Category Archives: Wall St Journal

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Main Stream Media Collapsing

Yesterday Jane and I went out looking for a Wall Street Journal and a New York Times newspaper, along with a Time and Newsweek magazine.

These Newspapers and Magazines were staples in our life growing up.

During High School I fed myself with a local News Paper route. I earned $1 per month for every customer I had – and I started with 30 and ended up with 52. I worked from 3:30 to 6:30pm every day.

I ate well on $52 a month. OK – So I learned what cardboard in the bottom of your shoes was all about – but I ate well.

So we really wanted to see what this entire controversy was about and why the Wall Street Journal and New York Times would convince advertisers to pull their ads form You Tube.

These newspapers and magazines were not found in the grocery stores.

Book stores in Tacoma are gone.

We could not find them in local libraries or in college libraries. All of these outlets that suck off of the Tax Payer are having budget problems since tax revenues are way down.

1) Tax filings have plummeted within the last few years.

2) Business revenues are falling like a rock

3) A record number of folks are no longer paying their property taxes. The folks behind us and in front of us have simply stopped paying their property taxes.

Well – apparently over the last 42 years things have changed.

America is now tired of the lies of the Main Stream Media  and these lies are increasing at an ever increasing weight.

As for the Wall Street Journal – Five years ago their Print Circulation was about 2.4 Million – of which 2 Million were given away free. Thus paid subscriptions amounted to around 400,000.

Well – today their subscription is below what some say is one million, and their ad revenue is also plummeting…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Main Stream Media Collapsing

Tech-giant attacks alternative news with financial threats

The Alex Jones Show – MARCH 23, 2017
In January, the Wall Street Journal reported “Google Steps Up Efforts to Stop ‘Fake News’” and this week WSJ reports “Google Steps Up Effort to Keep Ads Away From Controversial Content” — see a pattern?

We show you the new way Google is moving to financially throttle independent media that reports “controversy” — as determined by the Google gatekeepers.


via Google “Steps Up Efforts” To Financially Attack Free Press — Infowars

Why Don’t You Report About Illegal Classified Leaks – Sean Spicer Slams Wall Street Journal Reporter

Source: Why Don’t You Report About Illegal Classified Leaks – Sean Spicer Slams Wall Street Journal Reporter | Alternative

WSJ/NBC Poll: Majority Of American Public Trust Trump Over Media – Your News Wire

A new poll conducted by the WSJ and NBC reveals that the majority of the American public trust Donald Trump more than the mainstream media. According to the poll, most Americans see the Trump administration as more “truthful” than the mainstream news media, and most people have found the media’s coverage of Trump “too critical”…

Source: WSJ/NBC Poll: Majority Of American Public Trust Trump Over Media – Your News Wire

CIA Insider: There Is An Active Plot To ‘Topple Trump’ – Your News Wire

A CIA insider has confirmed that spies within the Central Intelligence Agency are actively “plotting against” President Trump and trying to bring him down. 

According to the former CIA operative, intelligence officials are illegally withholding or leaking sensitive information as part of a Deep State plot to overthrow the Trump administration…

“Tremendous Ripple Effects” – Retailers Demand Bailout After Hanjin Collapse Paralyzes Trade | Zero Hedge

Tyler Durden's picture

When we first reported about the imminent paralysis of an unknown number of global supply chains and a potential shock in worldwide trade as a result of the historic bankruptcy of Hanjing Shipping, one of the world’s largest container shipping companies which handles 8% of Trans-Pacific trade volume for the US market, we concluded that “the global implications from the bankruptcy are unknown: if, as expected, the company’s ships remain “frozen” and inaccessible for weeks if not months, the impact on global supply chains will be devastating, potentially resulting in a cascading waterfall effect, whose impact on global economies could be severe as a result of the worldwide logistics chaos.The good news is that both economists and corporations around the globe, both those impacted and others, will now have yet another excuse on which to blame the “unexpected” slowdown in both profits and economic growth in the third quarter.

However, not even this extreme forecast captured what would happen just 48 hours later, when as the WSJ reported overnight, retailers have gone far beyond simply blaming the Hanjing bankruptcy for their upcoming woes: they are petitioning for a government bailout, or as the WSJ put it, they are “bracing for a blow as they stock up for the crucial holiday sales season, asked the government to step in and help resolve a growing crisis.”

Continue reading “Tremendous Ripple Effects” – Retailers Demand Bailout After Hanjin Collapse Paralyzes Trade | Zero Hedge

Rigged Game: Ever Wonder How Wall Street Analysts Are So Good At Forecasting? Hint, It’s Not Their Excel Skills | Zero Hedge

The stock market is a giant ponzi scheme artificially manipulated by supercomputers. -> Brian

Tyler Durden's picture

Our readers should have little doubt at this point about our view on the integrity of wall street and equity markets.  In fact, we just spoke yesterday about all the little accounting games that companies play to “beat” earnings estimates in a post entitled “Mind The “GAAP” (Or How The Game Is Really ‘Rigged’).”

Well, CFOs can’t bear the full burden of earnings management, they need complicit “independent” counterparts on wall street as well.  A recent article in the Wall Street Journal points out how public companies use wall street analysts to manage quarterly earnings expectations and ultimately their stock prices.  The article summarizes the quarterly dance played out between wall street analysts and investor relations teams to “manage” earnings down to a level that is ultimately “beatable” and thus produces a nice stock bounce on earnings day.  Analysts, of course, are willing partners in the game because being a “team player” means better access to management teams, better attendance at bank-hosted conferences and the added benefit of very “accurate” forecasting for hedge fund clients that pay handsomely for their efforts.  As the WSJ points out:

Continue reading Rigged Game: Ever Wonder How Wall Street Analysts Are So Good At Forecasting? Hint, It’s Not Their Excel Skills | Zero Hedge

Top Russian Church Exorcist: Hillary Shows ‘Clear Signs’ of Demonic Possession (Video)

Paul Kaiser

Leading evangelical, Franklin Graham agrees, and Alex Jones thinks she’s a “big fat goblin” planning to “piss all over the country”

There’s just something about her…

Hillary Clinton has historically high “negatives” for any US politician.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 55% of American view her negatively.  This number goes up to a nosebleed 72% with white males. Only 17% have a favorable view of her.

Continue reading Top Russian Church Exorcist: Hillary Shows ‘Clear Signs’ of Demonic Possession (Video)

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Fake Baton Rouge Cop Shooting, Not Again?

Monday, July 18, 2016

Video: Baton Rouge False Flag – Another One – YouTube

So – we are being pummeled by the recent rash of Fake Stories being flashed across the Mani Stream News Media

Throw out your TV and get rid of your  News Papers and begin looking for real news

In fact – for $30 you can put up an antenna and get free TV – in this area we pick up about 12 stations but I will not have one a TV in my house.

Learn what is really happening

Join the real world.

And – did we not talk about the Coming False Flag in Louisiana a few days ago????


Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Fake Baton Rouge Cop Shooting, Not Again?