Category Archives: GESARA

Philip Tilton: GCR/RV Situation Report Update After The Presidential Nomination Ceremony !! – YouTube


Published on 20 Jan 2017



Dunford has been managing the GESARA transition from the shadows for almost two years now. Which includes military watch over the Trump Administration for the Chinese Elders.

The RV will commence on General Dunford’s command post Trump inauguration and complete before the beginning of the Chinese New Year 1/28/17 per orders from the Elders.

Sheldan Nidle Update ~ Dec. 14, 2016 — roseramblesdotorg

sheldan nidle

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Dratzo! Events are moving forward. The top of the RV payout is now in place. This means that the deliveries of the prosperity funds are very close to actually occurring. We expect this process ultimately to lead to the formal announcement of NESARA and the new American Republic. This series of operations is to follow in a set sequence, and a number of joint legal decisions are to ensure that it is quickly and efficiently carried out. Thus, we anticipate that numerous actions are to follow one another so this new reality can be properly manifested. These sequences are to be followed swiftly with full disclosure of our benevolent existence! At that time, as noted previously, we are to broadcast a brief outline of possible actions that are to lead to a potential time for mass landings. Each of these events is linked to the other. A long series of meetings involving the different factions has contributed to a very complex timetable. This process has brought together various teams, assisting us in moving forward! Hence, we ask for patience as these joint timetables are taking place.

The whole process of altering this planetary society has been much more complicated than first imagined. This realm was initially conceived of by the Anunnaki as a land that possessed a primary belief that those in power were invincible. Thus, the present group of minions saw themselves as Beings capable of overcoming anything that might reduce or end their power. A most arrogant set of beliefs was deeply etched into everyone’s psyche. One of the many reasons for our difficulty in aiding our partners in the Light was these insane core conceptions. This belief is now receding as, day by day, Heaven aims a burst of positive and consciousness-raising energies at humanity. We have watched as our earthly partners succeeded in altering this negative belief and initiated a series of major arrests among this global group of minions. The aim of this operation is to ensure that prosperity leads directly into a GESARA for this long-suffering world. Step by step, this is indeed becoming the case!

Continue reading Sheldan Nidle Update ~ Dec. 14, 2016 — roseramblesdotorg

Sheldan Nidle Update 11-29-16… — Kauilapele’s Blog

Another latest Sheldan update. “Much is now happening around this globe. The various funds required to “cash out” all programs are being counted and to be distributed where they are needed. This set of operations is earmarked to lead eventually to the formal announcement of NESARA and then GESARA. This means that America is moving […]

via Sheldan Nidle Update 11-29-16… — Kauilapele’s Blog

Intel SITREP Report – GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA


Received via email for publication……

Good afternoon currency community,

Ok, here’s what we know after last nights intel drop…

The final military special forces ops and ghost tactical sweeps have begun, we are hearing the mission is casually being called “Operation Catch & Release” for obvious reasons.  This sweep includes corporate bad actors of the cabal as well as military and government high profile targets, basically anyone on the “super naughty list” is now being permanently terminated–no questions asked, no arrests, no courts, no stinking badges.

nesara.jpgSadly, this is the ultra aggressive military action many have been asking for.  It’s cold blooded and comes without warning.  It also was astrologically and strategically begun after Mercury Retrograde went direct in Asia, as this is what the Chinese believed was the optimum day and time to start the final phase of execution.  Know they are very precise with everything they do and say.  So as arrogant and entitled Westerners, it’s wise we listen to what the Chinese have to say now… as they’re running the world’s finances just as Russia is now the new international supercop on military scene.  Ears open, mouths shut ’cause there’s a few new sheriffs in town.

The month of September was always the month for final implementation of all aspects of the GCR, with the RV and Paris Agreement being key components.  As October 1, 2016 marks the international legal and fiscal start of the new CIPS/Promise/Quantum Satellite delivery platform.  All monies have long been settled in necessary domiciles and accounts, and it sits waiting for mass release.  Smaller releases have occurred, and continue to occur, with the larger release still awaiting “go authorization” from the military generals now in charge.

Continue reading Intel SITREP Report – GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA

RV/GCR/GESARA Intel Update – Nesaranews

Monday, September 12, 2016

Received anonymously via email at 5:10 PM EDT. ~ Dinar Chronicles

“For Your Consideration”

 RV/GCR/GESARA Intel Update – 9.12.16

For Your Consideration…

All sovereign nations of the world have signed into 30 mutual binding treaties at the G20 Summit in China recently; Summarized, the treaties say human beings will no longer “do harm to the earth or its inhabitants.”

These treaties unified into one movement is called GESARA, and it was fascinated by higher intelligence beings who wish to re-enter our society after a nearly 13 millennia hiatus.

Any nation, individual or species violating these treaties (GESARA) will be removed from society and/or the planet’s surface by heavenly mandate by Galactic Federation Peace Keeping Forces–which oversee earth’s galaxy.

Continue reading RV/GCR/GESARA Intel Update – Nesaranews

PAO – Update for July 19, 2016

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Chicchan, 18 Kumku, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! It is a truly sad time for you and, especially, for those who have so carelessly and arrogantly ruled you. The Nice attack was yet another false flag. It was a vain attempt to bring into view those who so desperately wish to discover some way by which they can somehow prevent the inevitable. The time of these massive behemoths’ reign of death and destruction is nearly over. Their rule by default was first established in the early 1960s and brought to its full potential in the mid-1970s. It has fed violence, madness and crazy acts that seem impossible to fully understand. Soon, they are to be arrested and you are to be shown how they long carried out their dirty work. This last instrument of horror pursued by them is a global psychic network run by a large group of misguided men, woman and boys. It has brought us horrifying incidents that have led to the deaths of famous celebrities, formerly unknown victims and been part of incidents of shocking horror in India, Israel and great parts of Western Europe. The idea was first to shock, and then to hope that their acts led to “copy-cat” acts that spread the insanity. All of this is finally to lessen as this deranged network is finally taken down.

Continue reading PAO – Update for July 19, 2016