Category Archives: Vibration/Frequency

Applied Epigenetic Therapy & the Science of DNA Activation — The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy | Stillness in the Storm


(Steven “Mana” Trink) Einstein, Tesla, and the science of quantum physics have shown us that the fabric of the Universe is composed of vibrational strings expressed as energy. Every single cell and organ system, as well as our entire physical body, is encompassed and surrounded by its own individual energy field. The basis of every state of mind and matter, including conditions of disease or health, is their primary state of vibration. Therefore, the very life we live is a reflection of our own vibrational essence. We are the creative force in the unfolding story of our journey. Our world as we embark upon it now, is filled with higher consciousness and vibrational frequencies that will only be supporting our highest potential…

Source: Applied Epigenetic Therapy & the Science of DNA Activation — The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy | Stillness in the Storm

Psychic Vampires and the Use of Etheric Energy | Stillness in the Storm

(Sateen C.) Vibrating energy is what makes up the existence of everything in life and is commonly referred to as waves of energy flowing through the universe. Everyone gives out certain vibrational frequencies, which is what attracts the many events that occur in your day-to-day life. Psychic vampires have learned to give out and control these frequencies which allow them to remain in the form they are in…

Source: Psychic Vampires and the Use of Etheric Energy | Stillness in the Storm

Lucid Dreamers Found To Produce The Fastest Brainwave Frequencies Ever Recorded | Stillness in the Storm

(Arjun Walia) Lucid dreaming is one category of dreams that many people experience. It occurs when the individual is dreaming and during that dream the individual is completely aware that they are dreaming. Some people report a low-level lucidity state where one is aware they are dreaming but not able to alter the content of the dream. Other people have experienced high-level lucidity where one is aware they are dreaming but are also able to alter the dream, and have the freedom to do whatever they desire within the dream…

Source: Lucid Dreamers Found To Produce The Fastest Brainwave Frequencies Ever Recorded | Stillness in the Storm

Wisdom Teachings – [#203] Galactic Energy Zones

[#203] Galactic Energy Zones


Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock

S24:Ep11 30 mins February 6, 2017

The work of Dr. William Tifft sent ripples of unrest throughout the astrophysics community, and many scientists banded together to disprove his notorious notions of redshift. They all failed. After examining thousands of celestial bodies, they concluded that there are indeed only six quantized peaks in redshift values; findings which further confirm Tifft’s controversial model of galactic energy zones. We can almost think of these six quantum energy states akin to the energies of chakras, giving various regions of galaxies energy centers which range from lower to higher vibrational states. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast on February 6, 2017.

Instructor/Host: David Wilcock
Video Language: English

Source: [#203] Galactic Energy Zones | Gaia

Acoustic Medicine: The Science of Sound In Producing Serotonin, Neurotransmitters & Health — Stillness in the Storm

(Lance Schuttler) While the term psycho-acoustic medicine may be relatively new in our world, the practices of using sound and frequencies to impact the physical and emotional health of the body has been used since the beginning of time. From Gregorian chants in churches, to the chanting of Tibetan monks, to Native American drumming, song and…

via Psycho-Acoustic Medicine: The Science of Sound In Producing Serotonin, Neurotransmitters & Health — Stillness in the Storm

Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn

This video is kind of a summary of the four in the prior post. I encourage all to use discernment with all of the intel. Published on Jan 10, 2017 On GoldFish Report No. 68, Intel Guest Kent Dunn returns to the GoldFish Report to lay his cards on the table about why he is […]

via Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn… — Kauilapele’s Blog

Cobra interview 05 January 2017 MUST WATCH – YouTube

This is Incredible! Lots and lots of data points cleared up. My categories are my notes.

Sound travels through the ether.

The Most Incredible Ways To Raise Your Vibration — The Event Chronicle

By Lance Schuttler When it comes down to it, the most important thing we can to do help transform ourselves and the world for the better is to raise our own vibration. As it has been stated by numerous indigenous teachers in the past and confirmed by quantum physics today, everything is connected by a unified…

via The Most Incredible Ways To Raise Your Vibration — The Event Chronicle

Vibrating In And Out Of Dimensions — The Event Chronicle

By Lisa Brown As you become more light/more energy, more multi-dimensional, you will have to “learn” (Remember) how to merge your holographic realities with your physical ones. You will have to accommodate your new energetic existence, your new LightBody with forming crystals in it, constantly shifting from tuning modes, transmitting modes, receiving modes…as your new body vibrates in and out…

via Vibrating In And Out Of Dimensions — The Event Chronicle

Science: Higher Frequency Results From Vibrational Levels Increasing — The Event Chronicle

