Fewer And Older Workers” is going on as you read this..

This means killing younger people and forcing older people back to work.

After we published this yesterday they changed the name to “Central Bankers Growth and Inclusion.” – which means they watch our channel like a Hawk.  

Pray that the IMF fails in their attempt at Nuclear War…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Prepare For Power Outages And Pray

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump’s New Exec Order: Hire American’s First

dr-william-mount2111111111While all of us seem to be turning away from President Trump and screaming he has been compromised he just signed an executive order that will force High Tech Companies to hire American’s First.

What President Trump is doing today is overhauling the H1-B Visa Program used by companies like Microsoft and Google to bring in Non-American’s to work in their companies instead of American’s

Of course – this means these companies will have to start sponsoring Americans to be trained in America for these jobs.

Lets explain this in Human Terms:

Years ago I went to Chief Forestry Professor at University of Washington, with my formula to Cure Tree Diseases. I got fully funded to attend the University but he refused to admit me into the School Of Forestry because I was a White Male and an American and he therefore could not get a Federal Grants and line his pockets with money.

The Chief Forestry Professor  was an Honest Man and we all appreciate that.

He turned down creating a Huge Dynasty and making this Forestry School the most famous Forestry College in the world so he could pocket around $100,000 and the School of Forestry could receive around $60,000.

So I went to the University of Washington’s Forestry College Dean – and – he agreed with the Chief Forestry Professor.

I then went to the Dean of the University of Washington  – where I learned that all Universities and Colleges are all Private Corporations. The Dean of the University agreed with Chief Forestry Professor.

The University of Washington is a Private Corporation and the School of  Forestry is another Private Corporation run by the University of Washington.

Follow The Money:

Their Internal Corporate Decisions are there’s to make and it is all about money. If you cannot get a grant for an American Veteran with the Cure For All Tree Diseases with 15 years of research behind him then you are not to admit him.

So what happens if the most capable American’s are not being trained by American Colleges and Universities because the Feds will not give Colleges and Universities Grants if they train them???

Other Executive Orders President Trump has signed prevents these High Tech Companies from developing Software Overseas and then sending it to the USA for distribution.

What this means is that companies like Microsoft and Google will have to open their own colleges and Universities to train American’s to work in the High Tech Fields and grants to the Universities will have to dry up.

This will make the Colleges and Universities across the nation irrelevant and grants to them will go away very quickly.

This mean Massive Layoffs at all Colleges Universities Nation Wide, Too bad, so sad, touche.’

Discrimination In Any Form Always Leads To Destruction – Even Discrimination Against White Males.

So do not give up on President Trump yet.

In other news:

1) The Main Stream Lying Press is still using the GSA, Serco and Entrust to try and spread Fake Stories to start a massive conflict to – shall we say – destroy Planet Earth.

If you go to their companies you will meet their CEOs. Pray that their staffs either repent or are immediately stopped form creating and filming any more False Flags.

President Trump – Replace the head of the GSA and cut off their funding.

You cut off the head of the snake and the rest of the snake dies.

2) President Erdogan is now the King of Turkey, essentially.

3) Indian Farmers are still using Coke and Pepsi as pesticides.

If they sprayed their crops with Garlic Juices all pests would leave instantly – but we went form that to the formula given in the video ‘THE CURE FOR TREE DISEASES because it works so much better and it works very well on wheat, corn, cotton, grapes, potatoes, and every thing else we spray it on.

4) Finally – Mother Russia has just sent 5,000 troops to Siberia to stop the killing of Reindeer as over 900,000 were killed to send the Tongues and Antler to sell in China.

China is literally trying to kill their Nomadic Tribes because they are not loyal to China and they cannot be controlled. They follow the Reindeer and eat Reindeer…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump’s New Exec Order: Hire American’s First

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Mother Of All Fake News Agencies

dr-william-mount2111111111While President Trump is hosting the 139th Annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House

While the News Media is frothing about the possibility of a Massive Conflicts all over the planet, there are companies supported by YOUR TAX DOLLARS that are creating, and filming, False Flags around the world and then flooding the News Media with these FAKE Events.

Colonel Fiend McConnel, US Marine Corps, and veteran 747 Pilot  on has once again been able to identify these companies.

Serco – working with Goldman Sachs – is apparently the company that creates and distributes these stories to a company called The Federal Bridge Certification Authority Company.

The Federal Bridge Certification Authority (Entrust) was created, owned by the Government Services Administration Corporation – GSA.

Apparently the Federal Bridge Certification Authority (Now Called Entrust) was set up by Serco Company to synchronize Sabotage, Murder, propaganda and Child Trafficking Missions set up for Clinton Foundation Donors.

The Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) Corporation is a Software System developed by Nortel Government Solutions Corporation for the development of Department of Justice (DOJ) to inject fingerprints, photographs and biographic data into the Federal Bridge Certification Database and Decoy crime scene investigations with Tainted Lab Work and Fake Identities. 

Demons – A computer program – not only acts to synchronize assassinations, sabotage, snuff film attacks, and injects Fake Faces into it’s Facial Recognition Programs.

Thus all US “Federal Agencies” and major Fake News Agencies get the same FAKE NEWS at the same time and then release these FAKE News Stories “Simultaneously.”

What this all boils down to is that the recent Gas Attack was fake and the Hermit Kingdom launch of a Submarine Missile was also fake – and meant you too look towards the Middle East and China while the economy is taking a Nose Dive.

President Trump – If we shut down those companies listed above with a few soldiers all False Flag Attacks simply cease and I know just the bunch of Combat Engineers that would do such a thing for you. 

Please pray that all of these companies are shut down immediately.

Please also pray that the curse from GOD on all of their employees down to the 5th generation acts quickly to immobilize these Satanic NAZI Freaks that run these organizations and that it continues unless they repent and stop these illegal activities and their Treason against the United States Corporation and America cease…

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | What Goes Up Must Come Down – Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

Alexis de Tocqueville stated that:

 “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

If the above is correct then isn’t it about time that our up and down government which began as a Republic and then taken over in a silent coup is about ready to collapse.  Isn’t it about right that all outstanding debts should be on the shoulders of our so called United States of America Corporation.

Isn’t it about right that the Republic of America should step right in seeing it was pushed out and govern ‘We the People’ as it was meant to be from the beginning with Sovereignty?

Is it not right that all of those profiteering from the corruption of the US Corporation should be tried for corruption and treason with all funds and assets frozen?

Shouldn’t this be done immediately seeing they are already (Obama, Bush, Clintons etc.) in the early stages of a well known coup attempt?…

Source: NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | What Goes Up Must Come Down – Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

SERCO: A Corporate Octopus With Tentacles Wrapped Around The Globe

“The Biggest Corporation You’ve Never Heard Of” — The Guardian WHY? From State of the Nation How does one corporation — a mammoth British transnational corporation at that — provide so many critical services throughout the USA’s Military-Industrial Complex and yet very few have ever heard of them? In view of its sheer size, scope of operations,…

via SERCO: A Corporate Octopus With Tentacles Wrapped Around The Globe — Prepare for Change