Category Archives: #DNAUpgrades

– #DNAActivation. Upgrade to #CrystallineDNA. Headaches – Half way headaches is DNA Being Upgraded. Ringing the ears. Normal.

Synthetic organisms are about to challenge what ‘alive’ really means

Venter’s achievement followed an earlier breakthrough in 2014, when Floyd Romesberg at Romesberg Lab in California succeeded in creating xeno nucleic acid (XNA), a synthetic alternative to DNA, using amino acids not found among the naturally occurring four nucleotides: adenine, cytosine, guanine a..


Blossom Goodchild – December 15, 2018… “We are rewiring (on top of everything else)”

Someone connected me with this, via Ron Head’s posting of this), and I felt it described many of the “deals” that are going on with many of us at the moment…


David Wilcock FB Update 9-8-17… “The events we are seeing are part of an overall energetic increase in our solar system”

I’m lying on my side right now, but felt this one wanted to be posted right away. I may highlight later. Everything I have spent my life studying and teaching is now very obviously coming to a head in what we are now seeing…


Darpa Unveils Gene Editing Infrastructure to Build Genetically Engineered “Super Soldiers”

Jayson Veley) In the Marvel comic books, Steve Rogers is a character that transforms from a rather weak and skinny man into a supersoldier with the help of gene editing technology…


August Gateway: Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid

Sandra Walter: August Gateway: Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid

Gatekeepers opened the August Gateway passage on SUNday, initiating the August 3 – 25 acceleration. Feel into the cosmic forces at play during this massive influx of Divine Light…


5 ways DNA upgrades change our bodies

Upgrades trigger activation of dormant DNA strands. As each wave of higher frequencies move through us, more strands are activated, reunifying and bringing our mind body soul system online…


5 ways DNA upgrades change our bodies

Upgrades trigger activation of dormant DNA strands. As each wave of higher frequencies move through us, more strands are activated, reunifying and bringing our mind body soul system online…


Applied Epigenetic Therapy & the Science of DNA Activation — The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy | Stillness in the Storm


(Steven “Mana” Trink) Einstein, Tesla, and the science of quantum physics have shown us that the fabric of the Universe is composed of vibrational strings expressed as energy. Every single cell and organ system, as well as our entire physical body, is encompassed and surrounded by its own individual energy field. The basis of every state of mind and matter, including conditions of disease or health, is their primary state of vibration. Therefore, the very life we live is a reflection of our own vibrational essence. We are the creative force in the unfolding story of our journey. Our world as we embark upon it now, is filled with higher consciousness and vibrational frequencies that will only be supporting our highest potential…

Source: Applied Epigenetic Therapy & the Science of DNA Activation — The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy | Stillness in the Storm

GoldFish Report No. 78 [2-19-17]… “POTUS Update Week 5 with Kent Dunn”

Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn

This video is kind of a summary of the four in the prior post. I encourage all to use discernment with all of the intel. Published on Jan 10, 2017 On GoldFish Report No. 68, Intel Guest Kent Dunn returns to the GoldFish Report to lay his cards on the table about why he is […]

via Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn… — Kauilapele’s Blog

R. Scott Lemriel: The Seres Agenda | OffPlanet Radio

GEORGEANN HUGHES INDY GO-GO CAMPAIGN: As I talked about at the opening of the show segments, popular radio show host GeorgeAnn Hughes of The Byte Show was diagnosed with bone cancer. She is now at home and receiving alternative treatments that have helped her away from her “death sentence”. NOW we need your help to provide funds for her treatment and living expenses. PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING by going to this link:

OffPlanet Radio LIVE – 01-30-2013 – Randy Maugans with R. Scott Lemriel


From contacts during his life, starting in childhood and continuing to today, R. Scott Lemriel has experienced first hand the workings of beings who exist at the highest levels of extraterrestrial intelligence. He has learned of the ancient origins of the race called “hu-man”, and the interventions and disruptions in the evolution of this race and its planetary home. An experiement called evil infected countless races creating a war-like predatory environment that has reached its zenith on this world, with this race of beings.

To quote from the book:

Continue reading R. Scott Lemriel: The Seres Agenda | OffPlanet Radio

Energy Report for 2017, Part 2: Continual Convergence ~ Jan. 2, 2017 — roseramblesdotorg

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By Lisa Brown, 01/01/2017

Quantum Collapse/Unify/Converge: Cycles Increase Substantially

These higher light consciousness frequencies collapse and merge all. The higher we go, the more this “speeds up” and increases in strength. Quantum Timeline Collapses shall increase substantially for UNIFICATION to occur continually now. We complete this transition phase for anchoring new higher light filaments and codes cultivated through the “9” (completion phases) that converged 12/21/16, initiating a whole new exciting cycle on our New Year that began on 12/26. We are still anchoring strongly through 1/11, which is the culmiation of our 11/11 gateway that opened. Powerful is an understatement for us all!

2016 was the year for all to experience many things since the December 2015 total dissolution of the energetic gridwork that acted as the “glue” to hold the old Matrix Program in place. For some, this was “instant” awakenings to higher truth and many realizations that they had been living in a veiled existence. The unconscious masses entered the chaos and confusion phase, which is necessary for one to challenge what they call REALity. The powerful Root Chakra Kundalini Electrical Energy strongly activated for many, activating old distorted illusory programs (beliefs) of fear, safety and lack were palpable and strong, while other collectives entered the “fog” where the veils amnesia are lifts, which can be an intense process. Much sleep is required and the brain doesn’t work logically when the heart opens, which is all very much an important part of the process of leaving the old matrix and upgrading the Physical Crystalline LightBody to come online with NEW Earth frequencies and realities now. EVERY THING in the physical that is not in alignment with these higher frequencies gets “reworked” on a cellular/molecular/atomic level. The body, the outside world…. ALL must constantly re-align, re-calibrate, and re-construct itself in accordance to each’s SOUL/SOLar & Galactic encodements through the embedding/integration of intricate geometric overlays, codes and sequences activated by increasing bombardment and saturation of PURE cosmic light. Then there were the forerunners, who experienced a very different experience than the collectives did, the polar opposite of what was going on for “Old Earth”, for they “left” Old Earth, vibrating out of those dimensions completely and stepping into Source/Creator Roles to become the anchor points for NEW EARTH, to open the portals & gateways and hold them open for all to walk/vibrate through as they are ready. This is what is happening now and it’s beyond exquisite to experience! Each ONE who is truly ready, can completely shift into a higher vibrational resonance and existence. Tecnically, everyone already has, they are just not aware of this, because the lower vibrations are still housed in their physical bodies, which is what leads us into the next part of the process….

Continue reading Energy Report for 2017, Part 2: Continual Convergence ~ Jan. 2, 2017 — roseramblesdotorg

Energy Update – Full Blown SOULar Winds, Lucid Dreamy Energies — The Event Chronicle

By Lisa Brown Full blown SOULar winds the last few hours, increasing in strength and overriding our ability to function/do until we complete the integration phase. I learned years ago… let it all go and honor our Crystalline LightBody Structure’s process first. After, we have new abilities, knowledge and energy… ready to rock and roll again. Pineal (melatonin and…

via Energy Update – Full Blown SOULar Winds, Lucid Dreamy Energies — The Event Chronicle