Category Archives: #BIRTHCERTIFICATE

– Obama’s Birth Certificate

REVEALED: Obama’s College Records – This Discovery May Put Him Behind Bars!

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REVEALED: Obama’s College Records – This Discovery May Put Him Behind Bars!

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Former President Barack Obama was known by many aliases and he used different social security numbers. He paid a lot of money to seal his past. Although the media has reported about his academic success, we never saw an evidence that can prove it. When he was offered $50 million dollars to reveal his college transcripts, he did not want to do it which indicates that something is going on. Although Americans knew this information, they still voted for him twice.

Via The Political Tribune
The presidential race back in 2008 was maybe one of the biggest deals in the recent U.S. history. During those elections, the liberal media forgot all about their honor and launched its hyper-partisan project.

It was just unbelievable how many shillings there were for Barack Obama since the news reporters acted more as brainwashed cultists than the “journalists” they usually act like.

Among the false stories, they have published that “Obama’s the smartest person to ever be president” meme.

Normally, this cheap story was never confirmed as his academic success and the whole history was tapped and not really researched by the media furthermore.

According to the Nut Bar Factor, Obama’s University days are a huge enigma, having in mind the fact that the professors and his classmates surprisingly do not remember anything about him, even though rumor has it that he was pretty popular among the students.

The real question isn’t really how good his grades were, but if contained within the records is evidence that he was considered a foreign student at the time.

People investigating the issue seem to believe that “Barack Obama” wasn’t who was attending Columbia, but Barry Soetoro.

We know now that Obama was willing to claim foreign birth whenever it benefitted him. In 1991, he described himself in his literary agent’s publicity brochure as having been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

We also know that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, claimed Indonesian citizenship (and “Islam” as religion) for their son “Barry Soetoro” when they enrolled him as a first grader in an Indonesian school in 1968.

His parents seemed more than willing to claim “nonresident” status as well on official documents when Barry was growing up.

Which raises the obvious and often debated question, was Obama really born in America?

This question is immediately dismissed as conspiratorial whenever it’s mentioned as a way to shut down any honest investigation. There’s already ample evidence to suggest that Obama was born outside America, and it’s thought that the final piece is hidden away in his student records.

Revealing them is indeed a big matter nevertheless the way you process it since it presents the real picture and the lack of intelligence of ex-President Obama, as well as the fact that he was recognized as a foreign student, showing once again that he hid the truth regarding his birth.

Now, there is evidence that Barack Obama was a scam. He is an embarrassment to this country. Thank God his presidency years are over!

Trump Hiding the Biggest Secret: Obama’s Hidden Biography. If it Hits, Holy Hell Will Break Loose Worldwide (Video) | Obama Birthplace Controversy

Image result for Obama judicial Watch

Ugly fool Kate Bolduan of the lying media says:

Kate Bolduan Referees a HEATED Debate, “Trump Is the LEAST Transparent President in Our History”
From hiding the White House Visitor logs to claiming that he can’t show his taxes because of an audit, Donald Trump is the LEAST transparent President of our time. It’s much worse after Trump spent years hounding Barack Obama to show his birth certificate and even his college transcripts. Trump also lied when he repeatedly claimed that he would release his returns once the audit is over and never followed through.

Obama’s been gone for three and a half months now but he’s not left far away. He’s been in Tahiti for one month and is now back in the USA. He can go to extradition-free French territory but he can’t escape from the law.

He’s not charged with anything but lots of people want to sit down to ask him the right questions about who he is.

Joe Arpaio says Obama’s birth certificate is 100% forged and….

Source: Trump Hiding the Biggest Secret: Obama’s Hidden Biography. If it Hits, Holy Hell Will Break Loose Worldwide (Video) | Obama Birthplace Controversy

Mike Zullo Releases Portion Of Earth Shattering Info Tonight! (Video) Trump Is Vindicated By Reliable Leaks From NSA | Obama Birthplace Controversy

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Obama On The Run After Drugs Busts Have Begun

Friday, March 17, 2017

It is over for these “Left Wing Nut Case Satanic NAZIs Who’s Elevators Do Not Go Up All The Way.”

((((Before we begin please note that as a matter of fact – most of the agents in the FBI and CIA are not in favor of being part a Huge Illegal Drug growing, processing and distribution centers world wide run by King Carlos of Spain nor are they in favor of any type of Nuclear War that would lead to the complete and utter destruction of Planet Earth – which is why I am still alive today.))))

So what are President Obama and his handlers up to and are they really running away from potential prosecution after the drug busts began???

Are they running from the Potential Economic Collapse and coming riots in DC or are they running from potential prosecution for running Illegal Drugs into the US????

Do you have any idea what the DC Rioters would do to President Obama when they realize what they have done to them????

Here is what President Obama #4 has recently done:

First – President Obama #4 traveled to New York City to meet with his attorneys about his illegal status here in the United States.