We have all heard about the importance of raising our vibrational levels and becoming higher frequency, but now, science can show us why (and how) this is important! By Rich Fiori Copenhagen Consciousness Interpretation What caused that? In the world of particle waves, the occurrence doesn’t have a cause as we define it. So what…

via Science: Higher Frequency Results From Vibrational Levels Increasing — The Event Chronicle

Frequency and Vibration: How They Create the Structures of Matter and Life — Stillness in the Storm

Source – Energy Fanaticsby Pao Chang, May 15th 2016“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola TeslaIf we want to understand how the material world is created and what keeps it in a perpetual motion, we need to study the language of the living…

via Frequency and Vibration: How They Create the Structures of Matter and Life — Stillness in the Storm

Frequency and Vibration: How They Create the Structures of Matter and Life — Humans Are Free

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola TeslaIf we want to understand how the material world is created and what keeps it in a perpetual motion, we need to study the language of the living energy codes of matter, which is made…

via Frequency and Vibration: How They Create the Structures of Matter and Life — Humans Are Free

You Are Being “Played” – Prepare for Change

The RV will happen when the “Working Out” Vibration is strong enough that it reaches the Tipping Point and goes.

Even though we in Dinarland think we are helping the RV go, we are being Played by CABAL tricks to keep it from going. You are being used and you don’t even know it. Here is how they are “Playing You” to keep the RV from happening. There are two main groups that are being manipulated, the Un-Aware General Public, and the Aware Dinarland.

How Negative or Positive Vibration Influence Events

The whole point is that there has to be a high Vibration of Working Out, to support and Cause the High Vibration Working Out RV Event. Simply stated: High Working Out Vibrations Create Working Out Events. On the other hand, increased NOT Working Out Vibrations prevent good things from happening (Not Supported) and instead create/cause bad (not working out) things to happen.

How “They” Play The Un-Aware General Public

Of course, the General Public has no Idea about the RV/NESARA that will change their lives for the better. This is a GREAT (Working Out) event that is “Pending” in their future. When will it happen for them? Simple, when the vibration of working out is strong enough to tip the scales toward starting the (Working Out) RV/NESARA event.

So, what do the CABAL do to keep the General Public’s Vibrations low? They have shootings which scare people into worrying. They bring in immigrants to take their jobs so that the general public stress over that issue. They put lead in their water, pollute the environment, threaten Martial Law, offer unsuitable candidates for president. They do everything they can to scare people into worry and fear to keep the vibration low preventing “Good – Working Out” things from happening.


Continue reading You Are Being “Played” – Prepare for Change

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | As Promised Now I Am Delivering: The Healing Computer | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

While pondering things recently I realized most everything is coming into place. There remained my promise to you, my friends, to further enquire about the healing box and to help everyone who requested my assistance. I did not want to let you down.

Despite the possibility of pain in my ear being triggered, I decided to fly to meet with my friends who have developed more advanced healing technologies than the one I referred to in a post recently. Amazingly, I received more than 500 emails about the small box that I held in my hand during a video in a recent post. My friends told me that small box is now passe (old), and the new technologies are 50-100 times better!

Their diligent research and professional expertise regarding healing frequencies were astonishing for me to experience first-hand when it was applied to my own chronic ailments.

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | As Promised Now I Am Delivering: The Healing Computer | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

20 Things To Do At Bedtime To Raise Your Vibration » The Event Chronicle

Did you know that bedtime is an awesome opportunity to raise your vibration and to set yourself up for more positive manifestations? While we sleep we disconnect our consciousness from the physical world and instead we connect more deeply with our higher self. This connection helps us create with greater ease.

There’s a reason why people tell you to “sleep on it” when you have a big decision-in our dream state we gain clarity and understanding. We are awesome creators from our sleeping state!

In addition to helping us solve our problems and deliberately create, sleep makes us feel good, boosts our immunity, and helps us heal from injury and illness. So, whenever it’s possible, it’s a good idea to take advantage of sleep.

Here are 20 things you can do at bedtime to raise your vibration and become a better deliberate creator. Enjoy!

Continue reading 20 Things To Do At Bedtime To Raise Your Vibration » The Event Chronicle

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