Category Archives: Buzz Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin

Transcript/Translation Submit A Question To Simon Friday, July 27, 2018 Just seen interview where Buzz Aldrin at a space convention is asked by an 8 year old girl: Little girl says: “Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?” Buzz replies, “We didn’t go there………


CBS News is in Antarctica for a Series of Disclosures on… “Climate Change” » The Event Chronicle

By Shem El-Jamal

If we have been keeping up with the alternative news surrounding the disclosures of Antarctica, a CBS report on the subject may not come as a surprise. However, if we haven’t the subject may seem a bit ambiguous. Let’s cover the background of these Antarctic reports.

By now, many of us have gotten used to strange reports about numerous high-profile personalities flying down to the Antarctic continent. Personalities such as Secretary John Kerryformer President Obama (allegedly), former NASA astronaut, Buzz Aldrin and many others have, for some odd reason, decided to fly down to this arctic wasteland at virtually the same time…

Source: CBS News is in Antarctica for a Series of Disclosures on… “Climate Change” » The Event Chronicle

And the Next Visitor to Antarctica is … | Stillness in the Storm


(Joseph P. Farrell) Ok folks, things just became even more bizarre regarding the Antarctica Strange Visitors Sweepstakes. May we have the envelope please… ?

And the next visitor to Antarctica is…………….. The Russian Baltic Fleet! (Applause)…

Source: And the Next Visitor to Antarctica is … | Stillness in the Storm

Antarctic Strangeness… Again… Ancient Fort or Castle Remains Emerging from Icecap | Stillness in the Storm

(Dr. Joseph P. Farrell) 2016 closed in its final months and weeks with a series of very weird stories about Antarctica. First, we saw the Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill III, visit the continent, ostensibly to bless the Russian Orthodox chapel at the Russian bases there. As I pointed out at that time, that story just didn’t sit entirely comfortably with me, as any Orthodox bishop could have done that. Why get the Patriarch involved? Following his visit, there were stories on the internet that the Saudis(!) had found something at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, which they turned over to Russia (for some not adequately explained reason) so that the Patriarch could take whatever it was to Antarctica and perform “ancient rituals” over it and remove it from endangering The Rest of Humanity…

Source: Antarctic Strangeness… Again… Ancient Fort or Castle Remains Emerging from Icecap | Stillness in the Storm

David Wilcock on Coast to Coast AM 1-13-17… “Antarctica & Atlantis/Open Lines”

The Future Impact of Antarctica Disclosure — Analysis and Forecast

Friday, January 13, 2017

(David Nova
A nexus of strange events and information regarding Antarctica, including predictions by Clif High, suggest that some type of disclosure may indeed be on the horizon. However, will this be a controlled disclosure?

Related Antarctica ‘Mysterious Structure Discovered’ & ‘Massive Iceberg To Break Away’

Related Antarctica Disclosure Continues – Antarctica Was A Tropical Paradise, H.P. Lovecraft Secret Knowledge, Insider Discloses High Level Masonic Friends Secrets

SourceDeus Nexus

by David Nova, January 12th, 2016

Is there anything quite as fascinating as the idea of a lost civilization buried beneath the polar ice of Antarctica? It stirs the imagination. Indeed, the lost civilization of Antarctica has been the focus of many a tale.
Cult-horror author, H. P. Lovecraft, wrote a novella, At The Mountains of Madness, about a disastrous expedition to the Antarctic continent in 1930, which discovered ancient alien ruins and a dangerous secret – part of his larger Cthulhu Mythos.
“Lovecraft had been fascinated with the Antarctic continent since he was at least 12 years old, when he had written several small treatises on early Antarctic explorers,” biographer S. T. Joshi wrote.[6]

The Beginning: Operation HighJump

Richard E. Byrd‘s first expedition took place in 1928-1930, right before the novella was written, and Lovecraft mentioned the explorer repeatedly in his letters, remarking at one point on “geologists of the Byrd expedition having found many fossils indicating a tropical past”.[9] Lovecraft’s fictional expedition was modelled after Byrd’s.[10]
Between 1946 and 1947, Byrd and his team carried out a large-scale operation called “HighJump”, during which he discovered and mapped 1,390,000 km² of the Antarctic territory. This US Navy operation included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. One piece of evidence suggesting that the Earth is hollow is Admiral Byrd’s alleged diary from 1947.

Continue reading The Future Impact of Antarctica Disclosure — Analysis and Forecast


Published on 11 Jan 2017

PART ONE: I interview Simon Parkes in person in the UK during the holidays. We go in depth on numerous topics.

We talk about pedophilia, ascension, reptilians, nordics, Project Avalon Forum, Trump, Putin, Mantis beings and the future.



