Category Archives: Iran

How to explain?

Dear Mr. Fulford, We exchanged mails close to one year ago.  I thought about writing to thank you for your response on 23 July 2017, but imagined you probably receive hundreds of emails, if not thousands, and did not want to be a pest…


QAnon on How Ending Iran Peace Deal Thwarts Deep State Plans for Nuclear False Flag Attack

The military intelligence group that comprises QAnon continues to make extraordinary revelations about behind the scenes efforts to displace and remove U.S. officials that make up or have been compromised by the Deep State…


Iran Brandishes ‘Father of All Bombs,’ Claims US Backed Daesh Terrorists

The “father of all bombs”, which is on par with US-made non-nuclear ordnance of a similar class, is already in Tehran’s possession, according to a top Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) commander. He also claimed that the IRGC has evidence of the US collaborating with Daesh…


Iran Says It Has ‘Explosive’ Evidence CIA Created ISIS

The IRGC claim to have infiltrated the US military command and control centers,  and say they have obtained evidence of a CIA plot to use ISIS as a means to destabilize the Middle East. Alalam…


Iran: US Seeking To Manage Not Destroy ISIS

The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said that Washington is only seeking to administer the terrorist group to meet its own interests in the region…


Comedy Of Errors: Israel Ready For Rematch War With Hezbollah

Israel has amassed thousands of personnel and missile defence systems along its northern border in a massive military drill, simulating a major rematch war with Iranian affiliated Hezbollah in Lebanon…


Iranian Court Demands US pay $245mn To Chemical Weapons Victims

An Iranian court has issued a ruling that demands the US pay $245 million in compensation to the victims of chemical attacks carried out by Saddam Hussein’s forces during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988.


Newly-Released US Documents Confirm UK Role in Iran’s 1953 Coup

US State Department recently released a trove of confidential documents that disclosed more details of Britain’s role in the 1953 coup in Iran, an issue London strongly denied in the past.


Following US Sanctions, Iran & Russia Boost Military Cooperation

Russia and Iran have agreed to strengthen military and technological cooperation following the latest round of US sanctions. The Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin met Iranian government officials during his visit to the country on Saturday…


Strikes near Damascus ‘in line with Israel policy to stop Iran arms transfers’ – Israeli minister

The “incident” in the vicinity of Damascus International Airport is in line with Israel’s policy to prevent Iran’s advanced weapons from reaching Syria, Israeli Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said. Read Full Article at

via Strikes near Damascus ‘in line with Israel policy to stop Iran arms transfers’ – Israeli minister — RT – Daily news

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Completes 3 More Campaign Promises

While the media is bashing President Trump at every corner, and loosing subscribers and advertisers in mass, President Trump keeps moving forward and fulfills three more Huge Campaign Promises.

First – Last week thanks to the leadership of both President Trumps and Vice President Pence a new bill was signed into law turning over Title 10 funds to be distributed by the individual state rather than being turned over directly to Abortion Clinics.

Each state now has the option of either funding abortion Clinics or opening up more Health Clinics specifically targeting Low Income Women.

So now the choice for abortion lies not at the Presidential Level but at the level of the individual governors – per the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.

10th Amendment: Powers not delegated to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the states,  are reserved for the states respectively, or to the people.

States being defined as Estates…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Completes 3 More Campaign Promises

Russia & Iran Order U.S. To Leave Syria As False Flag Evidence Emerges – Your News Wire

Russia, Syria and Iran have warned President Trump to end military intervention in Syria, following revelations that the chemical attack was false flag orchestrated by the West

Following a meeting between foreign ministers in Moscow on Friday, all three countries have accused Trump of undermining Syria’s sovereignty .

We have reiterated our position and were united in stating that the attack was an act of aggression, which blatantly violated the principles of international law and the UN Charter,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

We call on the US and its allies to respect Syria’s sovereignty and refrain from actions similar to what happened on April 7, and which have serious ramification not only for regional, but also global security,” he added…

Source: Russia & Iran Order U.S. To Leave Syria As False Flag Evidence Emerges – Your News Wire

Iran Demands War W/US/Israel In Emergency UN Mtng

via Iran Demands War W/US/Israel In Emergency UN Mtng — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

Remains of a ‘Giant’ Discovered Alongside Ancient Treasure Trove in Iran » The Event Chronicle

Archeologists in western Iran have discovered a treasure trove of ancient artifacts, including the remains of an extremely tall man who lived more than 1,500 years ago. Archeologists excavating a site in the Iranian province of Lorestan have

Source: Remains of a ‘Giant’ Discovered Alongside Ancient Treasure Trove in Iran » The Event Chronicle

CIA Files Reveal Decades of US Intel on Iran Came from Hundreds of CIA Psychics | Stillness in the Storm

(Justin Gardner) In January, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) bowed to public pressure and published millions of once-classified documents online, so people could browse them “from the comfort of your own home.” On the face of it, this is a win for transparency, but in classic bureaucratic fashion, the documents say a lot without really telling us anything useful…

Source: CIA Files Reveal Decades of US Intel on Iran Came from Hundreds of CIA Psychics | Stillness in the Storm

Iran To Name US Individuals Helping Regional Terrorist Groups – Your News Wire

Iran is set to to expose names of individuals and entities in the United States that were responsible for “helping and founding” terrorist groups.The announcement came after US Treasury Department published a list of 13 Iranian individuals and 12 Iranian entities that would face new restrictions following Iran’s recent ballistic missile test.