Second  – The former President and his handlers flew to meet with Warren Buffet – who being one of the Council of 45 + 1 used to be able to fix anything. Warren Buffet  is now 86 years old and given the severe consequences of the Obama’s administration’s attempt to destroy Planet Earth, may not be able to fix anything.

Keep in mind that Warren Buffet cannot even get the Age Reversal Drugs from his handlers and his heart is in bad shape, as is the degrading of his nerve cells in his brain…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Obama On The Run After Drugs Busts Have Begun

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Illegal Immigration Down 40% In First Monthpotus

Friday, March 10, 2017

When President Trump took office  one of the first things he did was to release the Border Patrol and allow them to do their jobs.

One of the First things Boarder Patrol did was to start obeying Federal Law and began rounding up those Illegal Aliens president Obama Released without a trial after committing Murder, Rape, armed Robbery, etc and began the process of cutting off their Welfare (AUX and GAU – About $2,000/Mo) and sending them back to Mexico.

The Mexican Government went ballistic as they realized they must now incarcerate these Murders and pay for their jail time.

Historically Illegal  Immigration is up 10-20% in January but this year it went down form 31,578 to 18,762 – of which only 60% of them arte from Mexico.

It’s Over for them – the welfare is about to be cut off and 15 Million Illegal Aliens are about to go home and nobody wants them back.

Finally – as a last look at the last NAZI Regime: Here are the two Birth Certificates that clearly show that the last president was an Illegal Alien.

The first was provided by his Half Brother – the second by the Ambassador from Kenya to the United States…

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Illegal Immigration Down 40% In First Month

Obama’s Brother Reveals Former President’s Kenyan Birth Certificate – Your News Wire

Barack Obama’s older brother Malik Obama has published the former president’s apparent Kenyan birth certificate on Twitter. The birth certificate, issued by the British Protectorate of Kenya, states that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on the 4th of August 1961 in the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombassa, Kenya…

Source: Obama’s Brother Reveals Former President’s Kenyan Birth Certificate – Your News Wire

Obama’s Faked Photoshopped Family Photo! Obama’s Secrets Are Getting Revealed Finally! (Video) Great News Spreading! | Obama Birthplace Controversy

(Before It’s News) Obama’s secrets are being revealed in the time of revelation we’re going through right now. This is a blessed period. These are the end times!..

Source: Obama’s Faked Photoshopped Family Photo! Obama’s Secrets Are Getting Revealed Finally! (Video) Great News Spreading! | Obama Birthplace Controversy

Obama’s Birth Certificate Investigation Concludes After 5 Years, Forensic Outcome: Certificate is Fake — Humans Are Free

After a 5 year long investigation, forensic evidence has concluded that President Obama’s birth certificate presented to the public is without a doubt, 100 percent fake.

by Anonhq

This isn’t about whether Barack Obama’s country of birth was the United States or somewhere else. This is about whether or not the birth certificate put forth by the…

via Obama’s Birth Certificate Investigation Concludes After 5 Years, Forensic Outcome: Certificate is Fake — Humans Are Free

The Obama Presidency is Unconstitutional — Operation Disclosure


Barack Obama, according to Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the U. S. Constitution, is an illegal President.

The law requires a candidate for the Presidency to be a “natural born citizen,” that is, a second generation American, a U.S. citizen, whose parents were also U.S. citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth.

Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya and a British subject at the time of his birth, which made him forever ineligible for the Presidency.

For the same reason, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio is ineligible for the Presidency and Vice Presidency because his parents were Cuban citizens, not U.S. citizens at the time of his birth.

There is no ambiguity, although those who wish to undermine the Constitution would like the American people to think otherwise.

Continue reading The Obama Presidency is Unconstitutional — Operation Disclosure

Sheriff Arpaio Proves Obama Birth Certificate Forged — Infowars

Proof Obama’s birth certificate is a phony.

via Sheriff Arpaio Proves Obama Birth Certificate Forged — Infowars

Shocking Revelations About Obama’s Past To Be Released Soon — Infowars

A new investigation into Obama’s past may expose him once and for all.

via Shocking Revelations About Obama’s Past To Be Released Soon — Infowars

Hawaii Official Now Swears: No Obama Birth Certificate – WND


Signs affidavit declaring long-form, hospital-generated document absent

01/24/2011 at 8:48 PM

Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.

Notary seal on Timothy Adams’ affidavit

Continue reading Hawaii Official Now Swears: No Obama Birth Certificate – WND

Office of Poofness 7-6-16… “Mid-week Report” | Kauilapele’s Blog

Here is Zap’s mid-week update. The second half of this is an analysis of Neil Keenan’s latest, and points about the Obama birth certificate, which I have not highlighted.

Continue reading Office of Poofness 7-6-16… “Mid-week Report” | Kauilapele’s Blog

Office of Poofness 7-3-16… “America, The Beautiful”