Published on 11 Jan 2017


PART ONE: I interview Simon Parkes in person in the UK during the holidays. We go in depth on numerous topics.

We talk about pedophilia, ascension, reptilians, nordics, Project Avalon Forum, Trump, Putin, Mantis beings and the future.


FULL ARTICLE: Trump’s chain will be jerked if he tries to stop the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu — Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.

The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon sources say. “The Cabal’s last stronghold, the vast underground base at Denver airport, was routed by a contingent of US, Russian and other troops, mopping up is in progress with more raids,” the sources say. In another operation “100,000 children and sex slaves were liberated from the underground bases of the Getty center in LA ,” they add.

The South of Chile was hit by an earthquake weapon last week to in order to “shake up the Nazi enclave in Bariloche and Patagonia in general,” they say.

The Khazarian stronghold of Israel is now also under unprecedented attack, as can be seen by the passing of a UN resolution condemning their illegal settlement building in the West Bank. The 14-0 UN vote, with the US abstaining, will lead to more UN resolutions aimed at forcing that rogue nation to agree to a two state solution to the Palestinian issue, many sources agree.

Continue reading FULL ARTICLE: Trump’s chain will be jerked if he tries to stop the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu — Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Secrecy and Mysteries Challenge the Official History of Antarctica — Stillness in the Storm


Saturday, December 24, 2016

(Jordan Sather) In late 1946, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia on a mission to Antarctica called “Operation Highjump“. This mission involved 4700 soldiers, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft in what was officially called a research expedition.

Related Operation Highjump – UFOs, Nazis and Admiral Richard E. Byrd, and Antarctic Bases

SourceWaking Times

by Jordan Sather, December 22nd, 2016
The part of the story that is seldom told outside of official circles is what Byrd encountered there. While conventional knowledge of World War II states that Germany was defeated in Europe, which is true, little is often said about the Nazi escape South to their bases in Antarctica. While the Allied powers won World War II on the ground in Europe due to their industrial might, the Nazi’s had far more advanced technology, and many members of Hitler’s regime reportedly fled to the icy continent after the war.
It is highly likely Operation Highjump was a military operation to engage these enemy forces, and was apparently unsuccessful, as Byrd and his battle group suffered heavy losses and retreated to South America. A Chilean newspaper, the ‘El Murico’, ran an article detailing Operation Highjump on March 5th, 1947, where Admiral Byrd stated in an interview:
“It is necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions…[America could be] attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed.”
German secret societies, such as the Thule and Vril, are believed to already have had access to electrogravitic, or antigravity, technologies, and had created what is known as the “Bell craft”, named after it’s bell like shape. These craft, with their advanced propulsion systems, are thought to have been effective in neutralizing the 13 ship battle group. In the years after World War II, many Nazi scientists immigrated into America to work within the medicine, aerospace, and intelligence corporations. This situation makes one wonder if American hands were essentially forced to accept these refugees.
The world then entered the Cold War years, but the mystery surrounding Antarctica persists.

Continue reading Secrecy and Mysteries Challenge the Official History of Antarctica — Stillness in the Storm

Antarctica… first there’s Patriarch Kirill, then John Kerry, then Buzz Aldrin… What’s Going on ‘Down’ There????? — Kauilapele’s Blog

[Kp image add-on: click the link for an image of Buzz Aldrin in front of the Russian plane which took him to Antarctica. Joseph Farrell mentioned this in the video.] Well, this will be short… with a Joseph Farrell video and part of a SitsShow article. I found the video below rather an educated look […]

via Antarctica… first there’s Patriarch Kirill, then John Kerry, then Buzz Aldrin… What’s Going on ‘Down’ There????? — Kauilapele’s Blog

Buzz Aldrin Is Medically Evacuated From Antarctica — Secret Meetings with ETs or Shadow Government? — Stillness in the Storm

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The southernmost continent of Antarctica has been in the news of late. First John Kerry flew there in November, allegedly to observe the effects of climate change. Then, Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, announced he was going there earlier this week on a tourist trip. But now…

via Buzz Aldrin Is Medically Evacuated From Antarctica — Secret Meetings with ETs or Shadow Government? — Stillness in the Storm

US Space Hero Buzz Aldrin Evacuated from Antarctica Because of Medical Issue — The Event Chronicle

In a year highlighted by vicious and poisonous US Presidential election, a series of underwhelming blockbuster films, and what appears at times to be a nonstop barrage of beloved celebrities dying, 2016 has felt to many like a twelve-month nightmare. And though the finish line is in sight, 2016 seems intent on bringing more bad…

via US Space Hero Buzz Aldrin Evacuated from Antarctica Because of Medical Issue — The Event Chronicle