Category Archives: SPACE

Doomsday Planes Race Into American Skies As Historic Military Orders And Atmospheric Explosion Warnings Issued

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Yet another gravely concerning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing issues involving the global coronavirus pandemic, states that Aerospace Forces have successfully delivered over 100,000 coronavirus COVID-19 test kits to 13 nations, including Iran and North Korea—test kits not needed in the Russian Federation at this time as only 253 people are confirmed infected with the coronavirus, of whom only 11 patients contracted the coronavirus inside Russia, while some 90% of cases were brought from abroad—thus holding this crisis from a military perspective well within the bounds of acceptable norms—the same of which, however, cannot be said about what is currently evolving in the United States with their military forces—who just hours ago officially cancelled their massive military exercise Defender Europe 2020 that would have seen tens-of-thousands of combat ready US Army troops flooding into the European Union—an official cancellation following what occurred 48-hours prior, on 19 March, when the United States Strategic Command suddenly ordered all of its “Doomsday Planes” to immediately evacuate from their Offutt Air Force Base location in Nebraska and deploy into the skies over America—strategic war time aircraft of various types designed to ensure the communication integrity of the entire US government and its leaders in a time of a declared national emergency—and when taking to the air, then saw US Air Force General Joseph Lengyel abruptly announcing that tens-of-thousands of his nation’s frontline National Guard troops were standing by ready to be deployed to fight the coronavirus pandemic—and then for the first time in the modern history of the United States, saw the Department of Defense being given standby orders to ensure the “continuity of government” in response to the coronavirus pandemic—all of which culminated with a shock global alert being issued by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) warning that two incoming asteroids could cause atmospheric explosions over the next few days—atmospheric explosions that, without any doubt, would put an already strained-to-the-limit world in the crossfire of a nuclear retaliation strike if they’re perceived even in the slightest to have a manmade cause…

via Doomsday Planes Race Into American Skies As Historic Military Orders And Atmospheric Explosion Warnings Issued

Dimensions of Disclosure 2019, Joan Wheaton’s Notes from 8-23-19, COREY GOODE (#DoD2019)

Courtesy of Joan Wheaton, here are notes from Corey’s 8-23-19 presentation. Thanks so much to her for compiling these notes. “The reptilians claim that they evolved here on Earth from the dinosaurs…


Dimensions of Disclosure 2019, Joan Wheaton’s Notes from 8-23-19, COREY GOODE (#DoD2019)

Courtesy of Joan Wheaton, here are notes from Corey’s 8-23-19 presentation. Thanks so much to her for compiling these notes. “The reptilians claim that they evolved here on Earth from the dinosaurs…


Huge burst of mysterious cosmic radio waves traced back to exact location in galaxy billions of light years away

A huge one-off burst of mysterious cosmic radio waves has been precisely located to a galaxy 3.6 billion light years away…


Hubble Finds Tiny “Electric Soccer Balls” in Space

Scientists using the Hubble telescope have found electrically-charged molecules in space shaped like soccer balls, shedding light on the mysterious contents of the gas and dust that fills interstellar space…


Moon mystery as deep metal structure bigger than Denmark found buried below lunar surface

AN enormous metal structure buried deep beneath the surface of the Moon has been discovered by scientists. The mystery blob is larger than Denmark and stretches 180 miles below the Moon’s icy south pole…


Hillary Clinton Brother And Top NASA Expert Suicided On Same Day As Jupiter Fears Grow

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A highly disturbing, but mainly redacted “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today appears to link the 7-June suiciding deaths of Hillary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham and N..


“Pulsating Anomalies In The Schumann Resonance And Sun”

By Gregg Prescott, M.S. An interesting development has arisen in regard to the Schumann Resonance chart and our sun. While it is still unclear if the two are related, they both have similar attributes…


Wikileaks releases unused footage of moon landing

Wikileaks releases unused footage of moon landing showing it was REALLY filmed in Nevada desert…THIS VIDEO FOOTAGE MAY NOT BE GENUINE..


Did the USSR destroy a secret US Moon Base in 1977?

A Wikileaks document that referred to the destruction of a US moon base sometime in the 1970s has recently gained renewed attention. The document is dated January 24, 1979, and is titled “Report that UR Destroyed Secret US Base on Moon…


Navy Insiders Confirm Multinational SSP with bases throughout Solar System & Beyond

Written by on …


Cataclysmic Doom Feared After Moon Fires Warning Shot To Stop US Rocket Launch 

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers An otherworldly written new Chief Directorate for Special Programmes (CDSP) report prepared for President Putin and circulating in the Kremlin today confirms that the feared, massive, ever growing and mysterious South Atlantic Anomaly is no..


Russian Leaders React With Alarm After Trump Explains Why He Suddenly Boosted Planetary Defense Budget

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A chilling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today depicts Russian leaders reacting with alarm after US National Security Advisor John Bolton played a recorded video message to President Putin wherein..


MI6 says cabal rule could collapse within three months

There is a very real chance that Khazarian cabal rule will collapse over the next three months, and alternative power structures need to be made ready in time for that, according to British MI6 intelligence sources.  The trigger is expected to be arrests of senior cabalists in the U.S…


Buzz Aldrin

Transcript/Translation Submit A Question To Simon Friday, July 27, 2018 Just seen interview where Buzz Aldrin at a space convention is asked by an 8 year old girl: Little girl says: “Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?” Buzz replies, “We didn’t go there………


Russia, China to Join Together in Space Exploration Effort

China and Russia are set to sign a milestone agreement in October on joint space exploration from 2018 to 2022, sending manned missions to the Moon for the first time…


It Is Literally Raining Diamonds On Neptune

For the first time, lab experiments have provided strong evidence for the existence of “diamond rain” in the interior of “ice giant” planets Uranus and Neptune. The diamond rain was generated in a lab…


COBRA August Interview (The Promise Revealed) — Before the Eclipse

Radio Show, and we’re here with Cobra. Welcome to the Victory of the Light, Cobra. It’s honor to Cobra: I’m very glad that we are making this interview right now just before the Meditation…


NASA: Sun Will Go Dark For 15 Days In Novembe

. Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world. You are my friends and my family and I will do my best to prepare you for what is coming. ===========..


Breath-Taking Images of The Recent Full Solar Eclipse, From Space

(Arjun Walia) As you probably already know, Earth experienced a total solar eclipse on August 21st. This rare astronomical event garnered plenty of attention, capturing the imaginations of people from all around the globe…


Unity Meditation Preliminary Report

We have reached the critical mass!


Spectacular Crop Circle Appears Days Before Solar Eclipse

Just days before the August solar eclipse, a massive crop circle appeared at Sutton Hall in the UK, bearing an important message for humanity. The circle was discovered on August 17, 2017 in Sutton Hall near London Southend Airport.


Intriguing ‘Eclipse Like’ Crop Circle Shows Up In Essex. Reported Just Days Before Solar Eclipse

It’s just days before an eclipse of a lifetime and as the world readies for the sight and some for the energetic shifts, a new crop circle has appeared in a field at Sutton Hall near London Southend Airport.


Solar Eclipse In Leo: Time To Shine In New Ways

We are having a Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on Monday, August 21st in the Western world, and in the early hours of August 22nd in the East. This eclipse has been dubbed ‘The Great American Eclipse’ as its pathway of totality will be cutting across the US from coast to coast.


Kp Note of possible interest 8-20-17 2328 HST… “Storms and Lightning and Thunder”

It’s very “not usual” to have thunder storms here, but currently there is one hitting parts of Kauai. No rain at my location, but lightning and thunder all over, and winds picking up.