Source: Iran To Name US Individuals Helping Regional Terrorist Groups – Your News Wire

Iran Just Officially Ditched the Dollar in Major Blow to US: Here’s Why It Matters » The Event Chronicle

(Alice Salles) Following President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries, the Iranian government announced it would stop using the U.S. dollar “as its currency of choice in its financial and foreign exchange reports,” the local Financial Tribune reported.Iran governor Valiollah Seif’s central bank announced the decision in a television interview on January 29. The change will take effect on March 21, and it will impact all official financial and foreign exchange reports.

Source: Iran Just Officially Ditched the Dollar in Major Blow to US: Here’s Why It Matters » The Event Chronicle

Trump’s Travel Ban Plainly Excludes Countries Tied to 93% of All US Terrorism | Stillness in the Storm

(Matt Agorist) On Friday, the world erupted in chaos after President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order suspending entry into the United States for people traveling from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Source: Trump’s Travel Ban Plainly Excludes Countries Tied to 93% of All US Terrorism | Stillness in the Storm

President Obama’s Despicable Last Attempt To Destroy America — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

VIDEO: Pres Despicable’s Last Attempts To Destroy America – YouTube

For the last 8 years President Despicable has been working to try and destroy America.

From pouring in criminals from across the world into America and releasing them after they murdered and raped, to the spending of  $$$ Trillions of dollars to destroy the nations of Syria, Iran, Libya, Yemen and a dozen other nations

He will go down as the Most Disgusting, evil person to ever step foot into the White House.

This will be his Legacy.

In his latest attempts to destroy America, after his Nuclear Weapon and Biological Weapon did not go off in DC two days ago, he has allowed his handlers to Forge (Robosign) sign dozens of bills to take this nation down while he (Obama #4 and #5) plays golf in Hawaii.

Seeing President Despicable in Hawaii playing Golf, the White House, and at a Hawaiian Marine Base at the same time on the 25th was hilarious.


Yesterday, in another display of his utter incompetence and stupidity, this President Despicable met with an envoy sent by Donald Trump – including his Son-In-Law Jared Kurshner – to help negotiate a transition of power. President Despicable tried to start a fight with Jared and when they stood up to challenge each other President Despicable the Coward stepped behind two Secret Service Agents and hid like a little Girly Boy.

Continue reading President Obama’s Despicable Last Attempt To Destroy America — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

Time to Weed Out Terrorism! — Sputnik International

14:50 21.12.2016

It appears that the world is on a verge of a new Moscow-Ankara-Tehran Axis poised to resolve the Syrian crisis and help bring peace to the war-torn country.

Furthermore, it seems that now would be a good time for the United States to join forces with this new bloc, and finally stamp out terrorism in Syria and Iraq in order to restore peace and stability to the region.

via Time to Weed Out Terrorism! — Sputnik International

Trump Retaliation Against Coup Begins After “Spiritual Leader” Of CIA Assassinated

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How The “Conspiracy Theory” Label Was Conceived To Derail The Truth Movement

How Covert American Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations


December 13, 2016

Trump Retaliation against Coup Begins After “Spiritual Leader” Of CIA Assassinated 

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) urgent action bulletin circulating in the Kremlin today reports that the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) main “spiritual leader” has been discovered dead in what Federation intelligence analysts say was a retaliatory assassination by Freemason forces loyal to President-elect Donald Trump against the CIA-Hillary Clinton-Vatican silent coup” currently underway in the United States—and that was the “second strike” by Trump forces against Pope Francis after the February (2016) “message killing” of his 34-year-old secretary Miriam Wuolou[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this SVR bulletin, Bishop Javier Echevarria, the leader of the Roman Catholic secretive “celebrity cult” Opus Dei, was discovered dead in his Vatican apartment earlier today less than 24 hours after he had spoken to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta—immediately after which Podesta, according to the Wall Street Journal, confirmed that Clinton forces had joined with the CIA to launch an “Electoral College Coup” against President-elect Trump

Continue reading Trump Retaliation Against Coup Begins After “Spiritual Leader” Of CIA Assassinated

Iran seals $17bn contract with Boeing in first deal in 40yrs — RT – Daily news

Tehran has agreed to buy 80 passenger planes from US aircraft maker Boeing and plans to close another for dozens of jets from Airbus. The $16.6 billion deal between Iran and the US is the biggest since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Read Full Article at

via Iran seals $17bn contract with Boeing in first deal in 40yrs — RT – Daily news

Turkey’s Erdogan urges Russia, China & Iran to trade in local currencies — RT – Daily news

In an attempt to boost the falling lira, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has offered to trade with Russia, China, and Iran in local currencies. Read Full Article at

via Turkey’s Erdogan urges Russia, China & Iran to trade in local currencies — RT – Daily news

Russia-Iran-Syria Alliance ‘Thwarts US Ambition to Oust Bashar Assad’ — Sputnik International

The current success of the Syrian army in Aleppo might signify that the ongoing fight against terrorism in Syria is entering its final stage. However Mark Weber, the Director of the Institute for Historical Review underlines that if it weren’t for the help provided by Russia and Iran, the Syrian government would have “never been…

via Russia-Iran-Syria Alliance ‘Thwarts US Ambition to Oust Bashar Assad’ — Sputnik International

Russia, Iran to Debunk West’s Media Lies Over Aleppo Operation — Sputnik International

Russia and Iran are teaming up to carry out a joint humanitarian operation in Aleppo aimed at helping Syrian civilians who escaped from the clutches of terrorists, advisor to Iran’s Foreign Ministry Hossein Sheikholeslam told Sputnik. Still, a lot remain to be done to rescue residents being held hostage by Islamists.

via Russia, Iran to Debunk West’s Media Lies Over Aleppo Operation — Sputnik International